Family tree Weijerman » Jvr Blanche Rosalie "Blanche" de Villeneuve la Colette (1878-1937)

Personal data Jvr Blanche Rosalie "Blanche" de Villeneuve la Colette 

Household of Jvr Blanche Rosalie "Blanche" de Villeneuve la Colette

She is married to Anna Willem Elie Weijerman.

They got married on December 21, 1899 at Haarlem, Noord-Holland, Nederland, she was 21 years old.


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    Historical events

    • The temperature on February 12, 1878 was about 4.3 °C. The air pressure was 1 kgf/m2 and came mainly from the north. The airpressure was 77 cm mercury. The atmospheric humidity was 63%. Source: KNMI
    • Koning Willem III (Huis van Oranje-Nassau) was from 1849 till 1890 sovereign of the Netherlands (also known as Koninkrijk der Nederlanden)
    • In The Netherlands , there was from November 3, 1877 to August 20, 1879 the cabinet Kappeijne van de Coppello, with Mr. J. Kappeijne van de Coppello (liberaal) as prime minister.
    • In the year 1878: Source: Wikipedia
      • The Netherlands had about 4.0 million citizens.
      • February 18 » John Tunstall is murdered by outlaw Jesse Evans, sparking the Lincoln County War in Lincoln County, New Mexico.
      • May 14 » The last witchcraft trial held in the United States begins in Salem, Massachusetts, after Lucretia Brown, an adherent of Christian Science, accused Daniel Spofford of attempting to harm her through his mental powers.
      • June 4 » Cyprus Convention: The Ottoman Empire cedes Cyprus to the United Kingdom but retains nominal title.
      • June 15 » Eadweard Muybridge takes a series of photographs to prove that all four feet of a horse leave the ground when it runs; the study becomes the basis of motion pictures.
      • July 1 » Canada joins the Universal Postal Union.
      • December 18 » The Al-Thani family become the rulers of the state of Qatar.
    • The temperature on December 21, 1899 was about -9.2 °C. The airpressure was 77 cm mercury. The atmospheric humidity was 97%. Source: KNMI
    • Koningin Wilhelmina (Huis van Oranje-Nassau) was from 1890 till 1948 sovereign of the Netherlands (also known as Koninkrijk der Nederlanden)
    • In The Netherlands , there was from July 27, 1897 to August 1, 1901 the cabinet Pierson, with Mr. N.G. Pierson (unie-liberaal) as prime minister.
    • In the year 1899: Source: Wikipedia
      • The Netherlands had about 5.1 million citizens.
      • February 16 » Iceland's first football club, Knattspyrnufélag Reykjavíkur, is founded.
      • March 27 » Emilio Aguinaldo leads Filipino forces for the only time during the Philippine–American War at the Battle of Marilao River.
      • July 11 » Fiat founded by Giovanni Agnelli in Turin, Italy.
      • September 13 » Mackinder, Ollier and Brocherel make the first ascent of Batian (5,199 m - 17,058ft), the highest peak of Mount Kenya.
      • December 2 » Philippine–American War: The Battle of Tirad Pass, termed "The Filipino Thermopylae", is fought.
      • December 11 » Second Boer War: In the Battle of Magersfontein the Boers commanded by general Piet Cronjé inflict a defeat on the forces of the British Empire commanded by Lord Methuen trying to relieve the Siege of Kimberley.
    • The temperature on April 30, 1937 was between 6.2 °C and 12.0 °C and averaged 8.4 °C. There was 5.6 hours of sunshine (38%). The average windspeed was 3 Bft (moderate breeze) and was prevailing from the north-northeast. Source: KNMI
    • Koningin Wilhelmina (Huis van Oranje-Nassau) was from 1890 till 1948 sovereign of the Netherlands (also known as Koninkrijk der Nederlanden)
    • In The Netherlands , there was from July 31, 1935 to June 24, 1937 the cabinet Colijn III, with Dr. H. Colijn (ARP) as prime minister.
    • In The Netherlands , there was from June 24, 1937 to July 25, 1939 the cabinet Colijn IV, with Dr. H. Colijn (ARP) as prime minister.
    • In the year 1937: Source: Wikipedia
      • The Netherlands had about 8.6 million citizens.
      • January 23 » The trial of the anti-Soviet Trotskyist center sees seventeen mid-level Communists accused of sympathizing with Leon Trotsky and plotting to overthrow Joseph Stalin's regime.
      • April 1 » The Royal New Zealand Air Force is formed as an independent service.
      • June 11 » Great Purge: The Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin executes eight army leaders.
      • July 5 » Spam, the luncheon meat, is introduced into the market by the Hormel Foods Corporation.
      • September 10 » Nine nations attend the Nyon Conference to address international piracy in the Mediterranean Sea.
      • December 16 » Theodore Cole and Ralph Roe attempt to escape from the American federal prison on Alcatraz Island in San Francisco Bay; neither is ever seen again.

    Same birth/death day

    Source: Wikipedia

    Source: Wikipedia

    About the surname De Villeneuve la Colette

    The Family tree Weijerman publication was prepared by .contact the author
    When copying data from this family tree, please include a reference to the origin:
    Weijerman, "Family tree Weijerman", database, Genealogy Online ( : accessed February 11, 2025), "Jvr Blanche Rosalie "Blanche" de Villeneuve la Colette (1878-1937)".