Genealogy Online offers authors the possibility to publish genealogical data and images. By default, all genealogical data of persons who can be determined to have died (or who have given permission) and, if supplied, all images, are published with which they can be viewed by everyone.
So by default there is no access point to the material, everything that the author has uploaded is visible to everyone, except for the material related to living persons. You may not want this as an author, you want sharing to be accessible only to invitees. Or that you want the data of living persons to be accessible to family and friends. If you have a Genealogy Online Plus subscription you can set a access gate. When a access gate is active, you can provide a personal password to your invitees via Genealogy Online and they will be able to view the material after logging in (access is free for them).
The following options are available in terms of access port:
If you set a access gate then you (and only you!) Can invite a family, friends and acquaintances. You do this by entering their e-mail address. They will receive an e-mail message from Genealogy Online with an invitation and explanation how to create a password and access your publication. Within the publication a green Login button appears with which the invitees can log in and gain access to data and images.
Data on living persons are, if you set this in terms of access, accessible to a limited group of people who have to log in for this. This is only within the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), it can be compared to displaying the data on your home computer, but do inform the invitees that the privacy of living persons must be protected. Protection of privacy is and remains the responsibility of the author of the publication!
If public information is no longer available to anyone over the publication can not do more to those in the functionality clues found in other family trees! Google and will also no longer index the data and users of those websites will not be able to find the data.
Data from living persons - even if they are made available through a access gate to a limited group of family, friends and acquaintances - are never passed on to external websites, nor is this data included in the functionality functionality.
If the images are only made available to invitees, they will also no longer be searchable via the image bank . Images of living persons are only visible if the data of living persons are made available through an access gate, these can never be searched via the image bank.
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