Genealogy Richard Remmé, The Hague, Netherlands » Godfried I (III) van Namen Graaf van Namen en Durbuy (± 1067-1139)

Personal data Godfried I (III) van Namen Graaf van Namen en Durbuy 

Sources 1, 2, 3, 4
  • He was born about 1067 in Namen, Namur, Belgium.
  • Occupations:
    • in Comte.
    • cte de Namur 1105, cte de Chateau-Porcien.
    • graaf.
  • (Property) in Namen, Namur, Belgium.
  • He died on August 19, 1139 in (2 Sep 1139) Floreffe, Namur, Belgium.
  • He is buried in Floreffe, Namur, Belgium.
  • A child of Albert III graaf van Namen and Ida von Sachsen-Billung
  • This information was last updated on December 4, 2022.

Household of Godfried I (III) van Namen Graaf van Namen en Durbuy

(1) He is married to Ermesinde van Luxemburg.

They got married about 1109.

Fin Mariage: 19 Août 1139


  1. Clemence de Namur  1105-1158
  2. Flandrina van Namen  ± 1110-± 1165 
  3. Clementina van Namen  ± 1112-1158 
  4. Beatrix van Namen  ± 1115-1160 

(2) He is married to Sibille de Château Porcien.

They got married about 1087 at Chateau Porcien, France.

mariage dissous 1104


Event (Divorced) about 1104: Divorced.

The couple are divorced.

Notes about Godfried I (III) van Namen Graaf van Namen en Durbuy

Profession : Comte de Namur & Château-Porcien

Count of Dagsburg and Namur

2° mari d'Ermesson de Luxembourg
s:mo.6.n.8; HR

Mittelalter DE.dir Graf von Namur (1104-1139)
um 1170- 1139
Ältester Sohn des Grafen Albert III. von Namur und der Ida Billung von Sachsen , Tochter von Herzog Bernhard II.
Gottfried war eine treue kaiserliche Stütze und stand besonders gegen Löwen-Brabant, Hennegau, Limburg und die Bischöfe von Lüttich.

1. oo Sibylle

2. oo 2. Ermesinde I. von Luxemburg, Tochter des Grafen Konrad I.
- 1141/43

1. Ehe

2. Ehe
Heinrich der Blinde Graf von Luxemburg
- 1196

um 1110/15-28.12.1158

um 1130
oo Konrad Herzog von Zähringen
um 1090-8.1.1152

oo Günther Graf von Rethel

- 1167
um 1130
oo Balduin IV. Graf von Hennegau
um 1110-2.11.1171

Die Zähringer. Schweizer Vorträge und neue Forschungen. Hg. von Karl Schmid; Jan Thorbecke Verlag Sigmaringen 1990, Seite 219,377 -



E1. Cte Godefroid de Namur (1105-39) et de Chateau-Porcien, *1067/68, +Floreffe 19.8.1139; 1m: ca 1087 (div ca 1104) Sibylle, dau.of Cte Roger de Chateau-Porcien; 2m: 1109 Cts Ermesinde of Luxemburg (*Trier ca 1075 +24.6.1143)

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Timeline Godfried I (III) van Namen Graaf van Namen en Durbuy

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Relationship Godfried I (III) van Namen Graaf van Namen en Durbuy


    / n/a
  2. bright.ged, Brower, Maitland Dirk
  3. Ballard-Willis Family Tree., rootsweb, Mark Willis-Ballard, Willis-Ballard, Markrootsweb
  4. jean-pierre_masson

Matches in other publications

This person also appears in the publication:

Same birth/death day

Source: Wikipedia

About the surname Namen

  • View the information that Genealogie Online has about the surname Namen.
  • Check the information Open Archives has about Namen.
  • Check the Wie (onder)zoekt wie? register to see who is (re)searching Namen.

When copying data from this family tree, please include a reference to the origin:
Richard Remmé, "Genealogy Richard Remmé, The Hague, Netherlands", database, Genealogy Online ( : accessed July 27, 2024), "Godfried I (III) van Namen Graaf van Namen en Durbuy (± 1067-1139)".