Family tree Kamermans-Van Westen

Picture of A.A.R. Kamermans
The Family tree Kamermans-Van Westen publication was prepared by (contact the author) and consists of 20,565 persons. Because of privacy, 2,374 persons are not made visible. More statistical information about the publication (like numbers and dispersion of genealogical events) can be found on the statistics page. A list with used sources can be found on the sources page. This publication was last updated on Monday, February 3, 2025.

My name is Andries Adriaan Robert (nickname: Rob) Kamermans, son of Willem Kamermans (1922-1971) and Suzanna Maria Justine van Westen (1924-2008).

On my father's side I come from the Zeeland branch of the Kamerman(s) family. The Kamerman(s) genus originates from the northern edge of North Brabant (near Veen). The majority of this genus is called Kamerman (without -s). Theunis Camermans (1742-1813), probably born in Dordrecht, settled in Flushing (harbour town on the island Walcheren) in 1798. The family Kamermans on Walcheren descends from him. They lived in the towns Vlissingen and Middelburg (some still live there). I was born in Vlissingen myself.

On my mother's side I come from the Van Westen family in Zeeland (to be distinguished from the Van Westen family in North Holland). In this case, Van Westen means: from the western part of the island Schouwen (near Haamstede). The Schouwen branch later spread eastwards: Zierikzee > Duiveland > Sint Philipsland. Around 1760, Dirk Willemse van Westen (1729-1775) moved from the island Schouwen to the island Walcheren; the Van Westens on Walcheren descend from him; my mother belongs to this branch. A son of Dirk, Pieter van Westen (1773-1844) crossed the Sloe (then still an arm of the sea!) and settled on the island Zuid-Beveland; the Zuid-Beveland Van Westens (near the village Borssele, later also in the town Goes) descend from him.

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