Ancestral Trails 2016 » BELA III OF HUNGARY (1148-1196)

Persoonlijke gegevens BELA III OF HUNGARY 


(1) Hij is getrouwd met AGNES de CHATILLON.

Zij zijn getrouwd in het jaar 1168 te Constantinople, Byzantium, Turkey, hij was toen 20 jaar oud.


  1. Margaret of HUNGARY  1169-> 1223
  2. Emeric of HUNGARY  1174-???? 
  3. Constance of HUNGARY  1180-1240 
  4. ANDREAS II OF HUNGARY  1176-1235 

(2) Hij had een relatie met Margaret de FRANCE.


Béla III (c. 1148 - 23 April 1196) was King of Hungary and Croatia (1172-1196). He was educated in the court of the Byzantine Emperor Manuel I who was planning to ensure his succession in the Byzantine Empire till the birth of his own son. Following the death of his elder brother, who had been fighting against the Byzantine Empire, Béla could only ascend to the throne with the assistance of his uncle Emperor Manuel I and Pope Alexander III, because a significant part of the Hungarian aristocracy led by his own mother and the Archbishop of Esztergom preferred his younger brother's succession. Béla was one of the most powerful rulers of Hungary and he was also one of the most wealthy monarchs of Europe of his age. Béla disposed of the equivalent of 23 tonnes of pure silver per year. This exceeded the income of the French king (estimated at 17 tonnes) and was double the receipts of the English Crown. It was probably he who began to organise the Royal Chancellery in Hungary. Through his son (Andrew II of Hungary), Béla is an ancestor of Edward III of England. Béla was the second son of King Géza II by his wife Euphrosyne of Kiev. In 1161, his father granted him the Duchies of Croatia and Dalmatia as appanage, which was later confirmed by his brother, King Stephen III who ascended the throne after their father's death on 31 May 1162. In 1164, the Byzantine Emperor Manuel I Komnenos concluded a treaty with King Stephen III, and according to the treaty, Béla was sent to Constantinople to be educated at the imperial court. The emperor, who had no legitimate sons, intended that Béla should marry his daughter, Maria Comnena, and eventually succeed him as Emperor. Béla received a Greek name, Alexius, and the newly created courtly title of despotes which enjoyed the highest position of honor below the emperor. In 1164 and 1165, Béla followed the Emperor Manuel I on his campaigns against Hungary which aimed at the occupation of Béla's "paternal inheritance", i.e., Croatia, Dalmatia and the Szerémség. However, when King Stephen III transferred the three provinces to Manuel I, they were incorporated into the Byzantine Empire. In the autumn of 1165, Mánuel officially assigned his daughter and Béla as his heirs. In the beginning of 1166, Manuel I and Béla co-chaired the synod of the Byzantine Church in Constantinople. When Alexius was born as a son of Manuel and his second wife Maria of Antioch in 1169, Béla's engagement to Maria was cancelled. Béla was deprived also of his title, and he was granted the lower title of kaisar. But Manuel helped negotiate another marriage for him, this time to Agnes of Antioch, who was the half-sister of Maria of Antioch; therefore by this marriage Manuel I and Béla became brothers-in-law. After their marriage, Béla (Kaisar Alexius) and his wife went on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem where he made a donation for the Knights Hospitaller. When his brother, King Stephen III died childless on 4 March 1172, Béla became his rightful heir. However, some barons preferred his younger brother, the Prince Géza, as did their mother Euphrosyne. Béla concluded an agreement with the Emperor Manuel, who provided him with a large amount of money, while he promised that he would never attack the Byzantine Empire during the reign of the emperor or his son. After the death of Emperor Manuel I on 24 September 1180, Bela retook Croatia, Dalmatia and the Srem from the Byzantine Empire. In the same year, Zára refused allegiance to Venice and accepted his rule. In 1184, Béla occupied Beograd, Branicevo and the valley of the Morava River which had been held by the Byzantine Empire. In 1185, Béla made peace with the new emperor, Isaac II Angelos, who married Béla's daughter Margaret and received the territories on the Morava River as her dowry. After his first wife's death, Béla planned to marry Theodora Comnene, one of Emperor Manuel I's nieces, but the Byzantine Church prohibited their marriage. Thus, Béla married Marguerite of France, the sister of King Philip II of France and widow of Henry the Young King, the eldest son of King Henry II of England in 1186. On 31 May 1189, Béla welcomed Frederick I who was making his Crusade to the Holy Land, and on the emperor's request he set his brother, Géza free, who then left for the Byzantine Empire. Afterwards, when Emperor Frederick I entered into a controversy with Emperor Isaac II, Béla mediated between them. However, in the meantime Prince Vladimir II escaped from Hungary and he reoccupied his principality. In the autumn of 1191, Béla had a meeting with his son-in-law, the Emperor Isaac II, whom he helped against Stefan Nemanja, the ruler of the Serbs. Before his death, he took an oath to lead a Crusade to the Holy Land. He was a powerful ruler, and his court was counted among the most brilliant in Europe. His remains were confidently identified by archeologists during late 19th century excavations at the ruined cathedral of Székesfehérvár where the Árpád monarchs had been crowned and buried. Béla's exceptional height, as documented by contemporary sources, rendered the identification certain. Based on the examination of his skeleton, he must have been over two metres tall, a really outstanding height at that time. His remains were afterwards reinterred at the Matthias Church in Budapest, with those of his first wife Agnes. Through his mother, Béla descended from Harold II of England (whose descendants had been dispossessed as a result of the Norman Conquest). Through his son, Andrew II, Béla was an ancestor of King Edward III of England. As a result, all subsequent English and British monarchs could claim descent from Harold II. References ^ Béla III. (2009). In Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved 19 April 2009, from Encyclopædia Britannica Online: ^ A concise history of Hungary - Google Books. Retrieved 2009-09-20. ^ Sources: WIKIPEDIA Kristó Gyula - Makk Ferenc: Az Árpád-ház uralkodói (IPC Könyvek, 1996) Korai Magyar Történeti Lexikon (9-14. század), foszerkeszto: Kristó Gyula, szerkesztok: Engel Pál és Makk Ferenc (Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 1994) Ostrogorski, Georgjie. History of the Byzantine State, 1986 Magyarország Történeti Kronológiája I. - A kezdetektol 1526-ig, foszerkeszto: Benda Kálmán (Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 1981) Public Domain This article incorporates text from a publication now in the public domain: Chisholm, Hugh, ed. (1911). Encyclopædia Britannica (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press.

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Patti Lee Salter, "Ancestral Trails 2016", database, Genealogie Online ( : benaderd 27 juli 2024), "BELA III OF HUNGARY (1148-1196)".