Neugebauer/Schneider Family Tree

Picture of Bob Neugebauer
The Neugebauer/Schneider Family Tree publication was prepared by (contact the author) and consists of 6,788 persons. Because of privacy, 1,750 persons are not made visible. More statistical information about the publication (like numbers and dispersion of genealogical events) can be found on the statistics page. A list with used sources can be found on the sources page. This publication was last updated on Tuesday, July 23, 2024.

This family tree explores the ancestors of myself, Robert Arnold Neugebauer, and my wife Darlene Ann Schneider. My father was Arnold William Neugebauer who was a son of Anton Neugebauer and Marie Magdalena Schnoor. My mother was Hilda Florentine Ghylin who was a daughter of David Ephraim Ghylin and Hulda Marie Backman.

My wife's father was Mathias John Schneider who was a son of John Albinus Schneider and Barbara Fischer. My wife's mother was Agatha Hilzendeger who was a daughter of Joseph Hilzendeger and Anna Kuntz. 

I have also included the family tree of our daughter-in-law Leah Kay Wahl. Leah's father is Fredrick John Wahl who is a son of Lawrence "Shorty" Wahl and Ruby Lauer. Leah's mother is Colleen Marie Zottnick who is a daughter of Ernest E. Zottnick and Irene K. Mock. 

All of the above people have North Dakota roots.

My family tree along with a few thousand photos can be found at Please explore it and help me expand it if you can.

I can be contacted at 

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