About the town » Wehl, Gemeente Doetinchem, Gelderland, Netherlands

Wehl is a town in the eastern Netherlands, about 5 km west of Doetinchem. Wehl was a part of Prussia until 1808, when it was joined to the Netherlands. In those years it was officially a part of Zeddam. Wehl became an independent municipality in 1813, when it was given back to Prussia; in 1816, it returned to the Netherlands. It remained an independent municipality until the municipal reorganization on 1 January 2005, when Wehl became part of the larger neighbouring municipality of Doetinchem. The former municipality also included the village of Nieuw-Wehl, 3 km to the west.

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Gemeente Doetinchem
Vlag van Netherlands

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Please note, there are several place names with this name that appear in publications on Genealogy Online: