Genealogy Online has made, through the Scan search service, 4,068 suggestions for scans at Streekarchivariaat De Liemers en Doesburg.
Angerlo, Didam, Doesburg, Doesburg, Duiven, Pannerden, Wehl, Westervoort, Westervoort, Zevenaar, Doesberh
Genealogy Online has built up a register with scans of baptism, loyalty, and marriage records and Civil Registry records and websites with photos of gravestones available at archive websites.When you publish your genealogical data on Genealogy Online (and every time you update your data), your data is held against this register. The result of this comparison is a list of people from your publication accompanied by links to sources where scans are likely to be find of birth, marriage, death or a photograph of a gravestone.
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The registry contains information about online scans and photos of gravestones from the following sources: