Question/answer » Can I also include images in my publication on Genealogy Online?

Yes! If you have linked images such as photos and scan of prayer cards or deeds to people in your family tree program, it is possible to include these in your publication on Genealogy Online. The images are not part of the GEDCOM file.

If you want to include these images in your publication, you can upload these images (of the type jpg, gif, bmp or png) via the management page. The GEDCOM file does contain references (file names) to the images, in this way the images can be displayed on the page of the persons concerned. In addition, an image gallery is made of all images.

Please note : you may only publish images that are no longer copyrighted or have permission (or license) to publish them. As the author of the publication you can be held responsible for infringement of the use of copyrighted works. Read also Photos on the Internet (Dutch) by Internet lawyer Arnoud Engelfriet.

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