Stamboom Den Hollander en Van Dueren den Hollander » Bouchard V "d'Attichy et d'Hérouville" de Montmorency Lord Montmorency (1129-1189)

Persoonlijke gegevens Bouchard V "d'Attichy et d'Hérouville" de Montmorency Lord Montmorency 

Bron 1
  • Roepnaam is d'Attichy et d'Hérouville.
  • Hij is geboren in het jaar 1129 in Montmorency, Seine-Et-Oise, France.
  • Beroepen:
    • Sieur, de Montmorency, de Marly, d'Attichy, d'Ecouen, de Conflans, de Taverny, de Groley.
    • Croisé.
  • Hij is overleden in het jaar 1189, hij was toen 60 jaar oudJerusalem
    Jerusalem District Israel.
  • Een kind van Mathieu Bouchard Hervé I de Montmorency en Alix FitzRoy

Gezin van Bouchard V "d'Attichy et d'Hérouville" de Montmorency Lord Montmorency

Hij is getrouwd met Florence de Hainault.

Zij zijn getrouwd rond 1157 te Belgium.


  1. Alix de Montmorency  ± 1174-1221 

Notities over Bouchard V "d'Attichy et d'Hérouville" de Montmorency Lord Montmorency



[ '''From Medlands:''']

'''BOUCHARD [IV]''' (-Jerusalem 1189, bur Abbaye du Val). The Chronicon Hanoniense names "nobili Buchardo de Montemorenciaco…filium Matheum et filiam Rogerus, Reinaldi de Roseto frater…comitis Hanoniensis consobrinus"[634]. "Matheus de Montemorenciaco" donated property to the abbaye du Val, with the consent of "filii mei Buchardus, Theobaldus, Matheus", by charter dated 1160[635]. Seigneur de Montmorency, Seigneur de Conflans-Sainte-Honorine et d'Hérouville. "Bucardus de Monte Morenciaco" donated money to Notre-Dame des Vaux de Cernay by charter dated to [1160/77], witnessed by "Teobaldo fratre meo, Matheo fratre meo…"[636]. Seigneur d'Ecouen 1183. "Buccardus de Montemorenciaco" confirmed donations made by "Guibertus de Tauerni…" to l’abbaye du Val, with the consent of "fratres mei Theobaldus et Matheus et Herveus clericus, uxorque mea Laurentia et filius meus Matheus et filia mea Eva", by undated charter[637]. The necrology of the abbey of Notre-Dame du Val records on "XVI Kal Dec" that "Bucardus avus, Bucardus, Theobaldus de Montemorenciaco" died in Jerusalem[638], although it is not clear to which of the three deaths the date relates.

m (1173) as her second husband, LAURETTE de Hainaut, widow of DIRK van Aalst, daughter of BAUDOUIN IV Comte de Hainaut & his wife Alix de Namur (-9 Aug 1181, bur Abbaye du Val). The Chronicon Hanoniense names (in order) "Yolandem, Agnetem, Lauretam" as the daughters of "Alidis comitissa Hanonensis …cum viro Balduino comite", specifying that Laurette married "Theodericus de Alost, Iwani de Gandavo et Laurete filius" and secondly "in Francia Bucardo de Monte Morenciaco…filium Matheum", recording in a later passage that her second marriage took place "1173 post atavam epiphanie"[639]. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names (in order) "comitem Balduinum, Henricum de Sebu rgo et quatuor sorores" as children of "comiti Balduini de Haynaco", naming one daughter (third among those listed) "Loreta [uxor] Buchardo de Montinorencei" by whom she had "Matheum in curia Francie nominatissimum et comitissam Montisfortis matrem comitis Almarici"[640]. The necrology of the abbey of Notre-Dame du Val records the death "V Id Aug" of "domina Laureta de Montemorenciaco"[641].

Bouchard [IV] & his wife had five children:

a) MATHIEU [II] "le Grand" (-24 Nov 1230). The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Matheum in curia Francie nominatissimum et comitissam Montisfortis matrem comitis Almarici" as children of "Loreta [de Haynaco] [uxor] Buchardo de Montinorencei"[642]. Seigneur de Montmorency, d'Ecouen, de Conflans-Sainte-Honorine et d'Attichy. Connétable de France 1194.

b) EVA . "Buccardus de Montemorenciaco" confirmed donations made by "Guibertus de Tauerni…" to l’abbaye du Val, with the consent of "fratres mei Theobaldus et Matheus et Herveus clericus, uxorque mea Laurentia et filius meus Matheus et filia mea Eva", by undated charter[643].

c) THIBAUT . The primary source which confirms his parentage has not been identified. He is not mentioned by Duchesne. [1220].

d) ALIX (-25 Feb 1221, bur Abbaye de Haute-Bruyère). The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Matheum in curia Francie nominatissimum et comitissam Montisfortis matrem comitis Almarici" as children of "Loreta [de Haynaco] [uxor] Buchardo de Montinorencei"[644]. "Symon comes Leycestrie dominus Montisfortis…Biterrenensis et Carcasonensis vicecomes" donated property to Notre-Dame de la Trappe with the consent of "A comitissa uxore mea et filiis nostris A et G" by charter dated Jul 1212[645]. The necrology of Port-Royal records the death "V Kal Jan" of "Alix comtesse de Montfort"[646]. The necrology of Haute-Bruyère lists members of the Montfort family who are buried in the abbey, including "…conte Simon…qui mourut en Albigeois et de la contesse Alix sa femme…"[647]. m ([1190]) SIMON [V] Seigneur de Montfort, son of SIMON [IV] Seigneur de Montfort & his wife Amicie of Leicester ([1170]-killed in battle Toulouse 25 Jun 1218, bur Abbaye de Haute-Bruyère). Earl of Leicester. Duc de Narbonne, Comte de Toulouse.

e) JEANNE . The primary source which confirms her parentage has not been identified. She is not mentioned by Duchesne. [1220].
Bouchard IV (V; Baron) de MONTMORENCY, seigneur de Marly, de Montreuil-Bonnin et de Saissac, De MontmorencyPrint Family Tree
Born about 1129
Deceased in 1189 , age at death: possibly 60 years old

Mathieu (Mattheus Ier) (Lord) de MONTMORENCY ,seigneur de Montmorency, de Marly, d'Attichy et de Conflans ,Constable (Connétable) de France; De Montmorency, born about 1103, Deceased about 1160 age at death: possibly 57 years old
Married to
Alix (Princesse) d' ENGLAND ,ou Alice de NORMANDIE, D'Angleterre, born about 1109, Deceased about 1147 age at death: possibly 38 years old

Spouses, children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren
Married to Laurance (Florence) de HAINAUT, ou Laurette (Lorette) de HAINAULT, De Hainault, born about 1131, Deceased 9 August 1181 (Sunday) age at death: possibly 50 years old (Parents : M Baldwin IV (Comte) de HAINAULT, ou Balduin IV `le Batisseur' de HENNEGAU, De Hainault 1108-1171 & F Alice (Adelheid Elvide) de NAMUR,(Alix Ermensinde Adelaide) De Namur 1112-) with
F Eve de MONTMORENCY , De Montmorency ca 1149-ca 1204 married to Jean 1er de TILLY, Seigneur/Sire et châtelain de Tilly sur Seulles, De Tilly ca 1127-ca 1213 with
M Pierre 1er de TILLY, De Tilly 1172/-1223/ married to Blandine de LILLEBONNE , De Lillebonne ca 1185-ca 1234 with :
M Guillaume Ier de TILLY, Ecuyer, Seigneur/Châtelain de Tilly et de Cuye, De Tilly ca 1215-1263/
F Alix de MONTMORENCY, De Montmorency ca 1166-ca 1226 married to Simon IV de MONTFORT , leader of heinous Albigensian Crusade; Vicomte d'Albi de Beziers & Carcasonne; Earl of LEICESTER; Lord High Steward of England, Comte de Montfort-l'Amaury, Fléaux des Albigeois, De Montfort, Comte de Toulouse ,croisé lors de la quatrième croisade, chef de la croisade contre les Albigeois, ca 1165-1218 with
M Guy de MONTFORT-L'AMAURY, Seigneur de RAMBOUILLET, comte de Bigorre, croisé lors de la croisade contre les Albigeois, De Montfort ca 1183-1226/ married to Petronille de COMMINGES ,ou Pétronille de Bigorre ,Vicomtesse de MARSAN,comtesse de Bigorre et de Comminges, De Comminges ca 1185-1251/ with :
Bouchard V et Laurence de Hainault mariés 1173
arms of Matthew I de Montmorency
arms of Matthew I de Montmorency

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Voorouders (en nakomelingen) van Bouchard V de Montmorency

Alix FitzRoy
± 1099-1141
Alix FitzRoy

Bouchard V de Montmorency

Bouchard V de Montmorency

± 1157

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    Kees den Hollander, "Stamboom Den Hollander en Van Dueren den Hollander", database, Genealogie Online ( : benaderd 25 oktober 2024), "Bouchard V "d'Attichy et d'Hérouville" de Montmorency Lord Montmorency (1129-1189)".