Genealogie Wylie » Thomas DAVIS (± 1784-± 1846)

Persönliche Daten Thomas DAVIS 

Quelle 1
  • Er wurde geboren rund 1784 in Probably Brunswick County, VA.
  • Beruf: 1819 - Shelbyville incorpoarted, Thos. DAVIS appt first Mayor. Merchant & Copartner in the firm "T. & H. DAVIS", Shelbyville, TN . Postmaster, Mayor..Quellen 2, 3
  • Er ist verstorben rund 9. September 1846 in Probably Bedford County, Tennessee.Quellen 2, 4, 5, 6
  • Ein Kind von Benjamin DAVIS und Tabitha ROSE
  • Diese Information wurde zuletzt aktualisiert am 26. Januar 2020.

Familie von Thomas DAVIS

Er ist verheiratet mit Eliza STEVENSON.

Sie haben geheiratet vor 29. November 1828 in Shelbyville, Bedford County, Tennessee.Quelle 7

Notizen bei Thomas DAVIS

Thomas DAVIS was born abt. 1784 probably in Brunswick Co., VA to Benjamin DAVIS and his wife Tabitha ROSE. Thomas and his brother Henry are named in estate settlement documents following their father’s death in 1817 - stating that they are both ‘of Bedford Co., TN’. ,

Thos. DAVIS was the 1st postmaster of Shelbyville.
Deeds state that Thomas is Henry's brother

Other records mentioning Thomas DAVIS of Beford Co., TN in the TN State Library and Archives>State Records>Acts of TN, 1796-1830>D Part 1
DAVIS, Thos. 1817, Serial No. 21, Chapter & Section 145.42, Director of Shelbyville Tenn. Bank
DAVIS, Thos. 1825, 30, 314.1, Shelbyville Masonic hall lottery trustee
DAVIS, Thos. 1827, 32 Private, 58.5 Duck River improvement, lottery manager
DAVIS, Thos. 1829, 33 Private, 238.1, To exevute Bedford County land deeds
DAVIS, Thos. 1831, 35 P, 61.7, Bedford Co. - Western Manufacturing Co. incorporated
DAVIS, Thos. 1833, 38, 34.1, Bedford Co. - Planters Bank of TN
DAVIS, Thos. 1835, 41 P, 6.2, Bedford Co. - Middle and East TN railroad commissioner
DAVIS, Thos. 1832, 36, 2.1, Beford Co. - Union Bank of TN

Bedford Co., TN - Deeds & Records
Bedford County Courthouse Register of Deeds, Shelbyville, TN. 11/9/98
Transcribed from photocopies of original deed book recordings - by Donna Warner Lehman, 4320 Sprucebough Dr., Marietta, GA 30062 (XXXXX@XXXX.XXX)

DB: D pgs.165 & 166
Benjn. BRADFORD Sheriff Deed to Thos. & Henry DAVIS

This Indenture made this first day of October in the Year eighteen hundred & twelve between Benjamin BRADFORD Sherriff of Bedford County and State of Tennessee of the one part and Thomas and Henry DAVIS of the other part. Witnesseth that the Said Benjamin BRADFORD Sherriff of Bedford by Virtue of a Writ of Vendetions expense to him directed by the County Court of Bedford to him directed at the instance of Joseph PHILLIPS Proceeded to Sell a Certain Tract Piece of Parcel of Land lying in the County of Bedford Known and distinguished in the Plan of the Town of Shelbyville by Lot No. 108 as the property of James HOLLAND and having given the Requested Notice Required by Law proceeded to Sell all the right and interest which the said James HOLLAND had in and to the said Lot No. 108 Known & distinguished as aforesaid on the 12th day of September 1812 at the Court house in Shelbyville In the County of Bedford in a publick manner the Interest Further Witnesseth that the said Lot No. 108 being publickly exposed to Sale and there being many bidders for said Lot No. 108 the said Thomas & Henry DAVIS among others publickly offered for Sale Lot No. 108 the sum of eleven dollars it being the highest bidder to the Cries of Said Lot and the said Crier Sold off said Lot to said Thomas & Henry DAVIS by Virtue of said Writ of Vendetions expences to him directed This Indenture further Witnesseth that the sd. Benj. BRADFORD Sherriff as aforesaid for and in consideration of the sum of twelve dollars to him in hand paid by the said Thomas & Henry DAVIS the receipt whareof is hereby acknowledged, hath Sold aliened & Confirmed unto the said Thomas & Henry DAVIS the sd. Lot No. 108 To have & to Hold unto the sd. Thos. & Henry DAVIS their heirs Executors & Administrators forever & all the right title & interest of said James HOLLAND which James HOLLAND had at the Time of said Sale in Testimony Whareof the said Benj. BRADFORD Sherriff of Bedford County do hereby set my hand & Seal this first day of October 1812.
Benj. BRADFORD Sherriff of Bedford County
Witness: H. CONWAY Jurat
Geo. BALCH Jurat
State of Tennessee
Bedford County:December Session 1812
I Thomas MOORE Clerk of the Court of Pleas and Quarters Sessions of the County of Bedford do hereby certify that the within was proven in open Court by the Oaths of Henry CONWAY & Geo. B. BALCH Two of the subscribing witnesses thereunto and Ordered to be Certified for Registration given under my hand at office this 9th day of Feby 1813. Tho. MOORE Clk. Registered 15 Feby 1813 E. WADE Register
Chancery Court Records of Bedford Co., TN - compiled by Helen Crawford Marsh and Timothy Richard Marsh.

(The Records of the Allison Land Deal
Compiled by Steve Carson
Copyright 2002 All Rights Reserved - In 1823 the “Allison Land Deal” cleared the title to many properties in the Three Forks area of Bedford County, Tennessee.  Settlers paid 30 cents per acre to obtain clear title and a set of mortgages record the transactions.  The land descriptions embedded in these mortgages provide a valuable description of the owners and/or occupiers of these tracts of land in 1823, describing the watercourses the lands were located on as well as the names of neighbors.  These mortgages are microfilmed by TSLA and are on the reel entitled “Land Book” that also contains the Bedford County TN Grant Book.)
Thomas Davis
Situated on the Garrison Forks of the Duck River lying between Davises Mill dam on the south east of Col. Neeles land on the east, Shellors on the North and James L. Armstrong on the West containing one hundred and forty acres

Page 313 - George DAVIDSON & others vs. The Bank of State of Tennessee
George DAVIDSON, Thomas DAVIS and Clement CANNON filed against the Bank of Stae of Tennessee. They stated that on 13th July 1829, a judgement in the County Court of Davidson Co. against one Thomas SANDERS and one Giles BURDITT, now deceased, and your orators by the Bank of State of TN for $1025.60. 28 Sep 1840.
Chancery Court Records of Bedford Co., TN - compiled by Helen Crawford Marsh and Timothy Richard Marsh.

Page 229 - Thomas DAVIS vs. John T. SHANKS & David GREEN
John T. SHANKS (is a non-resident) owns a debt to complt. DAVIS filed an attachment bill on estate of John T. SHANKS' Town Lot in Shelbyville, known in the Town plan as Lot No. 74 occupied as a work shop by deft David GREEN. Said lot should be sold. Report: The Report is that SHANKS to pay DAVIS. (ABT 1839)

Chancery Court Records of Bedford Co., TN - compiled by Helen Crawford Marsh and Timothy Richard Marsh.

Page 52 - Thomas DAVIS vs. John T. SHANKS & David GREEN - abt 1841/42
Thomas DAVIS, of Bedford Co. and John T. SHANKS of Missouri and David GREEN of Missouri. Orator states that SHANKS and GREEN formerly were residents of Bedford Co. before going to Missour and that they are indebted to orator by notes. SHANKS left for Missour in 1837 or 1838. Orator states that the only property of John T. SHANKS in Bedford Co., is a home and lot in Shelbyville now occupied as a work shop by David GREEN. Said Lot No. 74. Orator asks for lot to be attached. SHANKS sold lot to Letitia GREEN but was not registered. (Letitia is mother of David GREEN). Augustus H. WHITE obtained a judgement against SHANKS on Lot No. 74, sold on 12 Apr 1828 (?? - perhaps typo - 1838?) by sheriff and Daniel MCKISICK became the purchaser.

Another lawsuit involving Wm. F. LONG in 1836: ,

*** Researcher's Warning***

View everything with healthy skepticism! Not all information has been proven or even sourced. There is a solid core that has been and will be noted. Where it is not, take it as a useful hint or starting point and double-check.

This is shared with others in the spirit that others have shared with me. Please use for your own interest, and not for profit.

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Vorfahren (und Nachkommen) von Thomas DAVIS

Henry Davis
> 1703-< 1767
Mary Marriott
± 1716-± 1765
Benjamin DAVIS
± 1740-< 1817
Tabitha ROSE
± 1743-< 1810

Thomas DAVIS
± 1784-± 1846

< 1828

± 1790-> 1828

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  1. #5486
    Land Deed Genealogy of Bedford County Tennessee 1807-1852
    Compiled by Helen C. Marsh & Timothy R. Marsh, 1988

    DB:DD, p170
    5 Sep 1833.I, Henry DAVIS of Bedford Co., TN, having full faith in my brother Thomas DAVIS of the town of Shelbyville, Bedford Co., do appoint him my Attorney. He is to purchase apartment of goods in Philadelphia. Reg: 6 Sep 1833.
  2. #5489
    Newspaper Vital Records of Bedford Co., TN - by Helen C. & Timothy R. Marsh (Argie Cooper Public Library, Shelbyville, Bedford Co., TN)

    Died: Mr. Thomas DAVIS, Esq. Died at Shelbyville, TN (1st Mayor & Postmaster) - NW (Nashville Weekly?? - didn't note.DW) 9 Sep 1846.
  3. #5471
    Bedford Co., TN - Deeds & Records
    Bedford County Courthouse Register of Deeds, Shelbyville, TN. 11/9/98
    Transcribed from photocopies of original deed book recordings - by Donna Warner, 3205 Larga Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90039. (XXXXX@XXXX.XXX)

    DB:D pgs.177 & 178
    Francis MURRAY Deed to T. & H. DAVIS Lot No 37

    This indenture made this Twenty ninth day of December in the Year of our Lord one Thousand eight Hundred & Twelve between Frances MURRAY of the County of Bedford and State of Tennessee of the one part and Thos. & H. DAVIS of the County & State aforesaid Merchants & Copartners in Trade under the firm & Stile of T & H DAVIS of the other part (Witness) that the said Frances MURRAY of and in consideration of Two Hundred Dollars to him paid the receipt whareof he doth hereby fully acknowledge hath granted bargained & sold & do by these presents bargain grant Sell Convey & Confirm unto the said T & Henry DAVIS their Heirs Executors & Administrators forever one part of a Certain Lot in the Town of Shelbyville known & Distinguished in the place of said Town by No 37. and conveyed by the Commissioners of said Town to Clement CANNON and bounded and Butted, viz: Beginning at the South West Corner of said Lot to a Stake runing thence East to the Seven feet thence West to the North Thereby Seven feet thence West to the Northeast Corner of James EDDE Sadler's Shop thence South Sixteen feet thence West twenty one feet thence South Twenty one feet to the Beginning To Have and to Hold the said Lot or parcel of Ground and every part thereof with woods waters minerals priveleges & advantages Whatsoever to the only use benefit & behoof to them the said T & H DAVIS their Heirs Executors and administrators forever as also the right Claim & interest property & demands Whatsoever he the said Frances MURRAY his Heirs Executors administrators had of in and to the said Lot or part thereof & the said Frances MURRAY do bind himself his Heirs Executors & administrators to Warrant and defend the said Lot or part thereof To the sd. T & H DAVIS their Heirs Executors Administrators & Assigns forever clear from all person or persons claiming under him or otherwise in any Manor Whatever in Testimony Whareof I have hereunto affixed my hand and Seal at Shelbyville and in the presents of undersigned before Assigns.
    Witness: Robert MURRAY JuratFrances MURRAY (Seal)
    James WALKER Jurat

    State of Tennessee
    Bedford County:December Session 1812
    I Thomas MOORE Clerk of the Court of Pleas & quarters Sessions of the said County of Bedford do hereby certify that the Execution on the within deed from Frances MURRAY to T. & H. DAVIS for part of a Town Lot No. 37 was proven in open Court by the Oaths of Robert MURRAY & James WALKER subscribing witnesses thereto & ordered to be [Arlyed?] for Registration given under my hand at office this 9th day of Feby 1813. Thos. MOORE Clk
    Registered this 24th Feby 1813 Edw. C. WADE Register

    Bedford Co., TN - Deeds & Records
    Bedford County Courthouse Register of Deeds, Shelbyville, TN. 11/9/98
    Transcribed from photocopies of original deed book recordings - by Donna Warner, 3205 Larga Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90039. (XXXXX@XXXX.XXX)

    DB:D pgs.270 & 271
    James EDDE to Thomas & Henry DAVIS Town Lot #

    This indenture made this Nineteenth day of March in the year of our Lord one Thousand Eight hundred & thirteen Between James EDDE of the County of Bedford and State of Tennessee of the one part and Thomas & Henry DAVIS of the County and State aforesaid of the other part. Witnesseth the said James EDDE for and in consideration of one Hundred Ten Dollars to him in hand paid the receipt whareof he doth hereby fully acknowledge hath granted Bargained and Sold and do by these presents bargain grant Sell Convey and Confirm unto the said Thomas & Henry DAVIS their Heirs Executors & administrators for even one part of a Certain Lot in the Town of Shelbyville known and distinguished in the plan of said Town by No. 37. Beginning at a Stake Twenty one Feet North of the Southwest Corner of said Lot runing from Thence with the West line of said Lot North Sixteen feet to a Stake Thence East Twenty one feet to a Stake then South Sixteen feet to a Stake thence West twenty one feet to the Beginning including the Saddlers Shop now occupied by the said EDDE to have & to hold the aforesaid Land with all & Singular the right profits endowments Hereditaments & appurtenances of in & to the Land belonging or in any wise appertaining to the only proper use and behoof of the said Tho, & Henry DAVIS the heirs and assigns forever and the Said James EDDE for his Heirs Executors administrators do Covenant and agree to and with the said Thos. & Henry DAVIS their heirs and assigns that the before Land and Bargained premises he will Warrant and defend forever the right title Interest or claim of all and every person or persons Whatever claiming the same.
    Witness whareof the said James EDDE have hereunto Set his hand and Seal the Day and Year above written in Testimony Signed Sealed & in Presents of
    WitnessJames EDDE (Seal)
    David GILCHRISTAckd.
    Thomas MOORE

    State of Tennessee
    Bedford County:March Term 1813
    The execution of the within Deed from James EDDE to Thos. & Henry DAVIS for part of a Lot Was acknowledged in open Court by James EDDE the assignor & ordered to be Registered in Testimony Whareof I have hereunto Set my hand this 26th day of April 1813.
    Thos. MOORE Clk
    Registered 19th June 1813 Edw. C. WADE
  4. #5488
    Chancery Court Records of Bedford Co., TN - compiled by Helen Crawford Marsh and Timothy Richard Marsh.

    Page 364 - Richard H. SIMS & Thomas LIPSCOMB vs. James STORY
    Complts and Thomas DAVIS formerly executed the writing obligatory to one Mrs. Sarah MARTIN, where they promised to pay her $105.00, notes dated 3 Dec 1838, and that Thomas DAVIS furnished to John W. RAGSDALE money to pay said notes and he transferred obligatory to James STORY who had brought suit. (circa Mar 1845)

    Chancery Court Records of Bedford Co., TN - compiled by Helen Crawford Marsh and Timothy Richard Marsh.

    Page 237 - Thomas LIPSCOMB & R.H. SIMS vs. James STORY - Inj. Bill, files April 12, 1844.
    Richard H. SIMS and Thomas LIPSCOMB filed against Sarah MARTIN and James STORY, all of Bedford Co.
    Orators state that in the year of 1838, they together with Thomas DAVIS were partners in a purchase of a drove of hogs for the Southern Market, that they purchased from Sarah MARTIN a lot of hogs and on 3rd Dec 1838 exefuted notes to her to be paid in 60 days in Tennessee or Alabama Bank notes. Thomas DAVIS paid John W. RAGSDALE and RAGSDALE took up the note, which orators thought the debt was settled. A suite was brought against your orators and said DAVIS in the name of Sarah MARTIN, who sues for the use of James STORY who claims to have obtained it from RAGSDALE. Orators knew nothing of it and had not endorsed the notes. Thomas DAVIS had obtained a Bankruptcy also James STORY took out Bankruptcy.
  5. #5470
    Land Deed Genealogy of Bedford County Tennessee 1807-1852
    Compiled by Helen C. Marsh & Timothy R. Marsh, 1988

    DB HH p.351 - 9 Feb 1839.
    Thomas and J.S. DAVIS to James McMICHAEL. Deed, Lot No. 26, Fairfield. Thomas DAVIS and John S. DAVIS, Executors of Henry DAVIS, deceased, of Bedford Co., TN one part and James Mc MICAEL of Coffee Co., TN other part. Wit: Robert HURST and Thomas A. HIME. Reg: 2 Mar 1839.

    Bedford Co., TN - Deeds & Records
    Transcribed from photocopies of original deed book recordings. Bedford County Courthouse Register of Deeds, Shelbyville, TN. 11/9/98

    DB JJ pg.1
    Thomas & John S. DAVIS Exr. To Jeremiah CLEVELAND Deed
    This Indenture made this 1st day of Jan.y in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty nine, between Thomas DAVIS & John S DAVIS, Exrs. of H. DAVIS Dec'd of Bedford County, and State of Tennessee of the one part, And J. CLEVELAND of the County of Bedford and State of Tennessee of the other part, Witnesseth that the said Thomas DAVIS & John S. DAVIS Exrs. aforesaid for and in consideration of the sum of twenty five dollars to us in hand paid by the said J. CLEVELAND the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hath Given, Granted, bargained, sold, aliened, conveyed and confirmed unto the said J. CLEVELAND, his heirs and assigns forever a certain tract or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the County of Bedford and State of Tennessee, in the town of Fairfield, and distinguished in the place of said Town of Fairfield by Lot No. __(blank) Running thence South fifty seven feet to a stake, thence East one hundred and twenty feet to a stake, thence North fifty seven feet, thenceWest on hundred and twenty feet to the Beginning. To have and to hold the aforesaid land with all and singular, the rights, profits, emoluments, hereditaments and appurtenances of in an to the same belonging, or in any wise, appertianing, to the only proper use and behoof of him the said J. CLEVELAND, his heirs and assigns forever, ans the said Thomas DAVIS & John S. DAVIS Exrs. aforesaid for his heirs, Executors, and administrators do Covenant and agree to and with the said J. CLEVELAND his heirs and assigns that the before recited land, and bargained premises we will warrant and forever defend, against the right, title, interest or claim of all and every person or persons whatever, In Witness whereof the said Thomas DAVIS & John S. DAVIS Exrs. as aforesaid, hereunto set our hands and affixed our Seals the day and year above written.
    Signed Sealed &c. in presence ofThomas DAVIS (Seal)
    J.W. RAGSDALEJohn S. DAVIS (Seal)
    Newton MCQUIDDYExrs. of H. DAVIS, dec'd

    State of Tennessee
    Bedford County:Personally appeared before me, William D. ORR clerk of the County Court of Bedford County, Thomas DAVIS and John S. DAVIS, the within named makers of deed as Executors of Henry DAVIS dec'd. with whom I am personally acquainted, and who acknowledged that they executed the foregoing deed for the purposes therein contained, Witness my hand at Office Aug. 5th 1839.William D. ORR Clk.
    Registered August 12th 1839Andrew VANNOY, Register of Bedford Cty.

    Land Deed Genealogy of Bedford County Tennessee 1807-1852
    Compiled by Helen C. Marsh & Timothy R. Marsh, 1988

    DB KK p.347 - 1 Jan 1839.Thomas DAVIS and John S. DAVIS, Executors &c to E. H. POPEJOY, Jr. Thomas DAVIS and John S. DAVIS, Executors of H. DAVIS, deceased, of Bedford Co., TN one part and Edward H. POPEJOY of Bedford Co., TN other part, land in Bedford Co., in the Town of Fairfield and known as Lot No. 21 and No. 29. Wit: J.W. RAGSDALE and James L. ARMSTRONG. Reg: 31 May 1841.

    DB KK, p.348 - 31 May 1841.Thomas and John S. DAVIS to Thomas STEPHENS. Deed. Thomas DAVIS and John S. DAVIS, Executors of Henry DAVIS, deceased, of Bedford Co., TN one part and Thomas STEPHENS of Bedford Co. other part, land in Town of Fairfield and known as Lot No. 25. Wit: Richard H. SIMS and H.T. BLANTON. Reg: 31 May. (Also see page 353). Sold Lot No. 22 in Fairfield. Wit: William B. GOWEN and Minos CANNON, Jr. Reg: 3 Jun 1841.
  6. #5487
    Chancery Court Records of Bedford Co., TN - compiled by Helen Crawford Marsh and Timothy Richard Marsh.

    Page 52 - Thomas DAVIS vs. John T. SHANKS & David GREEN - abt 1841/42
    Thomas DAVIS, of Bedford Co. and John T. SHANKS of Missouri and David GREEN of Missouri. Orator states that SHANKS and GREEN formerly were residents of Bedford Co. before going to Missour and that they are indebted to orator by notes. SHANKS left for Missour in 1837 or 1838. Orator states that the only property of John T. SHANKS in Bedford Co., is a home and lot in Shelbyville now occupied as a work shop by David GREEN. Said Lot No. 74. Orator asks for lot to be attached. SHANKS sold lot to Letitia GREEN but was not registered. (Letitia is mother of David GREEN). Augustus H. WHITE obtained a judgement against SHANKS on Lot No. 74, sold on 12 Apr 1828 (?? - perhaps typo - 1838?) by sheriff and Daniel MCKISICK became the purchaser.
  7. #5490
    Newspaper Vital Records of Bedford Co., TN - by Helen C. & Timothy R. Marsh (Argie Cooper Public Library, Shelbyville, Bedford Co., TN)

    Thomas DAVIS, Esq. Postmaster, married at Shelbyville, TN to Miss Eliza STEVENSON. Nashville Banner 29 Nov 1828.

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