Sibling Greetje Berens' genealogy network f k a Emsland Buckwheat Farmers Immigration

Picture of Pauline Berens EBBI
The Sibling Greetje Berens' genealogy network f k a Emsland Buckwheat Farmers Immigration publication was prepared by (contact the author) and consists of 75,853 persons. Because of privacy, 14 persons are not made visible. More statistical information about the publication (like numbers and dispersion of genealogical events) can be found on the statistics page. This publication was last updated on Tuesday, June 11, 2024.

25-04-2023: Subproject II Family cards 1918-1936

Systematically browsing through more than 20,000 family cards at to trace the place of residence Barger-Compascuum for the purposes of Local Heritage Book on Barger-Compascuum.

09-04-2023: Subproject I Family Cards 1918-1936 is finished!

I looked up governmental family cards of households in my file where both parents were born, lived or died in Barger-Compascuum. Family cards are only shown as a source of marriage if everyone born on the card died less than 100 years ago. No death found? Then possibly still alive. Deaths were found on

01-03-2023: Obit Project is finished!

Obits are shown as a source of death, cremation or burial with a clickable thumbnail, e.g. Greetje Berens (1952-1972). Sources are shown at the bottum of each page, so please scroll:-)

More information on the obits project and all obits together can be found at
Prayer cards of people buried in the old cemetery in Barger-Compascuum can be found together at

More than 50,000 interrelated ancestors, all family viavia, mainly from the German Emsland, mostly Catholic and mostly farmers.

If you find your ancestors in my file, you should be able to click through to my sister Greetje Berens (1952-1972).
How? You can check this with the Geneanet Calculate Relationship via Shortest Route function:-)
Please try the Next Relationship link. Please let it go know if no relationship exists. There should be:-)

Statistics including bar chart Numbers of Genealogical Events can be found at

Do your ancestors also come from Rütenbrock or Wesuwe? Then I'm curious whether my 3 Local Heritage Books are of any use to you:
- Rütenbrock
- Wesuwe
The same data with partly different functionality can be found at and
- Barger-Compascuum

You can see my 1025 known direct ancestors in a Pro-Gen fan/pie chart.

Quality mark TEST****

Source field not empty: 45,724 of the 45,724 personal pages with 1 or more source references = 100% *
The number of errors in the inconsistency messages = 0 *
Broken links in sources = 0 *
Distribution of G
Genealogical Events: 1239 people with 131 ambiguous place names / 45,724 people = 2.7%->97%ok *

With Quick Search you can search by name, first name followed by a last name. You type in a few letters (at least 3) and a list of personal names within this publication will immediately appear. The more characters you enter the more specific the results. Click on a person's name to go to that person's page.

Index of surnames

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