Family tree Weijerman » Josias de Villeneuve-Tartonne (????-1633)

Personal data Josias de Villeneuve-Tartonne 

Household of Josias de Villeneuve-Tartonne

He is married to Suzanne de Saffalin.

They got married on June 22, 1597.


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Ancestors (and descendant) of Josias de Villeneuve-Tartonne

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    Relationship Josias de Villeneuve-Tartonne

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    Historical events

    • Stadhouder Prins Maurits (Huis van Oranje) was from 1585 till 1625 sovereign of the Netherlands (also known as Republiek der Zeven Verenigde Nederlanden)
    • In the year 1597: Source: Wikipedia
      • February 5 » A group of early Japanese Christians are killed by the new government of Japan for being seen as a threat to Japanese society.
      • August 17 » Islands Voyage: Robert Devereux, 2nd Earl of Essex, and Sir Walter Raleigh set sail on an expedition to the Azores.
      • October 4 » Governor Gonzalo Méndez de Canço begins to suppress a native uprising against his rule in what is now Georgia.
      • October 26 » Imjin War: Korean Admiral Yi Sun-sin routs the Japanese Navy of 300 ships with only 13 ships at the Battle of Myeongnyang.

    About the surname De Villeneuve-Tartonne

    The Family tree Weijerman publication was prepared by .contact the author
    When copying data from this family tree, please include a reference to the origin:
    Weijerman, "Family tree Weijerman", database, Genealogy Online ( : accessed February 18, 2025), "Josias de Villeneuve-Tartonne (????-1633)".