Stamboom van Wincoop - Sandkuijl » Bronnen » From Merkelbeek to Märckelbach: A Social History with Deep Roots - Merckelbach site door Henry K. van Eyken, Henry K. van Eyken

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From Merkelbeek to Märckelbach: A Social History with Deep Roots - Merckelbach site door Henry K. van Eyken

Merckelbach history is a family project begun in honor of Adriaan Märckelbach (1896– 1965), a man of remarkable character, but thanks to the assistance of others the genealogy has been branched out toward all Merckelbachs extant.

The ancestry goes back to the 10th century when the male line was known as Von Ballenstedt. Early in the 12th century, the direct ancestors of the Merckelbachs became known as Van Anstel which two centuries later changed to Anstelrode (with slight variations). In the year 1374, the knight Reinert Vaes Huyn van Amstenrade acquired from the duke of Brabant a fief known as Upper Manor of Merkelbeek (or Merkelbeich, or Merckelbach).

Also included is a pedigree chart of my own ancestors.

The genealogy project has been on hold for some considerable time and, because of my age and the priority I have put on the Senate essay, I am not sure whether or how to continue it. We shall see what we shall see.

Henry K. van Eyken

Henry K. van Eyken

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