Family tree Russchenberg/Wind/Kuijt/Kloos

Picture of J. Russchenberg
The Family tree Russchenberg/Wind/Kuijt/Kloos publication was prepared by (contact the author) and consists of 66,521 persons. Because of privacy, 597 persons are not made visible. More statistical information about the publication (like numbers and dispersion of genealogical events) can be found on the statistics page. A list with used sources can be found on the sources page. This publication was last updated on Sunday, October 13, 2024.

In my search for my background, I first started from the family of my grandparents (Russchenberg-Wind-Kuijt-Kloos). One of the results is that all persons with the name Russchenberg, with the exception of the last generation, appear in my overview.

The search was then expanded with information from people who have a relationship with the name Russchenberg (in the broadest sense of the word). I also mapped out their backgrounds of my siblings and most of the cousins and "supporters". (*)

The Russchenberg and Wind families have their origins in the North Gelderland and the South-West of Overijssel. The Kuijt and Kloos families lived in the vicinity of Katwijk aan Zee.

Because most family members were "home-bound", so lived in the same environment as much as possible, connections between different families in that region became visible. It's fascinating to work on that.

I started my journey in about 1970. Now, after all these years, I am still researching the past. I suspect this will continue to be the case for some time to come.

You can find more information at

Jaap Russchenberg

(*) You find more information about the families Bakker, van den Berg, Bonne, Brown, van Duijn, Duivenvoorde, Farris, Frankrijker, de Heus, Kolenbrander, Kranendonk, Messemaker, de Mol, de Mooij, van Rijn, Romijn, van Roosmalen, Rovers, Sijbrands, van der Somme, Souhuwat, Stigters, Vlieland and Zandbergen



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