Williams - Richards Family Tree » Elizabeth Nickerson (± 1629-± 1706)

Persoonlijke gegevens Elizabeth Nickerson 

Gezin van Elizabeth Nickerson

Zij is getrouwd met Robert Eldredge.

Zij zijn getrouwd op 31 oktober 1649 te Yarmouth, Plymouth Colony, Colony of England.

Notities over Elizabeth Nickerson

[[Category: Barnstable, Massachusetts]]
{{Puritan Great Migration}}
== Biography ==Elizabeth was born and baptized about 1 January 1629/30 at St. Peter's Permontergate, Norwich, Norfolk, England. She was the daughter of [[Nickerson-243|William Nickerson]] and [[Busby-140|Anne Busby]].http://thepyeplate.blogspot.com/2014/02/william-nickerson-1604-1689-chatham.html
Elizabeth sailed from Yarmouth, England, April 15, 1637, on the ship ''John and'' ''Dorothy'', Capt. William Andrews, Master; accompanied by the consort, ''Rose''. She sailed with her parents, and 3 siblings: Nicholas, Robert, and Anne. They arrived in Salem, Massachusetts Bay Colony in New England, on June 20, 1637.http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-fNt7t25pEek/Uw9xWAUwZ2I/AAAAAAAAAaI/6FYQmXv_Iao/s1600/Nickerson.jpg , [http://www.olivetreegenealogy.com/ships/rose1637.shtml].
''April the 8th 1637. The examinaction of William Nickerson of Nowch in Nöff weavear ageed 33 yeares and Anne his wife aged 28 yeares with 4 children Nicho Robartt Elizabeth and Anne ar desirous to goe to Bostone in New England ther to inhabitt''[https://www.google.com/books/edition/Collections_of_the_Massachusetts_Histori/I7IyAQAAMAAJ?hl=en&gbpv=1&bsq=Nickerson]
Elizabeth's maternal grandparents, three uncles and her aunt also sailed to Boston from Yarmouth, England at the same time.
''April the 8th 1637. The examinaction of Nicho.Busbie of Nowch in Nöff weaver aged 50 yeares and Bridgett his wife aged 53 yeares with 4 children Nicho. John Abraham and Sarath ar desirous to goe to Boston in New England to inhabitt.''[https://www.google.com/books/edition/Collections_of_the_Massachusetts_Histori/I7IyAQAAMAAJ?hl=en&gbpv=1&bsq=Busbie]
Coincidentally, her future husband, Robert Eldred(ge), also came to New England in 1637 (possibly on April 15), on the ''Rose'' from Yarmouth, England; William Andrews, Jr., Master.
Elizabeth married Robert Eldred(ge) the last week of October, 1649,[https://archive.org/stream/mayflowerdescendv1516mass#page/n951/mode/2up Mayflower descendant Vol. 16:123] and they had the following children:
#Nicholas (1650-1702); married Elizabeth l/n/u in 1679; 3 children
#Mary (1651-?) married John Smith
#Robert (1654-1732)
#Hannah (1656-after 1706)
#William (1656-1749)
#Martha (1658-after 1706)
#Joseph (1662-1735), married Elizabeth Jones
#Bridget (1664-after 1706), married William Long
#Samuel (1666-?), married Elizabeth Hedges
::Hannah and William may have been twins, based upon the birth year.
Elizabeth passed away about May 3, 1706, in Monomoit (now called Chatham), Massachusetts Bay Colony.

=== Research Notes ===On '''June 2, 1685''', Plymouth Colony was divided into three counties: Plymouth, Bristol, and '''Barnstable'''.
In '''1691 Plymouth Colony merged with Massachusetts Bay Colony''' et al, to form Province of Massachusetts Bay (Plymouth Colony existed without a formal charter since its founding).

== Sources ==
* https://archive.org/stream/mayflowerdescendv1516mass#page/n951/mode/2up Mayflower descendant Vol. 16:123
* http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-fNt7t25pEek/Uw9xWAUwZ2I/AAAAAAAAAaI/6FYQmXv_Iao/s1600/Nickerson.jpg
* http://thepyeplate.blogspot.com/2014/02/william-nickerson-1604-1689-chatham.html
* The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Ancestral File (R), Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998. Ancestral File Number 4QL2-9B

== Acknowledgements ==* This person was created through the import of Bishop Family Tree.ged on 18 February 2011.
* WikiTree profile Nickerson-447 created through the import of davisfamilytree-1.ged on Sep 1, 2012 by [[Davis-4892 | Rich Davis]]. See the [http://www.wikitree.com/index.php?title=Special:NetworkFeed&who=Nickerson-447 Changes page] for the details of edits by Rich and others.
* This profile developed through the merging of Nickerson-447 into Nickerson-112.
* This person was created through the import of grant2.ged on 07 February 2011. The following data was included in the gedcom. You may wish to edit it for readability.
Externe link: https://www.WikiTree.com/wiki/Nickerson-102

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Voorouders (en nakomelingen) van Elizabeth Nickerson

Alice Cole
± 1575-????
Nicholas Busby
± 1587-± 1657
Bridget Cocke
± 1584-± 1660
William Nickerson
± 1604-< 1690
Anne Busby
< 1608-1686

Elizabeth Nickerson
± 1629-± 1706


Robert Eldredge
± 1627-< 1683

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    David Carroll Williams, "Williams - Richards Family Tree", database, Genealogie Online (https://www.genealogieonline.nl/williams-richards-family-tree/I566.php : benaderd 1 november 2024), "Elizabeth Nickerson (± 1629-± 1706)".