Stamboom Klumpers » Clovis I Konig "Chlodwig I" der Franken (± 466-511)

Persoonlijke gegevens Clovis I Konig "Chlodwig I" der Franken 

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Notities over Clovis I Konig "Chlodwig I" der Franken

34197072787520. Clovis I 'The Riparian' King Of COLOGNE-[10860],2,7,8,9,23,399,400 son of Childeric I Claudios Of The FRANKS -[10862] and Basina Of THURINGIA -[10863], was born between 465 and 466 in Tounai, Hainauly, Belgium.
General Notes: Source: Microsoft (R) Encarta.
The first Merovingian ruler was Clovis I, grandson of Merovech. Clovis became king of both the Salian and Ripuarian Franks. In addition, throughan aggressive policy of conquest supported by the church, Clovis enlargedhis kingdom until it included most of present-day France and part ofGermany. After his death in 511 the kingdom was divided among his foursons into Austrasia, Neustria, Burgundy, and Aquitaine.The Carolingians held the office of mayor of the palace and after 639 were kings in all but name. In 751 the Carolingian mayor of the palacedeposed the reigning king, Childeric III (reigned about 743-52), andassumed royal power himself as Pepin the Short, putting an end to theMerovingian dynasty. Overthrew Gallo-Roman colony governed by Syagrius, near Soissons (486);defeated the Alamanni at Tolbiacum (Zuelpich) near the Rhine (496);baptized en masse with 3,000 soldiers (498); fixed his court at Paris(507); defeated Visigoths at Vouille(507); promulgated Lex Salica;succeeded in unifying northern Frankish tribes; just before his deathdivided his newly organized realm among four sons. Clovis II (c.634-657)and Clovis III (682-695) were descendants of Clovis in the Merovingiandynasty and kings of Neustria and Burgundy (639-657 and 691-695,respectively). Clovis I, in German, Chlodwig (circa 466-511), king of the Franks(481-511) and first important ruler of the Merovingian dynasty. He succeeded his father, Childeric I, as king of the Salian Franks. Hiscareer focused largely on forging the Salian Franks on the northern RhineRiver and the Ripuarian Franks on the lower Rhine into a single dominion.He began with a victory in 486 over Syagrius, the last Roman governor innorthern Gaul. By 493, when he married the Burgundian princess Clotilda(later canonized as St. Clotilda), Clovis had defeated many petty princeswhose territories had surrounded his capital at Soissons. He next cameinto conflict in 496 with the confederation of Germanic tribes known asthe Alamanni, who inhabited land east of his domains. He continued tofight the Alamanni, who were completely conquered by 506; the next year the Visigoths were decisively defeated when their king, Alaric II, waskilled by Clovis in a battle near Poitiers. Clovis made Paris the capitalof the Frankish kingdom, which at that time included most of present-day France and southwestern Germany. According to Salian custom, he divided his kingdom among his four sons.

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