Stamboom Van Kooten » Gerrit Peters van Noordeloos (1685-1756)

Persoonlijke gegevens Gerrit Peters van Noordeloos 

Gezin van Gerrit Peters van Noordeloos

Hij is getrouwd met Wijnanda Gijsbertsdr Bloem.

Toestemming voor het huwelijk is 28 april 1731 verkregen te Jutphaas, Utrecht, Nederland.

Zij zijn getrouwd op 15 mei 1731 te Jutphaas, Utrecht, Nederland, hij was toen 46 jaar oud.


  1. Antonia Noordeloos  1737-1805 
  2. Cornelia van Noordeloos  1739-± 1741
  3. Cornelia Noordeloos  1743-1783 

Notities over Gerrit Peters van Noordeloos

Gerrit’s RC marriage to Agnes is witnessed by Cornelia and Wijngie Gijsbers Bloem (a.k.a. Wijnanda Blom). His RC marriage to Wijnanda is witnessed by Ariaen and Cornelis van Dijk and two sisters of the bride.

Gerrit Noordeloos was born somewhere between 1680 and 1694, before the start of the Jutphaas RC Register of Baptisms. Whether he was the oldest of Pieter Noordeloos’s children is not known, but every chance he was. The first document in which Gerrit appears records him as a legal adult in 1715, meaning that he was at least 25 years old in 1715, so born in 1790 at the latest. This date would make his father about 33 when he was born and Gerrit himself about 32 when he first married. And one thing I have noticed from the records is that many people do not marry young, although there are exceptions in Engeltje Vlooswijk’s story. However, Gerrit may not have bought out his mother the day he turned 25, so he may have been yet older. I estimate his year of birth to be about 1685.

The son of a tenant farmer, Gerrit became the owner of Stormerdijk Castle and quite an acreage of land, a landlord himself. But his rise to prominence did not go uncontested.

Gerrit achieves this by first marrying Agnes van Velthuijsen, who may have been 20-30 years older than him. She is the widow of Aart van Roijesteijn, who inherited Stormerdijk from his father. Agnes and Aart have no children, and neither do Agnes and Gerrit. When Agnes dies, Gerrit marries Wijnanda Blom, one of the bridesmaids at his first marriage. How a tenant farmer’s son came to marry a rich heiress is not yet known. Gerrit is probably one of the tenants, on whom first Aart and then Agnes relies. There are six years between Aart’s death and his widow’s marriage to Gerrit, six years in which Gerrit could have proven his worth to Agnes.

There are some very suspicious dates at the start of Gerrit and Wijnanda’s story. Agnes writes her will 18 days before she is buried. Three months after her death Gerrit and Wijnanda marry. Seven months later their first child is baptised.

One would expect to find documents attesting to a contest over Agnes’ will, but none were found. The contests that did exist were between Agnes and Aart’s sister over Aart’s will, between Gerrit and Gijsbert Gijsbertsz Blom (Wijnanda’s brother) over Dirk Blom’s (their uncle) will, between Gerrit and Adriaan Velthuijsen (Agnes’s brother’s grandson) over land held in common property as a result of Cornelia Velthuijsen’s will (Dirk Blom’s wife), and finally between Wijnanda and one of her daughters over Wijnanda’s failure to pay the money due after she had bought off their share in Gerrit’s estate.

The first conclict lasted almost 15 years, the second one appears to have been quite bitter, the third one was settled amicably, and the fourth one was also settled amicably.

We have a special connection with Stormerdijk Castle. It is not only the house where Gerrit Noordeloos and Wijnanda Blom lived, and their daughter Cornelia was raised. The castle was demolished in the early 19th century and a villa was built to take its place. Who demolished the castle? Who built the villa? Could he have been the first Van Bentum builder? Great grandfather Adrianus van Bentum bought the villa about 1900, i.e. it is the house where opa grew up. A descendant of Adrianus van Bentum lives there to this day.

People: Gerrit Noordeloos, ma Weijntje Willemse van de Woert, pa Pieter Noordeloos. Date: April 11, 1715. Reference: U149a act 4. Subject: Disposition.This is the only document that establishes a link between father Pieter Noordeloos, mother Weijntje Willems van der Woert and son Gerrit Pieterse Noordeloos. Weijntje hands over all her worldly goods to son Gerrit, including the debts, and the income from a lease to the widow Van Dijck (brewster), on condition that she can live there to the end of her days. There is a reference to Pieter’s will, but none was found in the Utrecht Archives. Weijntje signs with a cross. The document records Gerrit Noordeloos as an adult in 1715. This implies that he was at least 25 years old, i.e. born before April 1790.

People: Gerrit Noordeloos, Agnes van Velthuijsen, Jacob Jubert brother in law of Agnes van Velthuijsen. Date: November 22, 1722. Reference: U149a1 act 149. Subject: Statement.Gerrit and first wife Agnes van Velhhuysen start legal procedures against Jacob Jubert, husband of Maria van Roijesteijn, sister of Agnes’ first husband Aart van Roijesteijn. They appoint one Jacob Woertman as their representative. It does not say what they are about, but there are more documents to follow that mention Gerrit and Jacob. The document includes some Latin. Reads like incantations hoping for success.

People: Gerrit Noordeloos, Dirck Blom, Jan van Velthuijsen (nephew of Agnes), Agnes van Velthuijsen, Harmanus van Delden. Date: February 27, 1723. Reference: U175a act 10. Subject: Lease.Four people, Dirck Blom, Jan Velthuijsen, Gerrit Noordeloos and Agnes van Velthuijsen lease 8.5 morgen of meadow and hay land to Harmanus van Delden, at the price of Fl 120, and for a period of seven years. The land is the joint property of sisters Cornelia and Agnes van Velthuijsen, with their husbands acting on their behalf, and their nephew Jan van Velthuijsen.

People: Gerrit Noordeloos, Dirk Blom, Hendrik van Nievelt, Herman Jansen Kassenaar. Date: June 1, 1726. Reference: U173a2 act 163. Subject: Lease. Dirk Bom, Gerrit Noordeloos and Hendrik van Nievelt (married to the widow of Jan Velthuijsen) lease 47 morgen orchard, crop land, meadow and hay land in Veldhuizen to Hermen Jansen Kassenaar, for 6 year and a rent of Fl 350, plus a few other conditions, among which the duty to bake 200 litres of wheat into bread every year and distribute them among the people at Christmas. There is reference to a previous contract from 1713. The land is joint property of sisters Cornelia, Agnes and their cousin Adriaan van Velthuijsen. Their husbands act on behalf of the two sisters. Stepfather Hendrik van Nievelt acts on behalf of Adriaan van Velthuijsen, son of Jan van Velthuijsen, who died when Adriaan was aged under two. This land was inherited from sister and great aunt Hermina van Velthuijsen.

People: Gerrit Noordeloos, Agnes van Velthuijsen. Date: January 12, 1731. Reference: U176a1 act 104. Subject: Testament. This will is dated 18 days before Agnes is buried, and from the text it is clear that she was already on her death bed. Witnesses are Jan Mathijssen van Royen and Jan Boenebel. Wijnanda Blom receives Agnes’ share in Cornelia van Velthuijsen’s estate (land and money). Cornelia is already dead, but her husband Dirk Blom does not die until 1742. Should Gerrit die first, Agnes receives the usufruct of his entire estate, which is inherited by Gerrit’s brothers and sister when Agnes dies. Agnes leaves all her goods located in Jutphaas to Gerrit. She leaves her share of the 60 morgen land in Veldhuijzen to Adriaan van Velthuijsen (20 is already owned by Adriaan, and 20 by Cornelia’s widower Dirk Blom).

People: Gerrit Noordeloos, Agnes van Velthuijsen. Date: January 12, 1731. Reference: U176a1 act 104. Subject: Codicil .Basically the same text as the will – U176a1 act 104.

People: Gerrit Noordeloos, the heirs of Huijbert de Groot and Maijgje Jans van Bemmel. Date: April 24, 1732. Reference: U176a1 act 150. Subject: Public sale.Gerrit buys a house and orchard at Kerkenbrink in Nedereind in Jutphaas from the heirs of Huijbert de Groot and Maijgje Jans van Bemmel. The act is about 140 guilder deposit for starting the procedures.

People: Gerrit Noordeloos, Gerrit Roemerden van der Wurff. Date: May 14, 1732. Reference: U176a1 act 152. Subject: Acknowledgement of debt.Gerrit Noordeloos lends Fl 1,500 to Gerrit Roemerden van der Worff, at an annual interest rate of 3%, with Gerrit Roemerden’s inheritance from his father (farm and land) as collateral to be confirmed legally within 3 months. Gerrit Roemerden promises to pay back to either Gerrit or his heirs. Gerrit Roemerden van der Worff, or Wurff, is the brother of Anna Roemers van der Worff, wife of Evert Craijkamp, parents of Roemer Craijkamp who marries Gijsje Vlooswijk, daughter of Albert Vlooswijk and Maria Koppen and thus grandparents of Anna Kraaijkamp, second wife of Evert Pauw. Evert Pauw was first married to Antonia van Bentum, half-sister of Cornelis van Bentum.

People: Gerrit Noordeloos, Pieter Willemse Noordeloos, Maria Willemse Noordeloos. Date: June 16, 1733. Reference: U160a11 act 57. Subject: Statement.Gerrit Noordeloos acts as guardian of his nephew Pieter and niece Maria, children of his diseased brother Willem Noordeloos and deceased sister in law Merrighie Teunis van den Hogen. The issue is the will of Merrighie’s father Teunis Aarts van den Hogen, who left only debts. The collateral was impounded by the lady of Houdringen and the sheriff of De Bilt. The settlement: the goods will be sold publicly, and the debts will be payed from the proceeds. One Anthoni Nicolaes Keppel, sheriff of De Bilt, is charged to arrange the public sale and oversee the correct payment and settlement of debts.

People: Gerrit Noordeloos, Pieter Willemse Noordeloos, Maria Willemse Noordeloos. Date: July 29, 1733. Reference: U160a11 act 60. Subject: Transfer.Final settlement of the debts of Teunis Aarts van den Hogen. The payment of 600 guilders for back land rent to the lady of Houdringen is affected.

People: Gerrit Noordeloos widower of Agnes van Velthuijsen, Maria van Roijesteijn widow of Jacob Jubert. Date: July 19, 1734. Reference: U186a1 act 137. Subject: Settlement.We have seen the statement from 1722 starting legal proceedings against Jacob Jubert. This is the result, and in the mean time the two protagonists are dead. It starts with a long listing of what the fight was all about, and then mentions that both contending parties, Agnes and Jacob, had died, and that their surviving spouses wanted to reach a settlement in order to avoid further long-drawn out litigation. Three arbiters were also appointed. Unfortunately, a lot of horrible legal mumbo jumbo, leaving no idea of the kind of property that Aart van Roijesteijn had left in his will. I think, but I am not sure, no expert in legalese, but Gerrit emerged relatively unscathed, with his wife’s will intact.

People: Gerrit Noordeloos, Jan Jacobse van Royen, Sophia Brughman, Johan de Kock. Date: December 28, 1734. Reference: U176a2 act 53. Subject: Settlement.Gerrit Noordeloos en Jan Jacobse van Royen collect a debt from Sophia Brughman and Johan de Kock worth Fl 706, in the form of horses, cattle, grain, hay, milk, tools, furniture and household articles, due because of failure to pay rent.

People: Gerrit Noordeloos, Willem van Schaik. Date: January 2, 1734. Reference: U166b2 act 20. Subject: Public sale.Sale of several pieces of property, with prices included for some, whereby Gerrit Noordeloos and Willem van Schaik underwrite the buyers’ bid. Gerrit makes several bids, and is outbid. I am not sure if this Willem van Schaik is Willem Thonisz van Schaik or Willem Gossens van Schaik.

People: Gerrit Noordeloos, Jan Jacobse van Royen, Cornelis Jansen de Woerden. Date: January 31, 1735. Reference: U184a4 act 15. Subject: Statement.Very difficult hand to read, but if I read it correctly Cornelis Jansen de Woerden is forced to sell property so Gerrit Noordeloos and Jan Jacobse van Royen can pay his debt of Fl 706 to the heirs of the former sheriff Brugman, for which they had been guarantors originally.

People: Gerrit Noordeloos, Willem Thonisz van Schaik (in passing), Willem Gossens van Schaik, Maria van Roijesteijn, Aart van Roijesteijn, Agnes van Velthuijsen. Date: January 22, 1735. Reference: U139a20 act 8. Subject: Settlement.This document is about the final settlement dividing the inherited property of Aart van Roijesteijn, who had already been dead for about 14-15 years in 1735. One of the witnesses is Willem Gossens van Schaijck, nephew of ancestor Gerrit Ariesz van Schaik. The Hofstad Stormerdijk is mentioned for the first time in the documents pertaining to Gerrit Noordeloos. Maria hands over to Gerrit Noordeloos different plots of land, but all located in Jutphaas: 9 morgen orchard, crop land and buildings in Nedereind, 6 morgen meadow in Nedereind, another 6.5 morgen crop land in Nedereind, 8 morgen crop land and meadow located next to ancestor Willem Thonisse van Schaik, 3 morgen crop land, 3 morgen, plus Stormerdijk Castle, outbuildings and about 25 morgen land, 6.5 morgen meadow, 5 morgen meadow located next to Jan Gerritsz van Mastwijk, whose grandson marries Gerrit Noordeloos’ granddaughter Wijnanda van Schaik: 72 morgen all told. In exchange Gerrit pays Maria Fl 8,000, half to be paid on signing the document, and half plus 3 percent interest a year later. Willem Gossens van Schaik was married to Jannigje Roemers van der Worff, sister of Anna Roemers van der Worff and Gerrit Roemerden van der Wurff.

People: Gerrit Noordeloos, Willem van Schaik, Jan Ros, heirs of Nicolaas van Naarden and Christina Hagen. Date: December 27, 1735. Reference: U174a5 act 121. Subject: Public sale.Usual text. The heirs of Nicolaas van Naarden and Christina Hagen sell property. Gerrit Noordeloos, with Willem (Gossens?) van Schaik and Jan Ros as guarantors, buys 30 morgen land and for a price of Fl 3,850. 26 morgen of orchard, crop land and meadow is located in Overeind in Jutphaas; 4 morgen meadow is located in Leegraven. Gerrit outbids one Jacob Jansen van Mastwijk, son of Jan Gerritsz van Mastwijk. His son Cornelis van Mastwijk marries Gerrit Noordeloos’ granddaughter Wijnanda van Schaik.

People: Gerrit Noordeloos, heirs of Nicolaas van Naarden and Christina Hagen. Date: March 28, 1736. Reference: U174a6 act 9. Subject: Statement.Final transfer of a farmhouse and 26 morgen land in Jutphaas to Gerrit Noordeloos. It is part of an Fl 3,850 purchase of 30 morgen land from the public sale of the Van Naarden inheritance.

People: Gerrit Noordeloos, Jan van Scherpenzeel. Date: June 29, 1736. Reference: U167a6 act 113. Subject: Lease.Gerrit leases a total of 9.5 mergen meadow, arable land and orchard at the rate of Fl 120 a year, to be paid in two terms annually. Included is also a paddock in the orchard, costing Fl 23 a year. The land is part of the Vronesteijn Castle estate. The landlord is Jan van Scherpenzeel, lord of Vronesteijn. The landlord pays the taxes and other dues on the land. The tenant pays all labour. The 3 morgen of orchard had previously been leased by Antoni van Rijn (possibly the nephew of ancestres Teuntje van Rijn). Gerrit promises to stop his animals from damaging the orchard, to maintain the drainage ditches, scatter the sludge dredged across the land, and twice in six years to fertilise the land. The lease is for six years.

People: Gerrit Noordeloos, Bartholomeus Guesthouse, Gerrit van der Wurff, Willem van Schaik. Date: October 6, 1738. Reference: U166b2 act 28. Subject: Public sale.This is a long document concerning the sale of a lot of land and farms belonging to the Bartholomeus Guesthouse in Utrecht. It feels like a forced sale, looking at the amount of land. Gerrit Noordeloos appears as the buyer of 4 morgen meadow and hay land in Galekop (Jutphaas) leased to one Willem van Linden until 1741. He paid a mere Fl 55. Gerrit also appears as underwriting the purchase of house, farmhouse, sheds and 30 morgen of land located in ‘t Goy (Houten) by Gerrit van der Wurff, for the unbelievable sum of Fl 300. Gerrit van der Wurff could be Gerrit Roemer van der Wurff. Willem van Schaik could be Willem Gossens van Schaik. The document also mentions a Cornelis Gerrits Hollaar, who is not ancestor Gerrit Hollaar (born 1741), but could be Cornelis Gerritsz Hollaar married to Anna Kornelia van Zijl, who is (as yet) not connected to any ancestral Hollaar, and this Cornelis may well have been toddler in 1738, he married in 1767.

People: Gerrit Noordeloos, Arien van Dijk. Date: February 21, 1739. Reference: U139a24 act 12. Subject: Lease.Gerrit leases to Arien van Dijk 30 morgen land plus farmhouse and outhouses, at Fl 420 a year for six years. The usual conditions about maintenance and ditches, but there is also a special condition about manure (‘messie’ in Old Dutch): it shall stay on the land and be spread out. Arien van Dijk proves a loyal tenant. He was also witness to Gerrit and Wijnanda’s wedding and appointed guardian of their underage children after Gerrit’s death. Arien van Dijk is succeeded as tenant by ancestor Arie Vlooswijk.

People: Gerrit Noordeloos, Neeltje van der Wurff. Date: December 10, 1739. Reference: U160a14 act 123. Subject: Acknowledgement of debt.Gerrit lends Fl 500 at 3% interest a year to the aged religious daughter Neeltje van der Wurff. She places her person and properties as collateral. Neeltje also takes on the debt on behalf of herself and her heirs. Another Van der Wurff, but not yet placed in the forest. A religious daughter is the 17th and 18th century equivalent of a nun, at a time when convents were illegal. They live independently, with relatives or benefactors, but not in closed communities. They play an important role in education, and the RC religion might not have survived DR oppression had it not been for them.

People: Gerrit Noordeloos, Johanna Schalij widow of Jan Jacobse van Roijen, Isacq Schalij. Date: July 2, 1740. Reference: U139a24 act 125. Subject: Acknowledgement of debt.Difficult hand to read, and written with haste. But Johanna Schalij, widow of Jan Jacobse van Roijen borrows Fl 500 from Gerrit Noordeloos. One Isaeq Schalij, a relation, is guarantor. The document talks of a repayment regime, but details elude me.

People: Gerrit Noordeloos, Gijsbert Gijsbertsz Blom. Date: May 25, 1742. Reference: U184a9 act 80. Subject: Liquidation.Gijsbert Blom, brother of Wijnanda Blom, and Wijnanda’s husband Gerrit Noordeloos settle the accounts of a dispute over the will of Cornelia van Velthuysen, wife of Dirk Blom and sister of Agnes van Velthuijsen. Recall that in her will Agnes left the property she had inherited from her sister to Wijnanda Blom. The settlement happens 19 years after Cornelia’s death. The occasion was probably provided by Dirk Blom’s death, which means that Cornelia’s estate is released. An addition is made of what Gerrit owes Gijsbert (including an apparent debt of Fl 4,000), from which Gerrit’s share in the estate is deducted, leaving a sum of Fl 653/11/08 which he then owes Gijsbert Blom. But Gerrit acquires 5 morgen land in Reijerskop, a capital of Fl 1,200, half of one third part in 63.5 morgen land in Veldhuizen, half of one third in a capital of Fl 200, half of 8 morgen in Veldhuizen, half of 7 morgen land in Breudijk, and half of a capital of Fl 2,400. Towards the end one gets the feeling that it must have been quite a bitter dispute. They promise to desist from recalcitrant behaviour, invoicing each other, and seeking redress in and outside the court.

People: Gerrit Noordeloos, Cornelis van Roijen, Lambert van Rooijen. Date: June 9, 1742. Reference: U184a9 act 94. Subject: Acknowledgement of debt.Gerrit lends Fl 400/20 to Cornelis van Roijen, guaranteed by his grother Lambert van Rooijen. Interest is not stated in percentage, but Fl 32. To be paid back after one year.

People: Gerrit Noordeloos, Gerrit van der Wurff, Jan van Drogenbroek. Date: December 8, 1742. Reference: U204a1 act 62. Subject: Public sale.Gerrit makes a bid for land in Nedereijnd, of Fl 1,000. Gerrit van der Wurff makes a higher bid. But the plot is bought by Jan van der Schroef on behalf of an absent party, for Fl 1,290. Gerrit van der Wurff then makes a bid on a second plot in Gaalkop, but the 4 morgen land is bought by Jan van Drogenbroek for Fl 170. However, Gerrit van der Wurff and Gerrit Noordeloos both come forward as guarantors. None of them show an interest in a third plot, in Veldhuizen.

People: Gerrit Noordeloos, Adrianus van Velthuijsen. Date: December 14, 1743. Reference: U184a10 act 205. Subject: Buy and sell.Gerrit sells to Adrianus van Velthuijsen (son of Jan van Veldhuysen, nephew of Agnes and Cornelia van Veldhuysen, and one of the parties in the settlement of May 25, 1741, U184a act 80) half of seven morgen land in Breudijk for Fl 700, and half of five morgen land in Reijerscop for Fl 350.

People: Gerrit Noordeloos, Adriaan van Velthuijsen, Johan van Poelweert. Date: November 14, 1744. Reference: U184a11 act 200. Subject: Division of estate.This document concerns the inheritance of Dirk Blom and Agnes Veldhuijzen, shared by the parties Gerrit Noordeloos and Adriaan van Veldhuijzen. Gerrit obtains a capital of Fl 2,400 to be claimed from one Johan van Poelmeert, and Adriaan gets his half of seven morgen land in Breudijk and five morgen land in Reijerscop, plus Fl 150 from Gerrit.

People: Gerrit Noordeloos, Arie van Dijk. Date: May 22, 1745. Reference: U176a4 act 12. Subject: Lease.Gerrit leases to Arie van Dijk all told 47 morgen land belonging to Stormerdijk, at the rate of Fl 658 (Fl 14 per morgen), for twice six years. Special conditions: all manure stays on the land and is spread out equally, the leaseholder shall not take manure with him when the lease expires; he can only cut hay on three morgen land on the second lot of 17 mergen, located at the back of Stormerdijk; the leaseholder pays for the upkeep of farmhouse and outbuildings, except for new and unual work, which is the landlord’s expense; he will avoid damages and maintain all dykes, roads, embankments and waterways; when the lease expires the landholder will compensate for the sown winter grains.

People: Gerrit Noordeloos, Ernst van den Berg, Maria Craijkamp, Isaac Schalij, Gerrit van Schaik, Evert Craijcamp. Date: November 30, 1745. Reference: U153a8 act 58. Subject: Public sale.Gerrit buys 4 morgen land from Ernst van den Berg and Maria Craijkamp for the price of Fl 286. He outbids Isaac Schalij, but Isaac is also listed as one of the underwriters, together with one Gerrit van Schaik. The land was used by Evert Craijcamp. One sourse places his death in 1735 in Jutphaas, but the only Evert Craijcamp recorded as buried in Jutphaas died in 1749.

People: Gerrit Noordeloos, Willem van Schaik, Evert Craijkamp, Philip Kippersluis and others. Date: August 1, 1747. Reference: U188a9 act 33. Subject: Statement.This record concerns the appointment of Jacob Blommendal to represent the water board’s members in the election of the new treasurer (kameraar) for the Heijcop Water Board a.k.a. as Lange Vlied. Their candidate is Jacob Smit, lawyer in Utrecht, to replace the deceased Gerard Cock. Gerrit Noordeloos is one of the members. Several names from the forest appear: a) Willem van Schaik, probably Willem Gossens van Schaik; b) Evert Kraijkamp, who could be the Evert Kraijkamp married to Anna Roemers van der Wurff; c) Philip Kippersluis, possibly Philip Willemsz van Kippersluijs, halfbrother of ancestress Engeltje Hendrikse Spruijt; d) Jan van Velthuijsen, possibly a relation (cousin) of Agnes van Velthuijsen, but nothing sure. The other Spruijt may be related to Engeltje, but nothing sure.

People: Gerrit Noordeloos, Gouda van Bentum and many others. Date: October 20, 1747. Reference: U188a9 act 44. Subject: Statement.Document signed by several people appointing Everard Vlaer to represent them in electing or appointing Philip Leonard van Westrenen to Heicop’s water noard. It includes Gerrit Noordeloos and one Gouda van Bentum, who is likely the daughter of Albert van Benthem, mayor of Utrecht in the 1680s, and prior to that a governor of the WIC, and one of three candidate founding fathers of the Bentum branch in Ghana. This Albert’s place in the tree has yet to be discovered. To date there has been no hint of any parents.

People: Gerrit Noordeloos, Adrianus van Velthuijsen, Harmen Jansen Kassenaar. Date: June 1, 1748. Reference: U184a14 act 276. Subject: Lease.Gerrit Noordeloos and Adriaan van Velthuijsen together lease a farm and 47 morgen land to Harmen Jansen Kassenaar, for the some of Fl 280. Dirk Blom is dead by then, and his wife Cornelia’s share of this land was left to her sister Agnes van Velthuijsen, who left it to Gerrit. Kassenaar is down from 3 to 2 landlords. The land is located in Veldhuizen. Each receives half the rent.

People: Gerrit Noordeloos, Adrianus van Veldhuijse, Harmen Janzen Kassenaar. Date: June 1, 1748. Reference: U184a14 act 277. Subject: Lease.Gerrit Noordeloos and Adrianus van Velthuijsen lease 8 morgen land in Veldhuijzen from the land assigned to poor relief to Harmen Janzen Kassenaar. The lease is for 6 years, the price Fl 90 a year. This contract does not state that each gets half the rent.

People: Gerrit Noordeloos, Willem Gossens van Schaik. Date: May 28, 1749. Reference: U176a act 102. Subject: Buy and sell.Gerrit sells to Willem Gossens van Schaik 4 mergen land at Fl 100 guilders each.

People: Gerrit Noordeloos, Wijnanda Blom, heirs of Johan van Poelweert. Date: January 25, 1750. Reference: U176a4 act 109. Subject: Buy and sell.Gerrit Noordeloos en Wijnanda Blom (together) buy over 27 morgen land from Johannes Bogaart, Catharina Bogaart and Johanna Bogaart (heirs of Johan van Poelweert, former sheriff of Harmelen). The land is located in Kamerik. Five of these morgen are held in lease from the House of Zuilen and occupied and used by Joost van sunten. The church has special rights to another three. The purchase includes house and outbuldings. The total price is Fl 1,500, paid from a capital of Fl 2,400 guilders obtained from Cornelia van Velthuijsen and paid out when her widower Dirk Blom dies.

People: Gerrit Noordeloos, Wijnanda Blom, Elbert van Rijn, Cornelia Hoogen, Athonie van Rijn, Wijnanda Noordeloos. Date: March 21, 1750. Reference: U176a4 act 115. Subject: Post nuptial agreement.Post nuptial agreement between the parents Elbert van Rijn and Cornelia Hoogen and Gerrit Noordeloos and Wijnanda Blom concerning the marriage in 1648 of son Anthonij van Rijn and daughter Wijnanda Noordeloos. The agreement is dated 17 months after the wedding, which would indicate a reluctance/delay with one of the parental parties to transfer their bit of the goods. Some wording also points in this direction. Wijnanda marries at the age of 15, and this may have caused acrimony with one or both sets of parents.The two sets of parents each transfers Fl 1,000 worth of goods and cash to the couple, to set up their own farm. Van Rijn and Hoogen give five milch cows, three other cows and horses worth Fl 660, winter grain, a plow, cart and other milking and cultivation tools and cash money worth Fl 330, adding up to Fl 1,000. Noordeloos and Blom give Fl 675 in cash or cattle, adding up to Fl 1,000. The newly wedded state that they had received it all and thank their parents.

People: Gerrit Noordeloos, Wijnanda Blom, Cornelia van Veen. Date: April 5, 1750. Reference: U184a15 act 85. Subject: Statement.Cornelia van Veen, widow of Jan Verhard gives Gerrit Noordeloos en Wijnanda Blom full power of attorney to act on her behalf and sell the property she inherited from her husband and settle all issues related to that property. Unclear what Cornelia’s relation to Gerrit and Wijnanda is, i.e. why she would give them such authority.

People: Gerrit Noordeloos, Wijnanda Blom, Johan van Poelweert’s heirs. Date: July 24, 1750. Reference: U176a4 act 126. Subject: Statement.Statement legalising the transfer of property form the Poelweert heirs to Gerrit Noordeloos en Wijnanda Blom (see U176a4 act 109).

People: Gerrit Noordeloos, Diederick Joan Hereman, Willem Gossens van Schaik. Date: January 30, 1752. Reference: U210a3 act 52. Subject: Lease.Gerrit leases from Diederick Joan Hereman 9.5 morgen crop land and meadow of Vronestein, 8 morgen land previousely leased by illegible name, and 6.5 land of Vronestein previously leased by Willem Gossens van Schaik, for a period of six years. The price is Fl 120 for the first plot, Fl 128 for the second plot and Fl 80 for the third plot plus the 15 guilders tithe to be paid to Vronestein. Gerrit also takes on 190 guilders in debts owed by Willem Gosen van Schaik for two years of back rent.

People: Gerrit Noordeloos, Adrianus van Velthuijsen. Date: March 25, 1752. Reference: U184a18 act 43. Subject: Buy and sell.Gerrit Noordeloos sells his share of the jointly owned land to Adrianus van Velthuijsen made up of 14 mergen, including 4 morgen Poor Relief, in Veldhuizen, and eight morgen land in Bijlevelt, plus 2.5 morgen land in Rijerscop, being used by Harmen Kassenaar, for the total sum of Fl 2,500.

People: Gerrit Noordeloos, the sisters Cop, Albert Vlooswijk. Date: May 26, 1753. Reference: U153a8 act 153. Subject: Buy and sell.This is a complicated document. In principle Gerrit Noordeloos buys off the three sisters Cop 4 hond and 50 roeden orchard next to the church in Jutphaas. The complication is that the land is leased from Oud Munster, from which Christina Gorle draws a pension. It is an addition and substraction of duties and rights to arrive at the final sales price of Fl 150. The Cop sisters include Maria, wife of Albert Vlooswijk, brother of Johannes Vlooswijk, in turn father of Arie Vlooswijk who would marry Gerrit’s youngest daughter Cornelia; the first mention of a link between Noordeloos and Vlooswijk.

People: Gerrit Noordeloos, widow of Evert Craijkamp, Willem Gossens van Schaik, Jan de Kock. Date: August 24, 1753. Reference: U192a2 act 22. Subject: Statement.Another statement from Water Board members; this time it is to appoint Jan de Kock, sheriff of Jutphaas, to represent them during the election of the Water Board chairman. Their candidate is Louis de Malapert. Evert Craijkamp is dead. Willem Gossense van Schaik, who appears in many other documents, is the nephew of ancestor Gerrit Ariesz van Schaik. Jan Jacob de Geer is the man who buys Stormerdijk Castle in 1778, after Gerrit’s widow’s death in 1777.

People: Gerrit Noordeloos, Johan van Tilburg. Date: November 19, 1754. Reference: U218a4 act 132. Subject: Acknowledgement of debt.Gerrit borrows Fl 1,000 at 4% annual interest from Johan van Tilburg. No final date of repayment is mentioned, but either party can cancel the loan giving three months notice.

People: Gerrit Noordeloos, Wijnanda Blom, Bernard Sam. Date: November 20, 1755. Reference: U184a21 act 160. Subject: Acknowledgement of debt.

Gerrit and Wijnanda together borrow Fl 600 at 5% interest annually from Bernard Sam. Additional comment: main sum and interest paid back on June 4, 1768.

VAN ROIJESTEIJN. The Van Roijesteijn are relevant to the story of our ancestors, because it was through one of them that Stormerdijk Castle and its land came into the possession of ancestors Gerrit Noordeloos and Wijnanda Blom.

The documents for the relevant Van Roijesteijn tell a story that is far from complete, and raises several questions. However, there is enough information to tell us why there was a long struggle between Agnes van Velthuijsen and Jacobus Jubert over Aart van Roijesteijn’s estate.

Aart’s Father Cornelis van Roijesteijn leaves Stormerdijk Castle to his son Aart and daughter Maria in common property, specifically. Other properties are divided. However, in his own will Aart leaves all his properties to his wife Agnes van Velthuijsen, and Maria’s children by Jacobus Jubert would only inherit if he dies after Agnes. In the same will Agnes appoints her sister Cornelia and nephew Jan van Velthuijsen as her heirs, if she were to die last. Aart dies in 1715 and six years later Agnes remarries, apparently without a prenuptial agreement, but she then leaves almost everything to her then husband Gerrit Noordeloos, and the property she inherited from her sister Hermina to Wijnanda Blom. This would have upset the expectations of the Roijesteijn relations.

Cornelis Aartsen van Roijenstein, former alderman of Jutphaas, buys Stormerdijk Castle together with one Justus van Cuylenborgh in 1681, and initially they have difficulties paying the purchasing price of Fl 6,230 (more than what Goyert van Schaik sells it for in 1778). By 1708 Cornelis’ widow Maria Stenis is dead and his estate is divided: Stormerdijk and its land are to be held in common property by his children Aart and Maria. However, that only applies to Cornelis’ half of the ownership. By 1708 Justus’s share has been taken over by one Rudolph van Cuylenborgh, who sold it to Aart for Fl 4,000. So in effect Aart owns 75% of Stormerdijk.

The seeds of discord were first sown in 1686 when Cornelis writes a will. The various documents also show that the Van Roijesteijn are quite a litigious family, in one case taking it all the way to a court in The Hague.

It is also a story in which the women play an important role: the widows of Aart Cornelisse and Jacob Cornelisse van Roijesteijn, respectively Maria Stenis and Dirkje Mayen. As widows they act as managers of their husbands’ estates. As mothers they act to secure their daughters’ rights to their fathers’ estates, fearing that their sons (one each and both called Aart) would take more than their fair shares. They both have official papers written to secure their daughters’ shares.

People: Philibert van Raveswaey, Peter Dircxs van Cattenbroeck, Cornelis Aertsz van Roijesteijn, Peter de With, Dirck woertman. Date: June 13, 1675. Reference: U72a6 act 126. Subject: Statement.The former sheriff and four former aldermen of Jutphaas appoint prosecutor Dirck Woertman to represent them. What for is not mentioned.

People: Dirckje Gerrits Mayen widow of Jacob Aartsen van Roijesteijn, Gijsbert van Bijlevelt. Date: September 5, 1679. Reference: U97a1 act 146. Subject: Statement. Dirkje Gerrits Mayen collects Fl 200 plus interest of debt from the children of Cornelis Jansen van Es, and appoints Gijsbert van Bijlevelt to collect on her behalf, threatening the debtors with detention.

People: Cornelis Aertss van Roijesteijn, Justus van Cuylenborgh, Rudolph van Cuylenborgh, Gerrit van Poolsum, Johan Adriaen van Baer. Date: September 9, 1681 old style. Reference: U100a3 act 35. Subject: Acknowledgement of debt.Cornelis Aertss van Roijestein and Justus van Cuylenborgh bought Stormerdijk and surrounding estate from Johan Adriaen van Baer for the sum of 6,230 guilders on August 7, 1681, but have only paid half that by September 9, 1681 (i.e. 3,115 guilders). This statement confirms their outstanding debt. Two underwriters are appointed: Rudolph van Cuijlenborch (brother of Justus?) and Gerrit van Poolsum. In the margin there is the annotation that the remaining money was received by Van Baer on March 12, 1682.

People: Justus van Cuylenborch, Cornelis Aertsz van Roijesteijn, widow of Adriaen van Dijck. Date: October 10, 1681. Reference: U109a1 act 22. Subject: Insinuation (insinuatie).This document places Justus van Cuylenborch and Cornelis Aertsz van Roijesteijn as co-owners of Stormerdijk and its surrounding estate. The widow of Adriaen van Dijcs was leasing 20 morgen land: orchard, crop land and meadow, including an access road, with elmtrees standing on either side. She has the benefit of whatever she cuts and trims. However, she has lapsed in her duty to maintain the trees and is charged to cut or trim them within 48 hours of receiving this notice. If not, the two landlords will do it on her expense. The sollicitor delivers the notice and her son answers that she will talk to someone about it.

People: Cornelis Aartse van Roijesteijn, Justus van Cuylenborch, Antonie Versteegh. Date: August 26, 1682 old style. Reference: U109a1 act 30. Subject: Statement.Cornelis Aertse van Roijesteijn and Justus van Cuylenborch appoint Anthonij Versteegh as their legal representative. To what end is not detailed.

People: Dirkje Gerrits Mayen widow of Jacob Aartsz van Roijesteijn. Date: March 25, 1685. Reference: U117a1 act 17. Subject: Codicil.Should son Aart Jacobsz van Roijesteijn claim more than his legal share of his parents’ estate, his sisters shall each receive Fl 150 in compensation. Dirkje Mayen, like Maria Stenis, fears that her son would not abide by her last will and testament.

People: Dirkje Gerrits Mayen and children Aletta, Aart, Johanna, Maria and Anna Jacobsse van Roijesteijn. Date: June 9, 1685. Reference: U117a1 act 18. Subject: Testament. Dirkje’s writes her last will and testament. In principle anyone of the children who disagrees with and disputes the liquidation of her and her husband’s estate shall only receive his or her legitimate part of the inheritance, which (if Wijnanda Blom’s will is anything to go by) is 1/5 (five children) of half the estate. No share in the so-called surplus.

People: Dirkje Gerrits Mayen, Jan Jansz van Nes. Date: May 15, 1686 old style. Reference: U117a1 act 28. Subject: Appointment of guardian.Dirkje Gerrits Mayen appoints alongside herself her cousin Jan Jansz van Nes as guardian of her underage children.

People: Cornelis Aertsen van Royesteyn, Maria Roelofs Stenis, Aert van Royesteyn, Maria van Royesteyn, Hadewe van Royesteyn. Date: August 23, 1686. Reference: U93a11 act 55. Subject: Testament.The text is easy to read in some parts and difficult in others. There is quite a bit of scribbling and many abbreviations. Basically Cornelis Aertsen van Royesteyn leaves all his goods in legitimate portions to his three children children and wife, and any other children that may yet be born. His wife gets an alimony and full authority over the children, who in 1686 are still underage. Should they all die his goods go to Dirck Cornelis Casteleyn and Maechjen Stenis (probably his wife’s sister), as does the authority over the children should Maria Roelofs Stenis die and the children still be underage. The guardians also get the authority to appoint anyone to look after the orphans, but they cannot touch their inheritance. The text also refers to previous wills and annexes from 1664, which I could not find in the UA. It has quite a religious undertone. A document from 1687 implies that Cornelis Aertsen van Royesteyn is dead by then.

People: Children of Cornelis Aertse van Roijesteijn and his brother Jacob Aertse van Roijesteijn. Date: February 5, 1687 old style. Reference: U97a4 act 11. Subject: Settlement. Settlement of a dispute between the heirs of Jacob Aertse van Roijesteijn, brother of Cornelis Aertse, and Maria van Stenis as guardian of Cornelis’s children, about the will of third brother Frederick Aertsen van Roijestein, who had stipulated that Jacob’s children would get a house plus 14 (or 40) morgen of land in Vuijlcoop, and Fl 2,400. However Cornelis Aartsen received bonds. Jacob’s heirs disagree, but to avoid the costs of legal procedures, an out-of-court settlement is reached. The division of Frederick’s goods stand as already agreed, but the most benefiting party (Cornelis i.e. Maria van Stenis) will pay the other party compensation, totalling Fl 900 to be paid in two sums of Fl 500 by May 1, 1687 and Fl 400 by May 1, 1788. The text in the margin states that Johanna, Aaltje, Aart and Maria Jacobse van Roijestein have received the money.

People: Dirkje Gerrits Mayen and her childen. Date: July 25, 1687 old style. Reference: 117a1 act 79. Subject; Codicil. Aert Jacobs van Roijesteijn had received 2 morgen land from his mother. It was made official on May 14, 1686, but Dirkje never intended that he really owns it, only that he could use it. She had bought the land from Aert Jansx Coorn on April 23, 1685 for the sum of Fl 510. In this codicil Dirkje rules that, should Aert claim the land as already his own when she dies, her other children are to be compensated. In Dirkje’s eyes the land remains part of her estate.

People: Maria Jacobs van Roijesteijn, Dirkje Gerrits Mayen, Jan Jansen van Nes, Eldert Gerritsen van Mastwijck. Date: November 8, 1688. Reference: U97a4 act 165. Subject: Prenuptial. Prenuptial agreement between Maria Jacobs van Roijesteijn and Eldert Gerritsen van Mastwijck. It is in community of property, except for when one of them dies without and there are no children. Any children would inherit their legitimate share. Should the groom die, and there are no children, the bride gets Fl 500, but the rest of his properties are returned to his family. Should the bride die, and there are no children, the groom gets Fl 200, and the rest her properties are returned to her family. The interesting bit is the inventory at the end, which lists the goods either party brings into the marriage. Eldert brings in: 12 horses, 12 milch cows, 11 calves, 3 fat beasts, 1 fat pig, a barn filled with summer grain, grain on the field, tools, milking tools and houseware, all told worth Fl 1,400. The rent he is due on the farm is not included. Maria basically brings in her share of the inheritance, one fourth part of: 18 morgen land in Galecop, 5 morgen land in Nedereind, a small house in Nedereind, 3.5 mergen land in Vuijlcoop. Plus Fl 400 in cash and Fl 200 worth of gold, silver and linnen.

People: The heirs of Jacob Aartsen van Roijesteijn, Frederick Aartsen van Roijesteijn and Annichje Jacobs van Roijesteijn. Date: June 15, 1689 old style. Reference: U97a5 act 45. Subject: Division of estate.Division of the estate of Jacob Aartsen van Roijestein, Frederick Aartsen van Roijestein and Annichje Jacobs van Roijestein, between their four surviving children, nephew and nieces, and siblings. Aart and Johanna get 18 morgen land in common property, plus a farmhouse that had burnt down during the last war with the French (1672). They are considered to be getting more than their due share and have to pay each Fl 100 to their sister Maria. Aaltje, i.e. her husband receives half of 10 morgen land, i.e. 5 morgen land. He too is considered too well endowed and has to pay Maria Fl 50. Maria gets 4.5 morgen land plus Fl 250 from the others.

People: Maria Stenis, Gerrit Henrickss Verhoef. Date: October 26, 1689. Reference: U93a17 act 46. Subject: Lease. This is a very difficult hand to read, so I focused on relevant details. Maria Stenis leases to Gerrit Henricks Verhoef a farmhouse and 10 morgen land in Hagestein, for 6 years, starting Christimas 1689, and for Fl 180.

People: Aart Jacobsen van Roijesteijn, Dirkje Gerrits Mayen, Jan and Elbert Gerritsen van Mastwijck, Stijntje Sweeren van Rossum, Sweer Gerritsen van Rossum, Metie Gerritsen van Mastwijck. Date: May 21, 1691. Reference: U108a1 act 128. Subject: Prenuptial.Prenuptial agreement between Aart Jacobsen van Roijesteijn and Stijntje Sweeren van Rossum. Stijntje is the daughter Metie Gerrits van Mastwijck. She is either the daughter of Gerrit Gerritsen van Mastwijck (i.e. sister of Jan and Eldert) or the daughter of Gerrit van Mastwijck (i.e. the aunt of Jan and Eldert). The marriage is in community of property, except when one of the spouses dies and there are no children, then the goods they brought in are returned to the blood relatives. However, any inheritance obtained when married is considered part of the common property. Should Aart die Stijntje gets Fl 300. Should Stijntje die Aart gets Fl 150. There are also clauses about how any children inherit. Aart brings into the marriage 9 morgen land in Galekop and Fl 200 in cash. Stijntje brings into the mariage Fl 350 in 100 silver ducates.

People: Dirkje Gerrits Mayen, Aart Jacobsen van Roijestein. Date: May 25, 1691 old style. Reference: U108a1 act 127. Subject: Buy and sell.The battle between mother and son appears over. Aart buys out Dirkje. He buys 9 horses, 15 milch cows, 4 one-year old cows, 8 calves, 5 pigs, all other goods and cattle, tools and milking tools, contents and housewares, except six chairs, 1 bed and mattress, 2 pillows, 2 blankets and curtains, rug, an oak table, 3 paintings. And Aart also gives her one side of bacon, four pieces of smoked meat, 100 pounds of sweet cheese, 4 mud [100 litres, and a litre is a measur of volume, and not a measure of liquid weight] wheat, one a yaer, a cartload of wood, and bear [measure illegible]. Aart also buys 20 morgen of land plus the winter and summer grain. The text, however, says nothing about any house. He pays Fl 1,800, of which Fl 600 in cash within two months, Fl 600 before next Christmas and Fl 600 to the Meliskerckhe widow and Fl 90 to Reuvers in back rent. The text in the margin says that Aert gave Fl 600 and Fl 510 to Dirckje by July 25, 1691, Fl 600 to the Meliskercke widow and Fl 90 to Reuvers by March 27, 1683. The sums in the main text add up to Fl 1,890. The ones in the margin add up to Fl 1,800.

People: Dirkje Gerrits Mayen, Peter Jansen van Zijl. Date: March 9, 1695 old style. Reference: U97a8 atc 17. Subject: Buy and sell.Dirkje sells to Peter Jansen van Zijl 4 morgen meadow located in Heijcop, for the sum of Fl 950. One condition is that the tenant Jan Fransen Verweij is allowed to stay until the end of his lease, for another 4 years, the count starting on January 1, 1695. Peter Jansen van Zijl is from Bunnik, and is the father of Jan Petersz van Zijl who marries Mechteld Hendriks van Sweserijn, granddaughter of Cunera Jans van Bentum, sister of ancestor Berent Jans van Bentum. Mechteld Hendriks van Sweserijn is also the aunt of Hendrik Swezerijn who marries Agnes Noordeloos. Jan Peters van Zijl also has daughter Wijnanda van Zijl, second wife of Frans Vulto, whose son Gerrit Vulto marries Cornelia van Bentum, daughter of ancestors Albert van Bentum and Hendrina van Weerdenburg. Frans Vulto’s first wife is Merrigje van der Horst, daughter of ancestress Anna Vermeulen and second husband Goyert van der Horst, i.e. Albert van Bentum’s half-sister. The daughter of Gerrit Vulto and Cornelia van Bentum, Wijnanda, marries Jannes van Rijn, son of Anthonie van Rijn and Wijnanda Noordeloos.

People: Maria Stenis, Gerrit Henrickss Verhoef. Date: July 4, 1696. Reference: U93a31 act 2. Subject: Lease. Maria Stenis renews the lease to Gerrit Henricks of 10 morgen land in Hagestein, for 6 years and Fl 180 a year. The summary of this and the previous document also speaks of another one morgen in Hagestein, which I was unable to identify in the scribble.

People: Maria Stenis. Date: April 2, 1698 old style. Reference: U100a11 act 50. Subject: Codicil. The text is full of ink blotches, and hence difficult to read. Daughter Haduwe is dead and Maria Stenis, apparently, had a taste of her son Aart’s claim on estates. There was some bickering over Haduwe’s. Maria writes a codicil expressly intended to prevent her son from inheriting more of the land than his sister, regarding the 4.5 morgen land in Hagesteijn leased from the House of Vianen. As she nears her own end Maria wansts to ensure that Aart does not run off with the entire estate. If Aart claims the land, Maria should get the money that her share is worth, to be decided by impartial people. She also leaves to Maria the money equivalent to any prerogative that Aart may claim, and all her clothes. Mind, seven years later, 1705, Maria Stenis is still around.

People: Maria Stenis, Gerrit Hendrickse Verhoef. Date: September 2, 1705. Reference: U93a43 act 16. Subject: Lease.Maria renews the lease of Gerrit Hendrickse Verhoef on 10 morgen land, plus 1 morgen orchard, for 6 years and Fl 180. This time the one morgen land mentioned.

People: Maria Stenis. Date: August 15, 1705. Reference: U100a15 act 40. Subject: Codicil.Maria Stenis repeats her desire to guarantee her daughter Maria van Roijesteijn her inheritance, but this time there is no mention of Aart, though there is a reference to the codicil of April 2, 1698. This time Maria Stenis leaves Fl 2,400 to her daughter. Maria also seems to have moved home from Jutphaas to Vianen, across the river Lek from Vreeswijk. Hagestein is a tiny village barely a mile east of Vianen.

People: Jacobus Jubert, Maria van Roijesteijn. Date: November 6, 1706. Reference: U139a1 act 181. Subject: Testament.Last will and testament of Jacobus Jubert and Maria van Roijesteijn. The longer living one receives an annuity based on the first dying one’s goods of whatever kind. Any children will receive their legitimate share. When any of the children dies without a will, that share devolves onto the others. When the last one dies without a will it all devolves on others. Jacobus’s share then devolves on his parents. Maria then leaves Fl 3,000 to one Johanna de Romare, and the rest to her brother Arnoldus (Aart) van Roijestein. Should he die without children (and he dies before Maria) her goods devolve on the children or grandchildren of one Maagje Stenis and Dirck Boorn. The name Maagje can be a form of Margaretha, so she may be talking of her maternal aunt. Jacobus and Maria also appoint each other as guardians of their children, and exclude any orphanage.

People: Aart Cornelisz van Roijesteijn, Jacobus Jubert, Maria van Roijesteijn, Willem Thonisz van Schaik. Date: March 31, 1708. Reference: U100a18 act 6. Subject: Division of estate.Maria Stenis is dead and her two surviving children settle the division of her and her husband’s estate. Maria van Roijsteijn is represented by her husband and legal guardian Jacobus Jubert, a brewer from IJsselstein. The money, gold, silver, clothes and other mobile goods have already been divided. This document concerns the immobile goods, and to settle a dispute that Aart and Maria seem to have had for while, enabling them to relate to each other as friends again. The document also notes thar friends had mediated. It has five main sections.To Aart: a) a farmhouse, barns and 9 morgen orchard and cropland where he lives and which he uses, b) 6 morgen meadow leased from the House of Vianen, c) 6.5 morgen cropland, d) 11 morgen cropland and meadow, e) 3 morgen land. All told Aart receives 35.5 morgen land, which is around 28,5 hectares (1 morgen is about 0.8 hectare). All land is located in Jutphaas. a) and b) were given to him when he married and are valued at Fl 4,000, the equivalent of and in compensation for the money Maria has received when she married. In other words, Maria marries in 1700 and Aart marries at a later date. Regarding c) 8 of the 11 morgen land borders the leasehold of ancestor Willem Thonisz van Schaik, and 3 morgen borders the St Bartholemeus Guesthouse.To Jacob Jubert, i.e. Maria van Roijesteijn: a) 6 morgen orchard and cropland held in lease from the Duitse Huis, b) 6,5 morgen cropland and meadow, c) 5 morgen meadow, d) a farmstead with a burnt-out house and 9,5 morgen in Hagestein, leased by Gerrit Verhoeff, 4 of which are leased from the House of Vianen, and e) 1 morgen land also used by Gerrit Verhoeff and located in Hagesteijn. All told 23 morgen land, or about 18.5 hectares. However, Jacob Jubert also has to pay Fl 2,350 to the estate.Concerning the sum of Fl 2.400 guilders Maria had received from her mother by prior codicil, over which the siblings squabbled. As a result she only gets from the estate Fl 1.650 to be subtracted from the Fl 2,350 Jacob has to pay to the estate, leaving him Fl 750 [i.e. 2400-1650]. There follow details about the timing of payment and the land that would supply the money. There is also a phrase implying the inclusion of the estate of one Hendrik Aerts van Roijesteijn in this calculation.Stormerdijk and its 23.5 morgen of land remain in common property, as do 4 morgen land in Tienhoven. Stormerdijk was the shared property of pa Cornelis Aertse van Roijesteijn and Justus van Cuylenborgh, but by 1708 the underwriters of that deal, Rudolph van Cuylenborgh, own Justus’ half and have sold his share for Fl 4.000 to Aart Cornelisse van Roijesteijn. So in effect, Aart owns 75% of Stormerdijk, but the document also makes Maria responsible for paying the remaining purchase price owed.Concerning the estate of paternal uncle Hendrik Aerts van Roijestein and his widow Anna Jans Lammen, it is unclear how much land is involved: “one morgen land located in four morgen land” in Tienhoven and “one third part in two morgen land”? The land is divided between Maria and Aart.This document reveals the source of the later conflict between Jacob Jubert and Aert’s widow Agnes van Velthuijsen: the fact that Stormerdijk was held in common property. The seeds of discord were sown by pa Cornelis’s last will of 1686, when he divides his properties between his widow and three children, referring to previous wills from 1664, followed by Maria Stenis’s attempts to protect her daughter from her son’s ‘greed’. Or did she just have a favourite? This first round goes to Aart.

People: Aart van Roijesteijn, Agnes van Velthuijsen, Hermannus de Jongh, Dirck Blom, Cornelia van Velthuijsen, Abraham Blom, Catharina Pieters Kemp. Date: February 7, 1711. Reference: U97a14 act 10. Subject: Statement. Aart and Agnes appoint one Hermannus de Jongh to hand over before the court of Breudijk Fl 2.000 guilders to Dirck Blom and Cornelia van Velthuijsen, as the remaining part of Fl 3,000 owed on a farmhouse, barns and 24 morgen land in Breudijk passed to Agnes by Abraham Blom and Catharina Pieters van Kemp (uncle and aunt of Wijnanda Blom, i.e. brother and sister in law of Dirck Blom, who died in 1709). What remains unclear is who now owns the farm. The legalese is pretty confusing.

People: The heirs of Hendrick Aertsz Goes (a.k.a. Van Roijesteijn): Cornelis’s children Aert and Maria van Roijestein, and Jacob’s children Aart, Johanna, Aaltje and Maria. Date: June 13, 1711. Reference: U100a20 act 7. Subject: Statement.Second round, act 1. The heirs of Hendrick Aertsz Goes (a.k.a. Van Roijesteijn), i.e. the children of his brothers Cornelis and Jacobus, appoint one Willem Verheij, prosecutor in Utrecht, to sue the heirs of Hendrick’s widow Annichje Jans Lammen. The case is to be heard in Benschop.

People: The heirs of Hendrick Aertsz Goes (a.k.a. Van Roijesteijn): Cornelis’ children Aert and Maria van Roijestein, and Jacob’s children Aart, Johanna, Aaltje and Maria. Date: September 5, 1711. Reference: U100a20 act 14. Subject: Statement.Second round, act 2. The heirs of Hendrick Aertsz Goes (a.k.a. Van Roijesteijn), i.e. the children of his brothers Cornelis and Jacobus, appoint one Jeremias Stael to sue the heirs of Hendrick’s widow Annichje Jans Lammen. Jeremias Stael is a prosecutor for the “noble council of his royal highness of Great Britain in The Hague”, i.e. probably the ambassador or consul. The heavy guns are out. It is not clear if this statement concerns an appeal, a step up in the escalation, or the appointment of a second party to the prosecuting team. It does not say where the case is to be heard, but intimates that it was in The Hague.

People: Aart Cornelisse van Roijesteijn, Jacobus Jubert, Aart Jacobsz van Roijesteijn, Johanna van Roijesteijn, Jan Gerritsen van Mastwijck. Date: September 19, 1711. Reference: U100a20 act 18. Subject: Statement.Not about a courtcase. The heirs of brothers Cornelis and Jacob Aartsz van Roijesteijn appoint Bernardus van den Weijden to transfer on their behalf to Aert Vereem and Cornelis Hendricksz, half each of three morgen land located in the jurisdiction of Wijk bij Duurstede. They have sold the land, and the money has already been paid, but the document does not reveal how much.

People: Aart Cornelisse van Roijesteijn, Jacobus Jubert, Aart Jacobsz van Roijesteijn, Johanna van Roijestein, Jan Gerritsz van Mastwijck, Ellert Gerritsz van Mastwijck, Bernardus van der Weijden, the widow of Theunis van Schaik. Date: February 13, 1712. Reference: U100a20 act 36. Subject: statement.The heirs of Cornelis Aertsz van Roijesteijn and Jacob Aertsz van Roijesteijn appoint Bernardus van der Weijden to transfer 4 morgen land in Wijk bij Duurstede to Dirck Harmans Vernooij. The land is located next to that of the widow of Theunis van Schayck, who, if she is ancestress Neeltje Cornelisse, dies in 1727 at the age of 100 (the Jutphaas Register of Burials makes a special note). There is no mention of a price.

People: Dirck Blom, Jan Velthuijsen, Aart Cornelisse Roijesteijn, Willem Jansen van Hooftd, Aart Jacobsz van Roijesteijn. Date: May 7, 1712. Reference: U97a14 act 75. Subject: Lease.Dirck Blom, Jan Velthuijsen (nephew of Agnes) and Aart Cornelis Roijesteijn lease to Aart Jacobsz Roijesteijn and Willem Jansen van Hooffd 8.5 morgen of meadow and hayland, for a period of 6 years starting January 1712, at a price of 130 guilders. The land is located in Reijerscop.

People: Dirck Blom, Aart van Roijesteijn, Jan van Velthuijsen, Herman Jansen Kassenaar, Thomas van Velthuijsen. Date: April 8, 1713. Reference: U97a15 act 22. Subject: Lease.Dirck Blom, Aart van Royesteijn and Jan van Velthuijsen lease to Herman Jansen Kassenaar 47 morgen orchard, crop land, hay land and meadow located in Veldhuizen. It also contains a farmhouse, barns, dovecot and brewing kettle. The lease is for 6 years and costs Fl 470 a year. The land was previously occupied by one Thomas van Velthuijsen, sheriff of Velthuijsen, but his relationship with Dirck remains illussive. The land is part of land inherited by Agnes, Cornelia and Jan van Velthuijsen from their sister and aunt Hermina van Velthuijsen. Quite a few special clauses are included: the owners repair the house prior to the lease’s start; something is said about storm damages, etc. etc.

People: Aart van Roijesteijn, Agnes van Velthuijsen, Maria van Roijestein, pa Jacobus Jubert, son Jacobus Jubert, Cornelis Jubert. Date: March 19, 1715. Reference: U149a2 act 2. Subject: Testament. Aart van Roijesteijn is seriously ill (he dies soon and is buried on March 22). He and Agnes make their will. It has three parts. Part 1, the surviving spouse receives an annuity from all the goods of whatever kind, except the clothes. Part 2, should Aart be the surviving spouse he appoints his sister Maria’s two sons, Jacob and Cornelis Jubert, as his full and only heirs, but they will not get paid until the youngests of the two, or any other child yet to be conceived, is a legal adult or marries (which would make him or her a legal adult). Part 3, should Agnes be the surviving spouse she appoints her sister Cornelia and nephew Jan Adriaan van Velthuijsen as her full and only heirs.

People: Cornelia Johanna van Royen, Cornelis Jubert, Jacobus Jubert, Maria van Roijesteijn. Date: March 8, 1735. Reference: U139a20 act 24. Subject: Transfer.

Maria van Roijesteijn, widow of Jacobus Jubert, buys on behalt of her two sons Fl 4,000 worth of bonds from Cornelia Johanna van Roijen, widow of Steven van Nellesteijn. The document mentions her sons Cornelis and Jacobus as legal heirs of Aert van Roijesteijn, although it serves no purpose in relation to the rest of the contents.

VAN VELTHUIJSEN. Gerrit Noordeloos marries Agnes van Velthuijsen in 1722. She was widowed in 1715 when Aart Cornelisse van Roijesteijn dies and leaves her a castle, quite an acreage of land, and legal proplems over property rights.

Agnes dies in 1731 and Gerrit remarries three months later to Wijnanda Blom. Agnes van Velthuijsen is the sister of Cornelia van Velthuijsen wife of Dirk Blom, Wijnanda’s uncle. Dirk and Cornelia have no children. They are also wealthy and use that wealth to help out their many nephews and nieces, most of whom lose their Blom father at a young age. Cornelia favours her nephew Jan van Velthuijsen, son of her brother Adriaan. When Jan dies young and leaves a 1 or 2-year old son she transfers her favouratism to Jan’s son Adriaan, and her husband functioned as his legal guardian. Jan’s widow, Aaltje Hendriks Hogerwerf, remarries to Hendrik Harmsen van Nievelt, who acts as Adriaan’s joint guardian with Dirk Blom. Cornelia also favours her sister Agnes, who leaves the properties she inherits from Cornelia to Wijnanda Blom.

There also appears to have been a third Van Velthuijsen sister: Hermina. She leaves 63 morgen land to sisters Agnes, Cornelia and nephew Jan. How she acquired the land remains a mystery. But judging from Hermina’s estate and the 90 morgen of land that Jan lists in his prenuptial agreement, we can surmise that Agnes also has land of her own and comes from quite a wealthy family that shares Harmelen as their stomping ground with the Blom.

I found no documents on their father (so no will), and his name is inferred: Cornelis. However, one thing we can be sure of is that these Van Velthuijsen are not or only distantly related to the Van Velthuijsen who own Heemstede Castle, east of Jutphaas. That castle became famous in the late 17th century due to the construction work and landscaping by one Diederick van Velthuijsen, and was the place to be for the upper classes from Utrecht province and father afield.

There are two interesting snipbits. First there is reference to the destruction caused by the French invastion in 1672-73. Second, ancestress Neeltje Cornelisse makes an appearance in 1718. She is then 88 years old. When she dies in 1727 the Jutphaas RC Register of Burials has a special note that she was about 100 years old. We can calculate that the Register was off by 2 or 3 years.

There are also several documents available in the Utrecht Archives on one Dirk Cornelisse Blom (and our Dirk is the son of Cornelis Blom) married to Adriaantje van Rossum, sister of Aart Jacobse van Roijesteijn’s wife and related to the van Mastwijk two of Aart’s sisters marry. These documents begin to appear around 1722, when our Dirk Blom’s wife Cornelia van Velthuijsen dies and they stop around 1742 when our Dirk Blom dies. It is tempting to assume that Dirk Blom remarries to a member of a family he was already acquainted with, but there is no proof.

We have no dates of birth for the siblings Cornelia, Agnes and Hermina, but one Adriaan Cornelisse van Velthuijsen is recorded as aged about 42 in a document from 1685. If he is brother Adriaan, then there either is a large age difference between him and Agnes, or Gerrit Noordeloos marries a wife more than 30 years his senior, and Aart Cornelisse van Roijesteijn also marries a wife several years older than him, because he is described as legally underage (i.e. younger than 25) in documents from 1687 to 1690. A large age difference between siblings is not unusual, especially when fathers had more than one wife. There are 29 years between Elisabeth Huygen van Bentum (born 1678) and her oldest halfbrother Bernardus (born 1707). For the moment I consider Agnes as born around 1665.

Neither is a man marrying a woman older than him unusual. People may raise their eyebrows, but that is about it. In the case of a large age difference, the man may well marry her for what she would bring into the marriage and calculate that he could marry a younger wife when his first one dies and leaves him all the loot. That option is all the more attractive when there are no children to contend with from an older first wife’s first marriage: Agnes van Velthuijsen was a very attractive party. This does not exclude effection: Gerrit Noordeloos names his first and second daughters after his mother and second wife, and his third daughter after his first wife, which happens more than one would think.

People: Adriaan Cornelisse van Velthuijsen, Neeltje Dircks Vien. Date: May 6, 1680 old style. Reference: U97a1 act 184. Subject: Lease.Adriaan Cornelisse van Velthuijsen (brother of Agnes, Cornelia and Hermina) leases to Neeltje Dircks Vien widow of Hendrick Mathijssen Bosch 6 morgen meadow and crop land in Breudijk for Fl 110 for 4 years. The usual conditions follow.

People: Adriaan Cornelisse van Velthuijsen, Anthonis Gijsbertsen van Schaik. Date: March 19, 1685. Reference: U97a3 act 9. Subject: Witness statement.Adriaan Cornelisse van Velthuijsen, former president of the Holy Spirit Poor Relief, and Anthonis Gijsbertsen van Schaik, former churchmaster of the Holy Spirit Church in Harmelen give a witness statement. When the French invaded in 1672 a chest with valuables was buried inside the church. But it was discovered and looted when the troops had their quarters in the church itself. Among the items a debt bond from the Provincial States for poor relief of around Fl 400. The interesting snipbit in this document is Adriaan’s age: 42 in 1685. This places his birth around 1642. I have identified this Adriaan as Agnes’s sister because of the middlename ‘Cornelisse’ they both have, and the location, Harmelen, close to Veldhuizen where Agnes has land and the stomping grounds of the Blom family, i.e. where Dirk Blom and Cornelia van Velthuijsen live. However, Agnes was born somewhere around 1660-1670. Her husband Aart van Roijesteijn was under 25 when his father dies in 1686. The documents from those years describe him as underage. This means that Aart was born at the earliest in 1761, and probably a few years later. He need not have married a woman his own age: large age differences were common, and women often marry younger men (as did Agnes in 1722). However I assume that Aart marries a woman close to his own age. I doubt that Gerrit Noordeloos would have married a woman more than 30 years his senior. So there is an age difference of at least 20 years between Adriaan and Agnes, which is quite possible. They could have had the same father, but different mothers. The age difference also explains why Adriaan soon disappears from the records, and that it is his son and grandson that his two (three) sisters did business with.

People: Agnes van Velthuijsen, Jacob Woertman. Date: September 28, 1715. Reference: U149a2 act 10. Subject: Statement.Aart Cornelisse van Roijesteijn is dead and his widow, Agnes van Velthuijsen, appoints Jacob Woertman to represent her in legal procedures. Recall that Aart and his sister Maria had inherited Stormerdijk Castle and estate in common property. However, there is no indication of the issue or its conclusion, but there is a witness statement three years later, from ancestress Neeltje Cornelisse.

People: Agnes van Velthuijsen, Cornelia van Velthuijsen, Dirck Blom, Jan van Velthuijsen. Date: May 7, 1718. Reference: U144a5 act 74. Subject: Division of estate.Agnes, her sister and nephew divide the estate of their sister Hermina van Velthuijsen. They have already sold all moveable property and paid off the debts. Dirck Blom and Cornelia Velthuijsen receive a debt bond of Fl 2,000 plus interest. Agnes also receives a debt bond of Fl 2,000 plus interest. And nephew Jan van Velthuijsen receives a promissory note of Fl 500 and interest with 4 morgen land as collateral. He had already received Fl 1,500 when the moveable properties were sold. It was also decided that 63.5 morgen farmland plus farmhouse and a promissory note of Fl 1,300 with 11 morgen land as collateral remain in common property. The document does not mention where the 63.5 morgen are located. Neither does it say how the common property would work out in practice: shared management, all managed by one or all three men (the brother and his sisters’ husbands), or each party managing his own share. Interesting too would be to know how Hermina had aqcuired 67 morgen land and Fl 6,000 worth in debt bonds and promissory notes, but this is the only document in the Utrecht Archives that mentions her.

People: Neeltje Cornelisse widow of Theunis Jans van Schaik, Agnes van Velthuijsen widow of Aart van Roijesteijn. Date: December 15, 1718. Reference: U149a2 act 72. Subject: Witness statement. Some of the most interesting documents combine a bad hand with ink blotches and words written over other words, which make the document very difficult to read. In this document 88 years old ancestress Neeltje Cornelisse gives a statement on behalf of Agnes van Velthuijsen. It is about Neeltje witnessing the transportation of Fl 1,000 out of Fl 5,000 which he had acquired when he married Agnes. She saw them lift the bag onto a cart, and even helped, but Neeltje does not remember the date. She further states that she knew the Van Roijesteijn family well, because her daughter Cornelia had served as a domestic servant for Aart’s father and mother and that she had had many a conversation with them.Neeltje Cornelisse is the wife of Thonis Jansz van Schaik, although he is called Jan van Schaik in the two documents that feature her. One of their sons is ancestor Willem Thonisz van Schaik, who features in documents on Pieter and Gerrit Noordeloos. She was buried as Neeltie van Scaik in Jutphaas on November 14, 1727. The RC Register of Burials makes a special note that she was around 100 years old. If Neeltje was 88 in December 1718, probably a date after her birthday, she would have been born in 1730 and have reached the age of 97 when she dies in November 1727. People do lose count, especially when they survive all their children (except one in Neeltje’s case).

People: Agnes van Velthuijsen, Dirk Blom, Jan van Velthuijsen. Date: May 27, 1719. Reference: U144a6 act 97. Subject: Lease.Agnes, Dirk and Jan lease 47 morgen farm and farmland to Harmen Jan Kassenaar, for a period of 6 years and a rent of Fl 400 per year. This is less than the previous rent Kassenaar was paying for the same land. The drop by Fl 70 is explained, but it is not quite clear. It appears to be in compensation for increased rents on other leased land, part of which Dirk Blom had bought from Poor Relief. The tenant is also charged a rent in kind: 200 litres of wheat to be baked into bread for distribution. The lease is basically an extension of one signed on April 8, 1713.

People: Jan van Velthuijsen, Cornelia van Velthuijsen, Agnes van Velthuijsen. Date: August 12, 1719. Reference: U144a6 act 188. Subject: Testament. Jan van Velthuijsen leaves Fl 1,000 to his maternal cousins, and all the rest to his two aunts Cornelia and Agnes. The strange thing about this will is that there is no mention of son Adriaan van Velthuijsen, with whom Agnes later has dealings, but then Jan had yet to marry. There is no hint of the size of Jan’s estate. Half the text is about thoughts of death and God.

People: Jan Velthuijsen, Dirck Blom, Aaltje Hogerwerff, Hendrick Hogerwerff, Neeltje Krijnen Verlaan. Date: November 4, 1719. Reference: U144a6 act 178. Subject: Prenuptial.Prenuptial agreement between Jan van Velthuijsen and Aaltje Hogerwerff. The marriage is not in community of property, and it soon becomes clear why. Jan brings in a hell of a lot and Aaltje brings in next to nothing. It is very detailed, right down to the napkins. Noteworthy is also that Aaltje signs with a cross and Jan with an educated signature in the style of the time. One could conclude that it was not a marriage of equals, but one of love. Jan brings in 90 morgen (72 hectares), over Fl 2,600 worth of debt bonds, promissary notes and other anticipated income, and Fl 2,500 in cash, plus two farmhouses, outbuildings, equipment, cattle and houseware. What use a bachelor has for 20 sheets and 40 napkins remains a mystery. Aaltje brings in a mere Fl 1,000: Fl 200 in debt bonds and Fl 800 in cash, gold and silver. However, the goods acquired during the union are in community of property. Should Jan die first (which he does), Aaltje receives Fl 2,000 from his estate, and someone from his father’s side of the family is appointed co-guardian of any children (Dirk Blom would later be appointed). Should Aaltje die first, Jan receives Fl 1,000 from her estate, and some one from her side of the family is appointed co-guardian of any children. Jan Velthuijsen is quite a wealthy young man. It does include the one third part of 63 morgen he had inherited from his aunt Hermina van Velthuijsen. Considering Hermina’s estate, it becomes clear that the Van Velthuijsen were a very wealthy family.

People: Cornelia van Velthuijsen, Agnes van Velthuijsen, child(ren) of Jan van Velthuijsen. Date: July 12, 1723. Reference: U175a1 act 47. Subject: Codicil. Dirk Blom and Cornelia van Velthuijsen make several wills, at least three: 1718, 1720 and 1723. They include changes, but the only one relevant for legal purposes is their will from 1723.Dirk has reduced the sum that the seven children of brother Cornelis Blom are to receive from Fl 1,000 to Fl 600. The share of each child increases should any of them die before either Dirk or Cornelia as surviving spouse. Gijsbert Blom continues to receive the rest, and keeps the option to pay his cousins in land (at the maximum rate of Fl 200 a morgen) or cash. The choice is his, and the term for deciding is 6 weeks. Elisabeth Jansen Blom receives half of 29 morgen farmland plus farmhouse and barns. However, should she die without children, the land then does not go to her husband, but to her cousins Elisabeth and Cornelia Abrahamsen Blom, who in any case receive the other half of the farmstead. Gijsbert Blom gets everything else, but has to pay his seven siblings Fl 600 each, when they come of age. Again he has the choice between paying them in cash or in land at the rate of Fl 200 a morgen. The will then lists the land from which he can pay them: 5.5 morgen in Indijk, 6 morgen in Reijerscop, 7 morgen in Breudijk Raveswaaij, 10 morgen in Haanwijck, 16 morgen 3 hond in Breudijk, another 3 morgen in Breudijk, and another 3 morgen 5 hond in Breudijk.The text then moves to Cornelia’s last will. She leaves to Agnes van Velthuijsen and the child or children of her late nephew Jan van Velthijsen 5 morgen land in Reijerscop located half in Holland province and half in Utrecht province, a debt bond of Fl 1,200, one third of 63 morgen land, one third of a debt bond of Fl 200 (last two inherited from Hermina van Velthuijsen), a debt bond of Fl 2,000, and a promissary note of Fl 1,300, plus 7 morgen 3 hond land in Breudijk Raveswaaij, a promissary not of Fl 2,400, and Fl 7,000 in cash, or more should any of the debts be repaid before Cornelia dies. The Roman Catholic poor of Carspelle in Harmelen also receive Fl 1,000. The rest goes to Gijsbert Blom.

People: Aaltje Hendricks Hogerwerf, Adriaan van Velthuijsen, Dirk Blom. Date: January 13, 1725. Reference: U142a4 act 42. Subject: Buy-out. Jan van Velthuijsen dies and Aaltje is in deep problems. Cattle has died too, and the loss amounts to over Fl 3,200. According to the prenup she signed Aaltje was liable for half this amount, but by the terms of the same prenup that cattle was only Jan’s property, so why should she pay? The terms of the prenup are followed to the letter, and Aaltje is liable for a little over Fl 1,600. From which is deducted the money that she brought into the marriage, Fl 1,000, leaving a debt to the estate of Fl 600. However, there is no mention at all of the Fl 2,000 in the prenup that she should also be paid as surviving spouse. Considering her grief and the fact that the cattle was all Jan’s, the debt is waved.Aaltje is then instituted as manageress of the farm, with full use of the income, from which she has to pay all taxes due and other costs. There are a few conditions specifying good farm management. From the remaining income she is charged to maintain her son Adriaan, “in sickness and health”, and see to it that he gets a good basic and vocational education. When Adriaans becomes of age she has to hand over to him all properties, free of debts and liabilities, plus the contents of the inventory, made before this document was signed. Dirk Blom is Adriaan’s guardian. Should Aaltje remarry her second husband, he has to sign an agreement stating that all his goods and properties would serve as collateral for what Adriaan is to obtain on coming of age, and hand it over to Dirk Blom. In other words, he maintains his wife and any children from income from his own trade, and not from income from Adriaan’s inheritance.

People: Aaltje Hendricks Hogerwerf, Dirck Blom, Hendrik Harmsen van Nievelt. Date: April 28, 1725. Reference: U100a30 act 82. Subject: Prenuptial.Jan Velthuijsen is dead and his widow Aaltje Hendricks Hogerwerff remarries to Hendrik Harmans van Nievelt. It does not mention Adriaan by name or in any other way, but the interesting element is that Dirk Blom is one of the witnesses.

People: Adriaan Jansen van Velthuijsen, Gerrit Noordeloos, Agnes van Velthuijsen. Date: January 12, 1731. Reference: U176a1 act 104. Subject: Codicil.Gerrit Noordeloos’s and Agnes van Velthuijsen’s last will and testament. The relevance to Adriaan Jansen van Velthuijsen is that he receives Agnes’s share of her inheritance from Hermina van Velthuijsen, although this text speaks of one third of 60 morgen land, and not one third of 63 morgen land. Adriaan is already in possession of one third. This would make Adriaan’s share two thirds of 60 or 63 morgen.

People: Adriaan van Velthuijsen, Dirk Blom, Hendrik Harmsen van Nieveld, Harmen Janzen Kassenaar. Date: June 6, 1733. Reference: U184a3 act 49. Subject: Lease. Adriaan van Velthuijsen’s uncle Dirk Blom and stepfather Hendrik Harmsen van Nieveld lease on his behalf 47 morgen of land located in Veldhuizen to Harmen Jansen Kassenaar for the sum of Fl 300 and for 6 years, and for an additional 200 litres of wheat a year to be baked into bread and distributed at Christmas. The owners pay all the taxes. The leaseholder pays for all repairs and maintenance, big and small. The usual condition is that the leaseholder only pays for the small repairs, but the farm’s owner is still only about 10 years old. Harmen Kassenaar was also the previous leaseholder.

People: Adriaan Velthuijsen, Dirk Blom, Hendrik Harmsen van Nievelt, Willem Kerkwijk. Date: June 12, 1734. Reference: U184a3 act 151. Subject: Lease.Adriaan van Velthuijsen’s uncle Dirk Blom and stepfather Hendrik Harmsen van Nieveld lease on his behalf 8.5 morgen of orchard and meadow located in Veldhuizen to Willem Kerkwijk for 6 years, for the price of 12 guilders 50 cents per morgen, all told 106 guilders and 25 cents. Half is to be paid to Adriaan, half to his stepfather. The tenant is not allowed to have more than 2 horses graze in the meadow. No further unusual conditions. No mention of the previous tenant.

People: Adriaan van Velthuijsen, Dirk Blom, Hendrik Harmsen van Nievelt, Harmen Jansen Kassenaar. Date: May 16, 1739. Reference: U184a6 act 222. Subject: Lease.Adriaan van Velthuijsen’s uncle Dirk Blom and stepfather Hendrik Harmsen van Nieveld renew the lease of 47 morgen of land located in Veldhuizen to Harmen Jansen Kassenaar for the sum of Fl 300 and 6 years. The conditions are the same as in the previous lease.

People: Gijsbert Gijsbertsen Blom, Adriaan van Velthuijsen, Harmen Jansen Kassenaar. Date: May 25, 1742. Reference: U184a9 act 81. Subject: Liquidation.

Settlement of accounts between Gijsbert Gijsbertsen Boom and Adriaan van Velthuijsen of Cornelia van Velthuijsen’s will. Dirk Blom is dead, and long-time tenant Harmen Jansen Kassenaar acts as his legal guardian. At about 22 Adriaan van Velthuijsen is not considered an adult. There is reference to Agnes van Velthuijsen as inheritor of the other half of Cornelia’s estate, and her widower Gerrit Noordeloos signs as witness. Until that time Dirk Blom had managed the estate, entitled to the usufruct of Cornelia’s estate as longest living spouse. Now that he is dead the balance of costs and benefits needs to be made up. The costs are composed of taxes, interest and rent due on the land and debt bonds. They add up to Fl 650/11/08 for Adriaan van Velthuijsen. The benefit consists of the land and bonds, plus Fl 3,500 in cash left by Cornelia van Velthuijsen, to be deducted from the monies Adriaan owes. This leaves Fl 2,849/08/08, to be paid to Adriaan by Gijsbert Gijsbertsen Blom. Adriaan’s guardian signs that he has received the money.

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  • De temperatuur op 15 mei 1731 lag rond de 15,0 °C. De wind kwam overheersend uit het zuid-oosten. Typering van het weer: helder. Bron: KNMI
  • Van 1702 tot 1747 kende Nederland (ookwel Republiek der Zeven Verenigde Nederlanden) zijn Tweede Stadhouderloze Tijdperk.
  • In het jaar 1731: Bron: Wikipedia
    • 3 februari » Het Koninklijk paleis in Brussel wordt totaal door brand verwoest.
    • 31 oktober » Ondertekening van een berucht emigratiebevel waardoor ongeveer 20.000 protestantse inwoners het land Salzburg moesten verlaten.

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