Family tree Pieter van Woerden en Maria van Stuijvenberg » Ancestors of Pieter van Woerden,

Generation 1


Pieter van Woerden,, son of Cornelis Bernardus van Woerden, follow 2 en Anna Maria Fliehe follow 3, was born on February 11, 1883 in Akkrum. Pieter died at the age of 89 on May 20, 1972 in Akkrum and is buried in Akkrum.

Generation 2


Cornelis Bernardus van Woerden,, son of Pieter van Woerden, follow 4 en Lijgina van Driel, follow 5, was born on April 7, 1860 in Delft. Cornelis Bernardus died at the age of 72 on November 18, 1932 in Zeist and is buried in Zeist.


Anna Maria Fliehe, daughter of Bernhard George Fliehe follow 6 en Elisabeth Lem follow 7, was born on February 7, 1860 in Delft. Anna Maria died at the age of 63 on December 10, 1923 in Zeist and was buried in Zeist.

Generation 3


Pieter van Woerden,, son of Huig van Woerden, follow 8 en Catharina Jacobsd. Keijzer follow 9, was born on July 29, 1830 and was baptized. Pieter died at the age of 75 on July 14, 1906 in Delft.


Lijgina van Driel,, daughter of Cornelis van Driel, follow 10 en Jannigje van Dijk, follow 11, was born on April 12, 1836 in Bleiswijk. Lijgina died at the age of 77 on May 29, 1913 in Delft.


Bernhard George Fliehe, son of Zeiger Adolph Fliehe follow 12 en Anna Catharina Elisabeth Gausmann follow 13, was born on November 8, 1802 in Mettingen (Pruisen) and was baptized on November 14, 1802 in Mettingen (Pruisen). Bernhard George died at the age of 88 on June 27, 1891 in Vrijenban.


Elisabeth Lem, daughter of Johannes (Jan) Lem follow 14 en Helena Bovendeert follow 15, was born on September 20, 1825 in Boxtel. Elisabeth died at the age of 52 on October 4, 1877 in Delft.

Generation 4


Huig van Woerden,, son of Ijsbrand van Woerden, follow 16 en Pieternelletje de Jong follow 17, was born on March 7, 1786 in De Lier and was baptized on March 19, 1786 in De Lier. Huig died at the age of 63 on November 1, 1849 in Abtsregt.


Catharina Jacobsd. Keijzer, daughter of Jacob Keijzer follow 18 en Catharina van der Marel, follow 19, was born on April 1, 1793 in Maasland and was baptized on April 5, 1793 in Maasland. Catharina Jacobsd. died at the age of 62 on December 8, 1855 in Delft.


Cornelis van Driel,, son of Pieter van Driel, follow 20 en Maria Elisabeth Hardijzer follow 21, was born on June 17, 1803 in Woubrugge. Cornelis died at the age of 86 on January 16, 1890 in Bleiswijk.


Jannigje van Dijk,, daughter of Jan Cornelis van Dijk, follow 22 en Lijgje Willemse Leenheer follow 23, was born on October 1, 1805 in Heerjansdam and was baptized on October 6, 1805 in Heerjansdam. Jannigje died at the age of 31 on January 13, 1837 in Bleiswijk.


Zeiger Adolph Fliehe, son of (Hinderick) Lucas Fliehe follow 24 en Anna Margaretha Elsebeen Schrameyer follow 25, was born on August 23, 1765 in Mettingen (Pruisen) and was baptized on August 25, 1765 in Mettingen (Pruisen). Zeiger Adolph died before 1846.


Anna Catharina Elisabeth Gausmann, daughter of Johann Henrich Gausmann follow 26 en Catharina Margaretha Holtgraeven follow 27, was born on November 3, 1765 in Westerkappeln. Anna Catharina Elisabeth died before 1846.


Johannes (Jan) Lem, son of Rutgerus Lem follow 28 en Helena van de Paverd, follow 29, was born on May 26, 1795 in Leuth and was baptized on May 26, 1795 in Leuth (R.K). Johannes (Jan) died at the age of 44 on July 20, 1839 in Boxtel.


Helena Bovendeert, daughter of Wilhelmus Bovendeert follow 30 en Anna Geertruida Keiser follow 31, was born on February 22, 1797 in Leeuwarden and was baptized on February 22, 1797 in Leeuwarden. Helena died at the age of 60 on February 8, 1858 in Boxtel.

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