Stamboom Homs » Eochaid Buaidhaig "Buailgllerg" mac Duach (± 755-± 700)

Persoonlijke gegevens Eochaid Buaidhaig "Buailgllerg" mac Duach 

Bronnen 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
  • Roepnaam is Buailgllerg.
  • Hij is geboren rond -755 in 336 BCE, Ireland.
  • Beroep: .
    {geni:job_title} Prince
  • Hij is overleden rond -700 in 286 BCE, Ireland.
  • Hij is begraven in Cruachan, Ireland.
  • Een kind van Duach II Laghrach mac Fiachach en Scota
  • Deze gegevens zijn voor het laatst bijgewerkt op 15 december 2011.

Gezin van Eochaid Buaidhaig "Buailgllerg" mac Duach

Hij is getrouwd met Tamar Tephi.

Zij zijn getrouwd rond 583.


Notities over Eochaid Buaidhaig "Buailgllerg" mac Duach


A Grandchild's Heritage URL:

Generation No. 20-27

20 Nuadhas Fionnfail:[hs32] his son; was the 39th Monarch for 21 years; slain by the son of Art Imleach, Breasrioghacta (961 BC), his successor.

21 Aedan Glas:[hs32] his son. In his time the coast was infested with pirates; and there occurred a dreadful plague (Apthach) which swept away most of the inhabitants.

22 Simeon Breac:[hs32] his son; was the 44th Monarch; he inhumanly caused his predecessor to be torn asunder; but, after a reign of 6 years, he met with a like death (903 BC),by order of Duach Fionn, son to the murdered king

23 Muredach Bolgach:[hs32] his son; was the 46th Monarch for 4 years; killed by Eadhna Dearg (son of Duach Fionn) in 892 BC.
DEATH: c468BC[hs32]
Had following sons:
1. Duach Teamhrach, who had following sons:
1. Eochaidh Framhuine, 51st Monarch of Ireland
2. Conang Beag-eaglach, 53rd Monarch of Ireland
2. Riacha Tolgrach, who is described below

24 Riacha (Feachus?) Tolgrach:[hs32] son of Muredach; was the 55th Monarch for 5 years. His life was ended by the sword of Oilioll Fionn of the line of Heber Fionn, 795 BC

25 Duach Ladhrach:[hs32] his son; was the 59th Monarch for 10 years. He was distinguished by the name Duach Lagrach by reason of his being so strict and hasty in the execution of justice; that he was impatient and would not admit of a moment's delay until the criminal was seized and tried for the offense; the word, "Lagrach," means speed and suddenness. He was killed by Lughaidh Laighe, son of Oilioll Fionn, 737 BC

26 Eochaidh Buadhach:[hs32] his son; was kept out of the Monarchy by his father's slayer. In his time the kingdom was twice visited with a plague

27 Ugaine Mor:[hs32] his son. This Ugaine (Hugony) the Great was the 66th Monarch of Ireland for 40 years.

{geni:occupation} aka Eochaid Buiglaig (Buaid); Achaius Beidhach; last King of the FIRBOLG; Ugaine's natural father: Ugaine's foster-father was 63rd Monarch, grandson of Argatmar MacSirlaim, q.v.; son Badhbhchadh reigned as MONARCH for just three hours, Prince
{geni:about_me} Eochaid Buaid mac Duach


Duí Ladrach mac Fiachach King of Ireland (-737bc)

Misc. Notes

was kept out of the Monarchy by his father's slayer. In his time the kingdom was twice visited with a plague.

Part III, Chapter IV of Irish Pedigrees, by John O'Hart, published 1892, pages 351-9, 664-8 and 708-9.


Tamar Tephi ha-David


586 BC


Augaine (Ugaine) (-593bc)
He was kept out of the monarchy by his father's slayer. In his time the country was twice visited by a plague.
He was the 51st King.
He was the 53rd King.
He was kept out of the monarchy by his father's slayer. In his time the country was twice visited by a plague.
He was the 51st King.
He was the 53rd King.

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