Stamboom Homs » Ramon Berenguer I 'el Vell' "el Vell ("the Old")" de Barcelona comte de Barcelona (± 1024-1076)

Persoonlijke gegevens Ramon Berenguer I 'el Vell' "el Vell ("the Old")" de Barcelona comte de Barcelona 

Gezin van Ramon Berenguer I 'el Vell' "el Vell ("the Old")" de Barcelona comte de Barcelona

Hij is getrouwd met Almodis de la Marche.

Zij zijn getrouwd rond 1053 te Toulouse,France.


Notities over Ramon Berenguer I 'el Vell' "el Vell ("the Old")" de Barcelona comte de Barcelona

GIVN Raimond Berenger Il
SURN von Barcelona
AFN 9B68-7W
DATE 9 SEP 2000
TIME 13:15:36
GIVN Raimond Berenger Il
SURN von Barcelona
AFN 9B68-7W
DATE 9 SEP 2000
TIME 13:15:36
Raimond ?den Gamle? var greve av Barcelona 1035 - 1076.
Han var enda barn da han etterfulgte sin far 26.05.1035. Tre år senere ble han
innviet i sine rettigheter i kirken i Ausona og kalles her ?Puer aegregiae indole?, under
formynderskap av sin farmor Ermessinde.
Raimond utvidet sitt grevskap betydelig. I 1072 sammenkalte han Cortés og lot gjøre et
utvalg av de gotiske og romerske lover som ble Kataloniens lovbok under navnet ?Los
Usatges?. I 1074 gjorde han en ekspedisjon til Murcie.
Han var gift
1. gang i 1039 med Elisabeth (Isabel), muligens datter til Raimund Bernard av Beziera.
Hun døde i 1050.
2. gang med Blanca som snart etter ble forskudd.
Ramon Berenguer I, byname RAMON BERENGUER THE ELDER, Catalan RAMON BERENGUER EL VELL (b. 1023/24--d. May 26, 1076, Barcelona? [Spain]), count of Barcelona from 1035 to 1076.
His father, Berenguer Ramon I (reigned 1018-35), divided and bequeathed his lands among his three sons; however, Sanç (or Sancho) in 1049 and Guillem (or William) in 1054 renounced their inheritances in their eldest brother's favour, thus reuniting the lands. Ramon Berenguer I also expanded his domain by securing control over the adjacent countiesof Ampurias and Pallars. His most noted achievement was convoking thelocal Cortes (assembly) and having it deliberate on a choice of Romanand medieval laws for Catalonia. The result was the promulgation of the celebrated legal code known as the Usatges de Barcelona
Ramon Berenguer I, byname RAMON BERENGUER THE ELDER, Catalan RAMON BERENGUER EL VELL (b. 1023/24--d. May 26, 1076, Barcelona? [Spain]), count of Barcelona from 1035 to 1076.
His father, Berenguer Ramon I (reigned 1018-35), divided and bequeathed his lands among his three sons; however, Sanç (or Sancho) in 1049 and Guillem (or William) in 1054 renounced their inheritances in their eldest brother's favour, thus reuniting the lands. Ramon Berenguer I also expanded his domain by securing control over the adjacent countiesof Ampurias and Pallars. His most noted achievement was convoking thelocal Cortes (assembly) and having it deliberate on a choice of Romanand medieval laws for Catalonia. The result was the promulgation of the celebrated legal code known as the Usatges de Barcelona
Ramon Berenguer I, byname RAMON BERENGUER THE ELDER, Catalan RAMON BERENGUER EL VELL (b. 1023/24--d. May 26, 1076, Barcelona? [Spain]), count of Barcelona from 1035 to 1076.
His father, Berenguer Ramon I (reigned 1018-35), divided and bequeathed his lands among his three sons; however, Sanç (or Sancho) in 1049 and Guillem (or William) in 1054 renounced their inheritances in their eldest brother's favour, thus reuniting the lands. Ramon Berenguer I also expanded his domain by securing control over the adjacent countiesof Ampurias and Pallars. His most noted achievement was convoking thelocal Cortes (assembly) and having it deliberate on a choice of Romanand medieval laws for Catalonia. The result was the promulgation of the celebrated legal code known as the Usatges de Barcelona
Kidnapped his wife
Ramon Berenguer I, Count of Barcelona
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Ramon Berenguer I el Vell ("the Old") was Count of Barcelona in 1035-1076. He promulgated the earliest versions of a written code of Catalan law, the Usages of Barcelona.

Born in 1024, he succeeded his father, Berenguer Ramon the Crooked in 1035. It is during his reign that the dominant position of Barcelona among other Catalan counties became evident.

Ramon Berenguer campaigned against the Moors, extending his dominions as far west as Barbastro and imposing heavy tributes (parias) on other Moorish cities. Historians claim that those tributes helped create the first wave of prosperity in Catalan history. During his reign Catalan maritime power started to be felt in Western Mediterranean. Ramon Berenguer the Old was also the first count of Catalonia to acquire lands (counties of Carcassonne and Razés) and influence north of the Pyrenees.

Another major achievement of his was beginning of codification of Catalan law in the written Usatges or Usatici of Barcelona which was to become the first full compilation of feudal law in Western Europe. Legal codification was part of the count's efforts to forward and somehow control the process of feudalization which started during the reign of his weak father, Berenger Ramon. Another major contributor was the Church acting through the institution of the Peace and Truce of God. This established a general truce among warring factions and lords in a given region for a given time. The earliest extant date for introducing the Truce of God in Western Europe is 1027 in Catalonia, during the reign of Ramon Berenguer the Old.

He was succeeded by his twin sons Ramon Berenguer II and Berenguer Ramon II. His sister, Sibylle of Barcelona, married Henry of Burgundy, and would become the grandmother of Alfonso Henriques, first king of Portugal.

Ramon Berenguers's marriages and descendants
First wife, Isabel (or Elisabeth) of Narbonne or of Béziers
Berenguer (died young)
Arnau (died young)
Pere Ramon (1050-1073?) -> murdered his father's wife, Almodis, and was exiled
Second wife, Blanca (origin unknown)
Third wife, Almodis de La Marche, countess of Limoges
Berenguer Ramon II, Count of Barcelona the Fratricide (1053/54-1097)
Ramon Berenguer II, Count of Barcelona the Towhead (1053/54-1082)
Inés -> married Hugh d'Albo
Sancha -> married Guilhem Ramon, count of Cerdagne
Preceded by:
Berenguer Ramon I Count of Barcelona Succeeded by:
Ramon Berenguer II
byname RAMON BERENGUER THE ELDER, Catalan RAMON BERENGUER EL VELL (b. 1023/24--d. May 26, 1076, Barcelona? [Spain]), count of Barcelona from 1035 to 1076. His father, Berenguer Ramon I (reigned 1018-35), divided and bequeathed his lands among his three sons; however, Sanç (or Sancho) in 1049 and Guillem (or William) in 1054 renounced their inheritances in their eldest brother's favour, thus reuniting the lands. Ramon Berenguer I also expanded his domain by securing control over the adjacent counties of Ampurias and Pallars. His most noted achievement was convoking the local Cortes (assembly) and having it deliberate on a choice of Roman and medieval laws for Catalonia. The result was the promulgation of the celebrated legal code known as the Usatges de Barcelona (1064-68). [Encyclopaedia Britannica CD '97]
GIVN Raimond Berenger Il
SURN von Barcelona
AFN 9B68-7W
DATE 9 SEP 2000
TIME 13:15:36
#Générale##Générale#Profession : Comte de Barcelone, Girona et Ausona.
{geni:occupation} Comte, de Barcelone, de Girona, d'Ausona, Conde, Count of Barcelona, Conde de Barcelona y Gerona (1035-1076) y de Osona (1054-1076)., count of barcelona
{geni:about_me} Ramon Berenguer I, (1023-1076) llamado el Vell (el viejo, según algunas traducciones) hijo de Berenguer Ramón I, fue Conde de Barcelona y Gerona (1035-1076) y de Osona (1054-1076).

Tabla de contenidos
1 La crisis del poder condal
1.1 La autoridad de Ermessenda
1.2 Herencia de Berenguer Ramón I
1.3 Rebelión nobiliaria
1.4 La actuación de Ramón Berenguer I
1.5 Las revueltas nobiliarias
2 Matrimonios y descendencia

La crisis del poder condal

La autoridad de Ermessenda
Desde la muerte del conde Ramón Borrell (1017), en los condados de Barcelona, Gerona y Osona se había instaurado el cogobierno de su viuda, la condesa Ermesenda (1017-1057), y de su hijo Berenguer Ramón I (1017-1035).

Herencia de Berenguer Ramón I
A su muerte, Berenguer Ramón I, repartió sus dominios entre sus tres hijos; Guillermo (1035-1054) fue conde de Osona, Ramón Berenguer I (1035-1076) obtuvo Gerona y Barcelona, excepto el extremo sur, entre el río Llobregat y la frontera con el Islam que, constituido como el condado del Penedés fue para Sanç (1035-1049); los tres herederos, al ser menores de edad, quedaron bajo la tutela de su abuela Ermessenda, única representante efectiva del poder condal en Barcelona, Gerona, Osona y el Penedés entre 1035 y 1041.

Rebelión nobiliaria
Debido al descrédito del poder condal durante el cogobierno de Berenguer Ramón I y Ermesenda en Barcelona, Gerona, Osona y especialmente en la zona del Penedés, área fronteriza con los musulmanes, los nobles, prescindiendo totalmente de la potestas del conde, tomaron ellos mismos el control de las fortalezas de las que dispusieron para cederlas como feudo como si fuesen de su propiedad. Entre estos aristócratas, antiguos veguers convertidos en señores, destaca en el Penedés Mir Geribert, el cual tenía influencias en Barcelona como primo del vizconde Udalard II (1041-1077) y del obispo Guislabert (1034-1066), en un momento en que, por su dominio del Castell Vell (Castillo Viejo), cerca del antiguo acueducto y del Castell Bisbal (Castillo del Obispado), la familia vizcondal, controla dos de las cuatro torres del recinto amurallado de Barcelona, además del Castell del Port (Castillo del Puerto) en la montaña de Montjuic, desde donde se domina la ciudad y la ensenada. En la frontera, Mir Geribert posee el castillo de Subirats y de la Vit, heredados de sus padres hacia 1030, la fortaleza de Ribes, concedida por su primo Guislabert el obispo de Barcelona, y el feudo de Sant Martí Sarroca adquirido por enlace matrimonial. Siendo el más poderoso de los señores del Penedés, hacia el 1035, cuando la muerte y sobre todo el testamento de Ramón Berenguer I acaban hundiendo el poder condal, para señalar su autoridad, se da el título de príncipe de Olèrdola

La Península Ibérica en el año 1030.

Los nobles del Penedés, reunidos alrededor de su líder Mir Geribert, son contrarios al poder condal porque este mantiene la paz con los musulmanes, la cual es beneficiosa para los comerciantes de Barcelona y para el conde por las parias que cobra a los reyes taifas musulmanes, es ruinosa para los aristócratas que solo pueden acceder a las riquezas de los musulmanes mediante el saqueo y el botín. Los barones del Penedés tampoco aceptan que el conde otorgue derechos de franqueza, garantía y seguridad de bienes, a las comunidades campesinas, ya que eso les impide imponerles impuestos. De esta forma, aboliendo las garantías y concediendo, en un acto de soberanía, el derecho a sus castellanos de imponer tributos a los hombre libres, Mir Geribert afirmaba su condición de líder de los nobles feudales. Otro motivo de disputa entre el conde de Barcelona y la nobleza era su apoyo a las pretensiones del Monasterio de Sant Cugat del Vallés, el cual basándose en unas concesiones realizadas doscientos años atrás por Luis el Piadoso, se proclamaba propietario de extensos dominios en el área de la frontera. De esta forma, cuando un noble llevaba a cabo un intento de colonización y este tenía éxito, el monasterio reclamaba sus derechos sobre el territorio exhibiendo ante los jueces los pergaminos de Luis el Piadoso, por lo que siempre obtenían sentencias favorables a sus intereses y contrarias a los clanes nobiliarios como el vizcondado; de esta forma, muchas familia nobles decidieron prescindir de los tribunales, donde siempre tenían las de perder, y apoderarse por la fuerza de los bienes de la abadía.

El rechazo de los nobles a la autoridad condal les llevo a una irreductible enemistad con Ermesenda, única titular efectiva de la autoridad condal desde la muerte de su hijo Berenguer Ramón I y la minoría de edad de sus nietos. La condesa reúne un equipo de cortesanos como su hermano Pere, obispo de Gerona, el abad Oliva, el juez Ponç bonfill March y nobles relacionados con la administración, con relaciones con un territorio, el condado de Osona, donde las transformaciones sociales no habían sido tan profundas como en el área de frontera del Penedés. Estos se comprometieron junto con Ermesenda en la defensa de la autoridad condal y de la legalidad vigente ante las usurpaciones de los nobles feudales.

Entre estos dos bandos – el de Mir Geribert y el de Ermesenda – además de diferencias ideológicas e intereses contrapuestos hay un hecho generacional; Mir Geribert y los nobles que lo apoyan son jóvenes que no han vivido la brillante época de Borrell y Ramón Borrell, sino solo la ineptitud de Berenguer Ramón I y el autoritarismo de Ermesenda. La idea de potestas y de la ley escrita, contenida en el Liber Iudiciorum, les resultaban incómodas e incomprensibles ya que para ellos no había más norma de relación social que las convenientiae, los juramentos y relaciones feudales. Por otro lado, sus adversarios, personas que han vivido los tiempos de gran autoridad condal de finales del siglo X, son viejos. Ermesenda y el abad Oliva tienen más de sesenta años; para todos ellos la potestas condal, la justicia pública y el derecho del Liber ludiciorum no son elementos de un pasado lejano, sino cosas vivas la continuidad de las cuales hay que defender.

La actuación de Ramón Berenguer I
En esta situación, con dos bandos claramente delimitados, la actuación de Ramón Berenguer está condicionada por el hecho generacional. A pesar de que, como conde, debería estar del lado de su abuela, por edad piensa igual que sus barones por lo que su proyecto político será imponerse a sus barones sobre la base de las nuevas prácticas feudales, por lo que durante el proceso, su abuela Ermesenda llegará a posicionarse en su contra.

Así, en 1041 para recuperar el condado de Gerona, cedido a su abuela para librarse de su tutela política, se alía con Mir Geribert a quien reconoce su posición de dominio en el Penedés y en perjuicio de su hermano, el conde Sanç del Penedés.

Las revueltas nobiliarias
Poco después de haberse apoderado del control del condado de Gerona se reconcilia con su abuela. Sintiéndose traicionados, los nobles se rebelan y desertan del ejército condal reunido para atacar el condado de la Cerdanya. Paralelamente, el obispo de Barcelona y el vizconde Udalart intentan un golpe de estado en la ciudad, que fracasa debido al apoyo popular de la ciudad al conde, única garantía de la continuidad de los usos pactados con el conde Berenguer Ramón I en 1025. Tras el fracaso de la tentativa y mediante una sentencia de un tribunal presidido por el abad Oliba, el obispo es obligado a jurar que no ha tenido nada que ver con la rebelión y a ceder el castillo obispal mientras que Udalart debe indemnizar al conde con doscientas onzas de oro y cederle el castillo Vell.

Matrimonios y descendencia
Ramón Berenguer I se casó tres veces. En 1039 con Isabel de Nimes, probablemente hija del vizconde Ramon Bernat I de Nimes con quien tuvo a:

Pedro Ramón de Barcelona (? -1071), condenado por el asesinato de su madrastra Almodis.
Arnau de Barcelona (?-1045)
Berenguer de Barcelona (?-1045)

El 1051 se casó con Blanca de Narbona', hija de Llop Ató Zuberoa y Ermengarda de Narbona. Fue repudiada al año siguiente sin tener descendencia.

El 1056 se casa, en terceras nupcias, con Almodis de la Marca, hija del conde Bernat I de Razès, con quien tuvo a:

la infanta Agnès de Barcelona (1056-1071), casada en 1070 con el conde Guigues VII d'Albon
Ramon Berenguer II (1053-1082),
Berenguer Ramon II (1053-1099?),
Sancha de Barcelona (1076-1095), casada en segundas nuocias en 1069 con Guillermo I de Cerdaña

Predecesor: Berenguer Ramón I Conde de Barcelona
1035 - 1076
Sucesor:Ramón Berenguer II
Berenguer Ramón II

Predecesor: Adelaida de Carcasona Condado de Carcasona
Sucesor: Ramón Berenguer II

Obtenido de ""

Ramon Berenguer I the Old (née in French: Ramond Berenger LeVieux, in Catalan: el Vell) was Count of Barcelona in 1035–1076. He promulgated the earliest versions of a written code of Catalan law, the Usages of Barcelona.

Born in 1024, he succeeded his father, Berenguer Ramon the Crooked in 1035. It is during his reign that the dominant position of Barcelona among other Catalan counties became evident.
First wife, Isabel/Elisabeth of Narbonne or of Béziers
Berenguer (died young)
Arnau (died young)
Pere Ramon (1050-1073?), murdered his father's wife, Almodis, and was exiled
Second wife, Blanca (origin unknown)
Third wife, Almodis de La Marche, countess of Limoges
Berenguer Ramon II, Count of Barcelona the Fratricide (1053/54-1097)
Ramon Berenguer II, Count of Barcelona the Towhead (1053/54-1082)
Inés, married Hugh d'Albo
Sancha, married William Raymond, count of Cerdanya

^ Charles Julian Bishko (1968–9), "Fernando I and the Origins of the Leonese-Castilian Alliance with Cluny," Studies in Medieval Spanish Frontier History (Variorum Reprints), 40.

Ramon Berenguer I el Vell ("the Old") was Count of Barcelona in 1035-1076. He promulgated the earliest versions of a written code of Catalan law, the Usages of Barcelona.

Born in 1024, he succeeded his father, Berenguer Ramon the Crooked in 1035. It is during his reign that the dominant position of Barcelona among other Catalan counties became evident.

Ramon Berenguer campaigned against the Moors, extending his dominions as far west as Barbastro and imposing heavy tributes (parias) on other Moorish cities. Historians claim that those tributes helped create the first wave of prosperity in Catalan history. During his reign Catalan maritime power started to be felt in Western Mediterranean. Ramon Berenguer the Old was also the first count of Catalonia to acquire lands (counties of Carcassonne and Razés) and influence north of the Pyrenees.

Another major achievement of his was beginning of codification of Catalan law in the written Usatges or Usatici of Barcelona which was to become the first full compilation of feudal law in Western Europe. Legal codification was part of the count's efforts to forward and somehow control the process of feudalization which started during the reign of his weak father, Berenger Ramon. Another major contributor was the Church acting through the institution of the Peace and Truce of God. This established a general truce among warring factions and lords in a given region for a given time. The earliest extant date for introducing the Truce of God in Western Europe is 1027 in Catalonia, during the reign of Ramon Berenguer the Old.

Ramon Berenguer I together with his third wife Almodis also founded the Romanesque cathedral of Barcelona, to replace the older basilica presumably destroyed by Almanzor. Their velvet and brass bound wooden coffins are still shown in the Gothic cathedral which replaced Ramon Berenguer's building.

He was succeeded by his twin sons Ramon Berenguer II and Berenguer Ramon II. It has been speculated that the obscure wife of Henry of Burgundy, the grandmother of Alfonso Henriques, first king of Portugal, was his sister.
Another major achievement of his was beginning of codification of Catalan law in the written Usatges or Usatici of Barcelona which was to become the first full compilation of feudal law in Western Europe. Legal codification was part of the count's efforts to forward and somehow control the process of feudalization which started during the reign of his weak father, Berenger Ramon. Another major contributor was the Church acting through the institution of the Peace and Truce of God. This established a general truce among warring factions and lords in a given region for a given time. The earliest extant date for introducing the Truce of God in Western Europe is 1027 in Catalonia, during the reign of Ramon Berenguer the Old.

Ramon Berenguer I together with his third wife Almodis also founded the Romanesque cathedral of Barcelona, to replace the older basilica presumably destroyed by Almanzor. Their velvet and brass bound wooden coffins are still shown in the Gothic cathedral which replaced Ramon Berenguer's building.

Ramon Berenguer I el Vell ("the Old") was Count of Barcelona in 1035-1076. He promulgated the earliest versions of a written code of Catalan law, the Usages of Barcelona.

Born in 1024, he succeeded his father, Berenguer Ramon the Crooked in 1035. It is during his reign that the dominant position of Barcelona among other Catalan counties became evident.

Ramon Berenguer campaigned against the Moors, extending his dominions as far west as Barbastro and imposing heavy tributes (parias) on other Moorish cities. Historians claim that those tributes helped create the first wave of prosperity in Catalan history. During his reign Catalan maritime power started to be felt in Western Mediterranean. Ramon Berenguer the Old was also the first count of Catalonia to acquire lands (counties of Carcassonne and Razés) and influence north of the Pyrenees.

Another major achievement of his was beginning of codification of Catalan law in the written Usatges or Usatici of Barcelona which was to become the first full compilation of feudal law in Western Europe. Legal codification was part of the count's efforts to forward and somehow control the process of feudalization which started during the reign of his weak father, Berenger Ramon. Another major contributor was the Church acting through the institution of the Peace and Truce of God. This established a general truce among warring factions and lords in a given region for a given time. The earliest extant date for introducing the Truce of God in Western Europe is 1027 in Catalonia, during the reign of Ramon Berenguer the Old.

Ramon Berenguer I together with his third wife Almodis also founded the Romanesque cathedral of Barcelona, to replace the older basilica presumably destroyed by Almanzor. Their velvet and brass bound wooden coffins are still shown in the Gothic cathedral which replaced Ramon Berenguer's building.

He was succeeded by his twin sons Ramon Berenguer II and Berenguer Ramon II. It has been speculated that the obscure wife of Henry of Burgundy, the grandmother of Alfonso Henriques, first king of Portugal, was his sister.
Ramon Berenguer I, Count of Barcelona
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ramon Berenguer I el Vell ("the Old") was Count of Barcelona in 1035-1076. He promulgated the earliest versions of a written code of Catalan law, the Usages of Barcelona.
Born in 1024, he succeeded his father, Berenguer Ramon the Crooked in 1035. It is during his reign that the dominant position of Barcelona among other Catalan counties became evident.
Ramon Berenguer campaigned against the Moors, extending his dominions as far west as Barbastro and imposing heavy tributes (parias) on other Moorish cities. Historians claim that those tributes helped create the first wave of prosperity in Catalan history. During his reign Catalan maritime power started to be felt in Western Mediterranean. Ramon Berenguer the Old was also the first count of Catalonia to acquire lands (counties of Carcassonne and Razés) and influence north of the Pyrenees.
Another major achievement of his was beginning of codification of Catalan law in the written Usatges or Usatici of Barcelona which was to become the first full compilation of feudal law in Western Europe. Legal codification was part of the count's efforts to forward and somehow control the process of feudalization which started during the reign of his weak father, Berenger Ramon. Another major contributor was the Church acting through the institution of the Peace and Truce of God. This established a general truce among warring factions and lords in a given region for a given time. The earliest extant date for introducing the Truce of God in Western Europe is 1027 in Catalonia, during the reign of Ramon Berenguer the Old.
Ramon Berenguer I together with his third wife Almodis also founded the Romanesque cathedral of Barcelona, to replace the older basilica presumably destroyed by Almanzor. Their velvet and brass bound wooden coffins are still shown in the Gothic cathedral which replaced Ramon Berenguer's building.
He was succeeded by his twin sons Ramon Berenguer II and Berenguer Ramon II. It has been speculated that the obscure wife of Henry of Burgundy, the grandmother of Alfonso Henriques, first king of Portugal, was his sister.
[edit]Ramon Berenguers's marriages and descendants
First wife, Isabel/Elisabeth of Narbonne or of Béziers
Berenguer (died young)
Arnau (died young)
Pere Ramon (1050-1073?), murdered his father's wife, Almodis, and was exiled
Second wife, Blanca (origin unknown)
Third wife, Almodis de La Marche, countess of Limoges
Berenguer Ramon II, Count of Barcelona the Fratricide (1053/54-1097)
Ramon Berenguer II, Count of Barcelona the Towhead (1053/54-1082)
Inés, married Hugh d'Albo
Sancha, married William Raymond, count of Cerdanya

Ramon Berenguer I the Old (née in French: Ramond Berenger LeVieux, in Catalan: el Vell) was Count of Barcelona in 1035–1076. He promulgated the earliest versions of a written code of Catalan law, the Usages of Barcelona.

Born in 1024, he succeeded his father, Berenguer Ramon the Crooked in 1035. It is during his reign that the dominant position of Barcelona among other Catalan counties became evident.

Ramon Berenguer campaigned against the Moors, extending his dominions as far west as Barbastro and imposing heavy tributes (parias) on other Moorish cities. Historians claim that those tributes helped create the first wave of prosperity in Catalan history. During his reign Catalan maritime power started to be felt in Western Mediterranean. Ramon Berenguer the Old was also the first count of Catalonia to acquire lands (counties of Carcassonne and Razés) and influence north of the Pyrenees.

Another major achievement of his was beginning of codification of Catalan law in the written Usatges or Usatici of Barcelona which was to become the first full compilation of feudal law in Western Europe. Legal codification was part of the count's efforts to forward and somehow control the process of feudalization which started during the reign of his weak father, Berenger Ramon. Another major contributor was the Church acting through the institution of the Peace and Truce of God. This established a general truce among warring factions and lords in a given region for a given time. The earliest extant date for introducing the Truce of God in Western Europe is 1027 in Catalonia, during the reign of Ramon Berenguer the Old.

Ramon Berenguer I together with his third wife Almodis also founded the Romanesque cathedral of Barcelona, to replace the older basilica presumably destroyed by Almanzor. Their velvet and brass bound wooden coffins are still shown in the Gothic cathedral which replaced Ramon Berenguer's building.

He was succeeded by his twin sons Ramon Berenguer II and Berenguer Ramon II. It has been speculated that the obscure wife of Henry of Burgundy, the grandmother of Alfonso Henriques, first king of Portugal, was his sister.

[edit] Ramon Berenguers's marriages and descendants

Sepulchers of Ramon Berenguer I and Almodis de la Marche.
Cathedral of Barcelona.First wife, Isabel/Elisabeth of Narbonne or of Béziers
Berenguer (died young)
Arnau (died young)
Pere Ramon (1050-1073?), murdered his father's wife, Almodis, and was exiled
Second wife, Blanca (origin unknown)
Third wife, Almodis de La Marche, countess of Limoges
Berenguer Ramon II, Count of Barcelona the Fratricide (1053/54-1097)
Ramon Berenguer II, Count of Barcelona the Towhead (1053/54-1082)
Inés, married Hugh d'Albo
Sancha, married William Raymond, count of Cerdanya

[edit] References
^ Charles Julian Bishko (1968–9), "Fernando I and the Origins of the Leonese-Castilian Alliance with Cluny," Studies in Medieval Spanish Frontier History (Variorum Reprints), 40.
Preceded by
Berenguer Ramon I Count of Barcelona
1035 – 1076 Succeeded by
Ramon Berenguer II

Retrieved from ",_Count_of_Barcelona"

Ramon Berenguer I el Vell ("the Old") was Count of Barcelona in 1035-1076. He promulgated the earliest versions of a written code of Catalan law, the Usages of Barcelona.

Born in 1024, he succeeded his father, Berenguer Ramon the Crooked in 1035. It is during his reign that the dominant position of Barcelona among other Catalan counties became evident.

Ramon Berenguer campaigned against the Moors, extending his dominions as far west as Barbastro and imposing heavy tributes (parias) on other Moorish cities. Historians claim that those tributes helped create the first wave of prosperity in Catalan history. During his reign Catalan maritime power started to be felt in Western Mediterranean. Ramon Berenguer the Old was also the first count of Catalonia to acquire lands (counties of Carcassonne and Razés) and influence north of the Pyrenees.

Another major achievement of his was beginning of codification of Catalan law in the written Usatges or Usatici of Barcelona which was to become the first full compilation of feudal law in Western Europe. Legal codification was part of the count's efforts to forward and somehow control the process of feudalization which started during the reign of his weak father, Berenger Ramon. Another major contributor was the Church acting through the institution of the Peace and Truce of God. This established a general truce among warring factions and lords in a given region for a given time. The earliest extant date for introducing the Truce of God in Western Europe is 1027 in Catalonia, during the reign of Ramon Berenguer the Old.

Ramon Berenguer I together with his third wife Almodis also founded the Romanesque cathedral of Barcelona, to replace the older basilica presumably destroyed by Almanzor. Their velvet and brass bound wooden coffins are still shown in the Gothic cathedral which replaced Ramon Berenguer's building.

He was succeeded by his twin sons Ramon Berenguer II and Berenguer Ramon II. It has been speculated that the obscure wife of Henry of Burgundy, the grandmother of Alfonso Henriques, first king of Portugal, was his sister.
Excommunicated from the Roman Catholic Church by Pope Victor II, 1056. Grounds: Illegal marriage to third wife Almodis.

from "Our Folk" by Albert D Hart, Jr.
867789488. Grev Raimund Berengar I den Gamle BARENGARSON av Barcelona(20647) was born in 1023.(20648) He was a Greve on 26 May 1035 in Barcelona / Spania.(20649) (20650) Han etterfulkte sin far som barn, men tre år etter ble han innviet i sine rettigheter i kirken i Ausona og kalles her puer aegregiae indole, under formynderskap av sin farmor Ermessinde. Han utvidet sitt frevskap betydelig. He died on 22 Mar 1076. (20651) Han gjorde en ekspedisjon til Murice i 1074. I 1072 sammenkalte han Cortes og lot gjøre et utvalg av de gotiske og romerske lover som ble Kataloniens lovbok under navn av los Usatges. He was married to Grevinne Almodis (Adalumz) BERNHARDSDTR av la Marche in 1053/54. (20652) Dette ekteskap (hennes 3) ble bekreftet av Pons i et dokument av 4.11.1056
Count of Barcelona (1035-1076). 2 sons (second killed first for title)
_P_CCINFO 1-20792
Ramon Berenguer I the Old (née in French: Ramond Berenger LeVieux, in Catalan: el Vell) was Count of Barcelona in 1035-1076. He promulgated the earliest versions of a written code of Catalan law, the Usages of Barcelona.

Born in 1024, he succeeded his father, Berenguer Ramon the Crooked in 1035. It is during his reign that the dominant position of Barcelona among other Catalan counties became evident.

Ramon Berenguer campaigned against the Moors, extending his dominions as far west as Barbastro and imposing heavy tributes (parias) on other Moorish cities. Historians claim that those tributes helped create the first wave of prosperity in Catalan history. During his reign Catalan maritime power started to be felt in Western Mediterranean. Ramon Berenguer the Old was also the first count of Catalonia to acquire lands (counties of Carcassonne and Razés) and influence north of the Pyrenees.

Another major achievement of his was beginning of codification of Catalan law in the written Usatges or Usatici of Barcelona which was to become the first full compilation of feudal law in Western Europe. Legal codification was part of the count's efforts to forward and somehow control the process of feudalization which started during the reign of his weak father, Berenger Ramon. Another major contributor was the Church acting through the institution of the Peace and Truce of God. This established a general truce among warring factions and lords in a given region for a given time. The earliest extant date for introducing the Truce of God in Western Europe is 1027 in Catalonia, during the reign of Ramon Berenguer the Old.

Ramon Berenguer I together with his third wife Almodis also founded the Romanesque cathedral of Barcelona, to replace the older basilica presumably destroyed by Almanzor. Their velvet and brass bound wooden coffins are still shown in the Gothic cathedral which replaced Ramon Berenguer's building.

He was succeeded by his twin sons Ramon Berenguer II and Berenguer Ramon II. It has been speculated that the obscure wife of Henry of Burgundy, the grandmother of Alfonso Henriques, first king of Portugal, was his sister.

Ramon Berenguers's marriages and descendants

Sepulchers of Ramon Berenguer I and Almodis de la Marche.
Cathedral of Barcelona.First wife, Isabel/Elisabeth of Narbonne or of Béziers
Berenguer (died young)
Arnau (died young)
Pere Ramon (1050-1073?), murdered his father's wife, Almodis, and was exiled
Second wife, Blanca (origin unknown)
Third wife, Almodis de La Marche, countess of Limoges
Berenguer Ramon II, Count of Barcelona the Fratricide (1053/54-1097)
Ramon Berenguer II, Count of Barcelona the Towhead (1053/54-1082)
Inés, married Hugh d'Albo
Sancha, married William Raymond, count of Cerdanya

^ Charles Julian Bishko (1968-9), "Fernando I and the Origins of the Leonese-Castilian Alliance with Cluny," Studies in Medieval Spanish Frontier History (Variorum Reprints), 40.
Created the earliest versions of a written code of Catalan Law.

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    • De temperatuur op 28 juni 1941 lag tussen 12,9 °C en 20,2 °C en was gemiddeld 15,8 °C. Er was 1,0 uur zonneschijn (6%). De gemiddelde windsnelheid was 4 Bft (matige wind) en kwam overheersend uit het noord-westen. Bron: KNMI
    • Koningin Wilhelmina (Huis van Oranje-Nassau) was van 1890 tot 1948 vorst van Nederland (ook wel Koninkrijk der Nederlanden genoemd)
    • Van 3 september 1940 tot 27 juli 1941 was er in Nederland het kabinet Gerbrandy I met als eerste minister Prof. dr. P.S. Gerbrandy (ARP).
    • Van 27 juli 1941 tot 23 februari 1945 was er in Nederland het kabinet Gerbrandy II met als eerste minister Prof. dr. P.S. Gerbrandy (ARP).
    • In het jaar 1941: Bron: Wikipedia
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    Bron: Wikipedia

    Over de familienaam De Barcelona

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    George Homs, "Stamboom Homs", database, Genealogie Online ( : benaderd 22 juni 2024), "Ramon Berenguer I 'el Vell' "el Vell ("the Old")" de Barcelona comte de Barcelona (± 1024-1076)".