Every publication on Genealogy Online also has a statistics page. You will find a link to this page on the homepage of each publication. The statistics provide information about the number of people, families, sources, images, places and notes. Top 10 lists of family names, professions and male and female first names are also shown.
The section 'Distribution of genealogical events' shows on a map where the genealogical events from the publication took place. A square is placed at each location with 1 or more events. The color depends on the number of events (1 to 10, 10 to 100 or from 100). When you hover over such a square with the mouse, the number of events and the place name are displayed. When the square is clicked, the publication is searched and people are shown who have a link with the place in question.
The map is based on a contemporary Google Maps map, remember that the place may have looked different at the time of the genealogical event! If you are on a personal page then you may see a symbol next to the place names. If you click on this, then - via the website Topotijdreis.nl - the map of the year belonging to the genealogical event will be shown. With this Kadaster / ESRI tool you can view maps of the Netherlands up to 1815.
Under the 'Distribution of genealogical events' map you can see some filter options. By default, all types of genealogical events are displayed on the map in the period 1600 through 2000. You can also "uncheck" certain types of events or adjust the period by sliding one of the two buttons on the timeline. In this way everyone can set their own view and gain insight into the publication.
A bar graph is shown below the spread map. This shows the number of genealogical events (each with its own color) every 5 years. Just like with the spread chart, this bar chart can also be adjusted to your needs via a filter function.
If your genealogical data is already on Genealogy Online, these updated statistics are also available within your publication. Is your data not yet on Genealogy Online? If you keep your data in a family tree program that has the possibility to create a GEDCOM file, you can easily publish your genealogical data on Genealogy Online.
December 20, 2019 | permanent link to this message