The Genealogy John van Hemert publication was prepared by Johannes van Hemert (contact the author) and consists of 10,325 persons. Because of privacy, 156 persons are not made visible. More statistical information about the publication (like numbers and dispersion of genealogical events) can be found on the statistics page. A list with used sources can be found on the sources page. This publication was last updated on Saturday, January 25, 2025.
Ik hoop met deze publicatie sporen van mijn voorouders te ontdekken. Mogelijk dat er bijbels met aantekeningen, dagboeken, schilderen of aantekeningen bestaan die zich in een andere familetak bevinden en harstikke interessant zijn.
Index of surnames
Please choose the first letter of the surname you are looking for:
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Request permission to copy data or at least inform the author, chances are that the author gives permission, often the contact also leads to more exchange of data.
Do not use this data until you have checked it, preferably at the source (the archives).
State from whom you have copied the data and ideally also his/her original source.