Stamboom Homs » Cobhthach Cóel Breg "Cobthech Coal-Bhreach" mac Ugaine Ard Rí na h'Éireann (± 634-± 541)

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Notities over Cobhthach Cóel Breg "Cobthech Coal-Bhreach" mac Ugaine Ard Rí na h'Éireann

Name Suffix: King Of Ireland Lxix
Sixty-ninth King of Ireland
Cobthach Cóel Breg
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Cobthach Cóel Breg, son of Úgaine Mor, was a legendary High King of Ireland of the 6th century BC.

His brother, Lóegaire Lorc, was High King before him, and he was so consumed with jealousy he wasted away to almost nothing, from which he gained his epithet Cóel Breg, the "meagre of Brega". He took the kingship by feigning his own death. As he lay on his bier, Lóegaire prostrated himself over his body in grief, and Cobthach took the opportunity to stab him. He also killed Lóegaire's son, Ailill Áine, and forced Ailill's son to eat part of his father's and grandfather's hearts. The boy, Labraid Loingsech, went into exile in Gaul, and either 30 or 50 years later returned to kill Cobthach and take his throne.

Preceded by:
Lóegaire Lorc High King of Ireland
30 or 50 years Succeeded by:
Labraid Loingsech
{geni:occupation} High King of Ireland
{geni:about_me} Based on merged profiles,

Death date 541 or 542 BC -SPF
Cobhthach Cael Breagh, King of Ireland, d. ca. 542 BC in Dinn Righ, Ireland, cause of death was roasting alive in a metal building at the burning of Dinn Righ. His death commemorated in oldest Irish poem.

Father: Ugaine Mor the Great, King of Ireland, d. ca. 594 BC in Magh Muireadh, Ireland, cause of death was murder by Badhbhchadh, his brother.

Mother: Eithne Amlabur

He killed his brother in ca. 592 BC to become High King, he reigned for thirty years.
Title: King of Ireland

Cobthach Cáelbreg King of Ireland


541 BC, Teamhair


Augaine (Ugaine) Mór Monarch of Ireland (-593bc)

Misc. Notes

was the 69th Monarch ; it is said, that, to secure the Throne, he assassinated his brother Laeghaire; after a long reign he was at length slain by Maion, his nephew, B.C. 541.

Part III, Chapter IV of Irish Pedigrees, by John O'Hart, published 1892, pages 351-9, 664-8 and 708-9.
69th King
69th King
Irish Pedigrees, Vol. I, p. 355
Irish Pedigrees, Vol. I, p. 355

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Voorouders (en nakomelingen) van Cobhthach Cóel Breg mac Ugaine

Tamar Tephi
± 610-????
Caesair Cruthach
± 653-± 633

Cobhthach Cóel Breg mac Ugaine
± 634-± 541

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