Stamboom Timmer en Van Loon » Ancestors of Simon Timmer

Generation 1


Simon Timmer, son of Cornelis Christiaan Timmer follow 2 en Jacoba Klara Metz follow 3, was born on June 15, 1902 in Amsterdam. He is werkspoor, crasseur and 1e filiaalhouder van de korenschoofwinkel (filiaal no. 19, mr. sickeszlaan 1) ; broodbezorger van bakkerij gooyer by profession. Simon died at the age of 94 on February 11, 1997 in Utrecht and is buried on February 17, 1997 in Nieuwegein.

Generation 2


Cornelis Christiaan Timmer, son of Christiaan Timmer follow 4 en Maria Hendrika Annette Post follow 5, was born on September 6, 1863 in Amsterdam. He is smid and wagenmaker ;klinker ; ijzerwerker ; smid by profession. Cornelis Christiaan died at the age of 79 on July 1, 1943 in Utrecht.


Jacoba Klara Metz, daughter of Jacobus Metz follow 6 en Maria Johanna Jansen follow 7, was born on March 21, 1864 in Amsterdam. Jacoba Klara died at the age of 69 on December 27, 1933.

Generation 3


Christiaan Timmer, son of Cornelis Timmer follow 8 en Willemijntje ten Hake follow 9, was born on October 5, 1830 in Loosdrecht. He is ketelmaker; pelmolenaarsknecht, rietdekker by profession. Christiaan died at the age of 83 on December 3, 1913 in Amsterdam.


Maria Hendrika Annette Post, daughter of NN follow 10 en Anna Catharina Post follow 11, was born on October 28, 1831 in Amsterdam. She is dienstbode by profession. Maria Hendrika Annette died after August 1, 1888.


Jacobus Metz, son of Jacobus Metz follow 12 en Klasina de Waal follow 13, was born on December 20, 1823 in Amsterdam. He is touwslager by profession. Jacobus died at the age of 51 on February 6, 1875 in Amsterdam.


Maria Johanna Jansen, daughter of Johannes Jansen follow 14 en Maria Elisabeth Bergman follow 15, was born on July 1, 1820 in Amsterdam. Maria Johanna died at the age of 79 on April 20, 1900 in Den Helder.

Generation 4


Cornelis Timmer, son of Gijsbert Timmer follow 16 en Aaltje Eikhout follow 17, was born on October 19, 1803 in Loenen, Gemeente Apeldoorn, Gelderland, Nederland. He is arbeider; werkman; schippersknecht, wegwerker by profession. Cornelis died at the age of 87 on December 31, 1890 in Diemen.


Willemijntje ten Hake, daughter of Christiaan ten Haaken follow 18 en Marrigje van Wieringen follow 19, was born on November 23, 1800 in Wilnis. Willemijntje died at the age of 66 on April 9, 1867 in Diemen.


NN. NN died.


Anna Catharina Post. Anna Catharina died before February 13, 1856.


Jacobus Metz, son of Jacobus Metz follow 24 en Jacoba Holm follow 25, was born on May 11, 1798 in Amsterdam. He is molenaarsknecht, sjouwer and sjouwer by profession. Jacobus died before 1836.


Klasina de Waal, daughter of Jan de Waal follow 26 en Aplonia van Boxmeer follow 27, was born on June 8, 1783 in Amsterdam and was baptized on June 8, 1783. She is winkelierster by profession. Klasina died and was buried.


Johannes Jansen, was born about 1789 and was baptized. He is molenaarsknecht, hovenier, sjouwer by profession. Johannes died and is buried.


Maria Elisabeth Bergman, was born about 1792 and was baptized. Maria Elisabeth died and was buried.

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