BROBOL Genealogie » koning der Franken en vanaf 800 keizer van het Heilige Roomse Rijk

Generation 44 (continuation)


WOBBE BORGERS, son of (Not public) and KLAZINA JEANNETTE BROEKHUIS, was born on October 7, 1976. WOBBE died on October 7, 1976.

Family tree filling

GenerationNumber of peopleBirth / baptism year
11748 - 748
218768 - 807
316785 - 823
427805 - 871
532835 - 890
630850 - 929
735875 - 960
842880 - 1006
957900 - 1045
1065900 - 1075
1159951 - 1070
1249970 - 1088
1352990 - 1120
14671010 - 1195
15721025 - 1223
16851056 - 1185
17961085 - 1225
18901120 - 1250
191031150 - 1280
201021180 - 1330
21911200 - 1346
22901220 - 1385
23941278 - 1405
241001300 - 1460
25901330 - 1496
26771353 - 1532
27671380 - 1570
28531402 - 1610
29901427 - 1635
30811458 - 1652
31941480 - 1665
32891500 - 1736
33851500 - 1780
34581540 - 1827
35701570 - 1846
36901610 - 1880
371101700 - 1913
381731710 - 1913
392021772 - 1932
403121777 - 1930
412711811 - 1935
422341844 - 1957
43511883 - 1950
4431961 - 1976

This tree is available in text, PDF, DOC and EPUB format and as family tree in graphical form.

family tree in graphical formDOC

The BROBOL Genealogie publication was prepared by .contact the author