Stamboom Den Hollander en Van Dueren den Hollander » Gautier "Walter de Tyrel" de Gouy Comte d'Amiens, du Vexin, de Valois et de Dreux (919-± 966)

Persoonlijke gegevens Gautier "Walter de Tyrel" de Gouy Comte d'Amiens, du Vexin, de Valois et de Dreux 

  • Roepnaam is Walter de Tyrel.
  • Hij is geboren in het jaar 919 in Valois now Oise, PicardyFrance.
  • Gedoopt (op 8-jarige leeftijd of later) door het priesterschapsgezag van de LDS-kerk.
  • Alternatief: Gedoopt (op 8-jarige leeftijd of later) door het priesterschapsgezag van de LDS-kerk op 8 oktober 1993.
  • Beroepen:
    • unknown in Count of Vexin.
    • comte de Vexin, Valois, et Amiens, Count of Vexin Valois, Comte de Vexin & Valois.
  • Woonachtig: France.
  • Hij is overleden rond 14 januari 966 in Amiens, Somme, Picardy, France or Plouigneau, Bretagne/BrittanyFrance.
  • Een kind van Raoul de Cambrai en Hildegarde d'Amiens
  • Deze gegevens zijn voor het laatst bijgewerkt op 5 februari 2020.

Gezin van Gautier "Walter de Tyrel" de Gouy Comte d'Amiens, du Vexin, de Valois et de Dreux

Hij is getrouwd met Adele d'Anjou.

Zij zijn getrouwd in het jaar 943, hij was toen 24 jaar oudAmiens
Somme France.


Notities over Gautier "Walter de Tyrel" de Gouy Comte d'Amiens, du Vexin, de Valois et de Dreux

Name Prefix: Count Name Suffix: I, Of Gauttier
Name Suffix: Count Valois
Name Prefix: Count Name Suffix: I, Of Gauttier

[Brøderbund WFT Vol. 2, Ed. 1, Tree #1241, Date of Import: May 8, 1997]

!COUNT OF VEXIN[Brøderbund WFT Vol. 2, Ed. 1, Tree #1241, Date of Import: May 8, 1997]

These first few generations come mainly from 'RoyalData'. TCP starts with "Dreux, Count of the French Vexin" and confirms the identity of his wife, Godgifu.

I do not have verification on all information that you have downloaded. Please feel free to contact me @ (XXXXX@XXXX.XXX) for errors/corrections/ or any additional information, especially if you are willing to share information
(Research):Comte de VEXIN; Count of Valois d' Amiens (Vexintamiens)
These first few generations come mainly from 'RoyalData'. TCP starts with "Dreux, Count of the French Vexin" and confirms the identity of his wife, Godgifu.

I do not have verification on all information that you have downloaded. Please feel free to contact me @ (XXXXX@XXXX.XXX) for errors/corrections/ or any additional information, especially if you are willing to share information
(Research):Comte de VEXIN; Count of Valois d' Amiens (Vexintamiens)
[2979] WSHNGT.ASC file (Geo Washington Ahnentafel) # 17450656 = 920704
#Générale##Générale#Profession : Comte d'Amiens et de Vexin
Source : Héraldique.&.Généalogie n 85.213, LaChesnaye-Desbois ch. 509 &Père.Anselme 6.41.
Pierre Riché le fait gendre et non fils de Raoul de Cambrai.
{geni:about_me} Curator's Note (PW): There are two Gauthiers who may or may not be the same person:''' Gauthier Count of Amiens, Vexin & Valois''', and '''Gauthier Count of Dreux'''.

Gauthier Count of Amiens is generally believed to have been the son of [ '''Raoul de Cambrai -- Count of Valois and Vexin, Ostervant and Amiens'''] -- and '''Liegarde (de Meulan)'''

Gauthier Count of Dreux's parentage is vague, with one source naming his parents as '''Waleran and Eldegardis'''. This may be [ Valéran de Tirel].

Note that Liegarde, wife of Raoul de Cambrai, also married Waleran de Meulan as her second husband. One wonders if the document referring to Eldegardis and Waleran might be referring to Liegardis and Waleran, interchanging Eldegardis/Liegardis.

This profile is combining the two identities into one personnage.

Notes from Charles Cawley's Medieval Lands Database discuss this dilemma

'''GAUTHIER [I] d'Amiens''' ([before 925]-987).

Edouard de Saint-Phalle suggests that he was Gauthier, son of Raoul [I] Comte [d'Ostrevant][4]. This possible parentage is also shown in Europäische Stammtafeln[5]. The primary source which suggests that this might be the case has not yet been identified.

Another possibility is that he was the same person as Gauthier Comte de Dreux. The editor of the compilation of Chartres charters suggests that "Walterius…comitis Waleranni filius" (PW: Walter count [of Dreux], son of Waleran) inherited "comes Velcassinus" (Vexin) from his father, and "Ambianensis" (Amiens) from "matre autem Eldegarde" (acquiring Dreux from his wife's family)[6]. The primary sources on which this information is based have not yet been identified.

However, two facts suggest that this hypothesis may be correct.

Firstly, Gauthier Comte de Dreux is also recorded with a wife named Eva (although the necrology entries quoted here and in PARIS REGION NOBILITY (Comtes de Dreux) suggest that there were two countesses of this name at the time).

Secondly, the castle of Mantes, occupied by the descendants of Gauthier Comte d'Amiens, was near Dreux.

"Wauterii comitis, Walterii et Radulfi filiorum eius" subscribed a charter dated 975 under which "Hugo Francorum dux" restored the abbey of Saint-Jean to the abbey of Sainte-Croix d'Orléans[7].

Comte d'Amiens.

A charter of "Hugo…Francorum rex" confirming the privileges of the monastery of Corvey dated 987 is subscribed by "Walteri comitis Ambianensis ac filiorum eius Walteri, Gotfredi, Rodulfi"[8].

The necrology of the abbey of Saint-Germain-des-Prés records the death "XIX Kal Feb" of "Gualterii comitis"[9].

m firstly EVA, daughter of --- (-[19 Jan or 23 Nov] ----). The necrology of the abbey of Sainte-Colombe records the death "XIV Kal Feb" of "Eve comitisse"[10].

m secondly ADELA, daughter of ---. A list of members of the Cathedral of Paris lists (in order) "…Walterius comes, Adela comitissa…"[11]. According to Europäische Stammtafeln[12], she was Adela d'Anjou, daughter of Foulques [I] "le Roux" Comte d'Anjou & his wife Roscilla [de Loches] (after 909-). The primary source on which this is based has not yet been identified; it is possible that it is speculative, based on one of her sons being named Foulques.

Comte Gauthier [I] & his [first/second] wife had five children:

a) GAUTHIER [II] "le Blanc" (-after 1017). A charter of "Hugo…Francorum rex" confirming the privileges of the monastery of Corvey dated 987 is subscribed by "Walteri comitis Ambianensis ac filiorum eius Walteri, Gotfredi, Rodulfi"[13]. Comte d'Amiens et du Vexin.

- see below.

b) RAOUL . "Wauterii comitis, Walterii et Radulfi filiorum eius" subscribed a charter dated 975 under which "Hugo Francorum dux" restored the abbey of Saint-Jean to the abbey of Sainte-Croix d'Orléans[14]. A charter of "Hugo…Francorum rex" confirming the privileges of the monastery of Corvey dated 987 is subscribed by "Walteri comitis Ambianensis ac filiorum eius Walteri, Gotfredi, Rodulfi"[15].

c) GUY . The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified.

d) GODEFROY . A charter of "Hugo…Francorum rex" confirming the privileges of the monastery of Corvey dated 987 is subscribed by "Walteri comitis Ambianensis ac filiorum eius Walteri, Gotfredi, Rodulfi"[16].

e) FOULQUES . The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified.


* [4] Saint-Phalle, E. de 'Les comtes de Gâtinais aux X et XI siècles', Keats-Rohan, K. S. B. and Settipani, C. (eds.) (2000) Onomastique et Parenté dans l'Occident medieval (Prosopographica et Genealogica, Vol. 3), p. 234.
* [5] ES III 657.
* [6] Guérard, M. (ed.) (1840) Cartulaire de l'abbaye de Saint-Père de Chartres (Paris) ("Chartres Saint-Père"), Tome I, p. 56 footnote 1.
* [7] Thillier, J. and Jarry, E. (eds.) (1906) Cartulaire de Sainte-Croix d'Orléans 814-1300 (Paris) ("Sainte-Croix d'Orléans") LXIII, p. 123.
* [8] RHGF X, IV, p. 552.
* [9] Obituaires de Sens Tome I.1, Abbaye de Saint-Germain-des-Prés, p. 248.
* [10] Obituaires de Sens Tome I.1, Abbaye de Sainte-Colombe, p. 15.
* [11] Obituaires de Sens Tome I.2, Eglise cathedrale de Paris, p. 1015.
* [12] ES III 657.
* [13] RHGF X, IV, p. 552.
* [14] Sainte-Croix d'Orléans LXIII, p. 123.
* [15] RHGF X, IV, p. 552.
* [16] RHGF X, IV, p. 552.

Also, there is a strong likelihood that he was the same as Gauthier Comte de Dreux; see

WALERAN . m ELDEGARDIS, daughter of ---. "Eldegardis" donated property "de prædiorum meorum possessionibus hereditariam…Guntherii villa" (Gondreville) to "Sancti Petri Carnotensis", for the soul of "senioris mei Valeranni", and with the agreement of "Walterio comite filio meo", by charter dated to before 967, subscribed by "Hugonis ducis, Walterii comitis"[1101]. Waleran & his wife had one child:

a) '''GAUTHIER''' (-14 Jan, after 965).

"Eldegardis" donated property "de prædiorum meorum possessionibus hereditariam…Guntherii villa" (Gondreville) to "Sancti Petri Carnotensis", for the soul of "senioris mei Valeranni", and with the agreement of "Walterio comite filio meo", by charter dated to before 967, subscribed by "Hugonis ducis, Walterii comitis"[1102].

Comte de Dreux.

"Walterius, comes Dorcassini comitatus" donated property "ecclesiam…sancti Georgii" to "monasterio Sancti Petri Carnotensis", for the soul of "prædecessoris mei Landrici comitis", by charter dated 965, subscribed by "…Richardi ducis…"[1103]. The editor of the compilation of these charters suggests that "Walterius…comitis Waleranni filius" inherited "comes Velcassinus" from his father, and "Ambianensis" from "matre autem Eldegarde"[1104].

The primary sources on which this information is based have not yet been identified. It is therefore possible that Gauthier was the same person as Gauthier Comte d'Amiens. Two facts suggest that this hypothesis may be correct.

Firstly, Gauthier Comte d'Amiens is also recorded with a wife named Eva (although the necrology entries quoted here and in the document NORTHERN FRANCE (Comtes de Valois et d'Amiens) suggest that there were two countesses of that name at the time).

Secondly, the descendants of Gauthier Comte d'Amiens are recorded as counts at Mantes, which is near Dreux.

"Comes Walterius" donated property to "Sancti Petri Carnotensis" with the consent of "uxoris meæ Evæ", by undated charter at Dreux[1105].

The necrology of Chartres Cathedral records the death "XIX Kal Feb" of "Walterius comes" and his donation of "alodos suos…in pago Dorcasino et Carnoto"[1106].

The necrology of the abbey of Saint-Père-en-Vallée records the death "XIX Kal Feb" of "Gualterius comes Dorcassini castri qui dedit Sancto Petro ecclesiam Roheris"[1107] (it is assumed that "ecclesiam Roheris" is the same as "ecclesiam…sancti Georgii" which Gauthier donated under the first charter quoted above).

m EVA, daughter of --- (-23 Nov ----). "Comes Walterius" donated property to "Sancti Petri Carnotensis" with the consent of "uxoris meæ Evæ", by undated charter at Dreux[1108]. As noted above, the editor of the compilation of Chartres charters suggests that "Landricus…comes Dorcassinus" was father of "Evæ, Walterii I uxoris" and that Gauthier inherited the county of Dreux from his father-in-law[1109]. The primary source on which this is based has not yet been identified. The necrology of the abbey of Saint-Père-en-Vallée records the death "IX Kal Dec" of "Eva comitissa"[1110]. The necrology of the abbey of Saint-Germain-des-Prés records the death "IX Kal Dec" of "Æva comitissa"[1111].


"Ancestral Roots..." (Balt., 1992) 250-18 gives him as "Walter I, Count of Aiens, Valois and the Vexin, d. 992/998; m. Adele, dau., perh. of Fulk I, Count of Anjou....Walter I was son of Ralph, Count of Valois", either the one shown here as his father or a son of this Ralph.

References: [AR7],[RFC],[RoyalAAF]


Gautier I, comte de Vexin, Valois, et Amiens1,2

b. circa 925, d. between 992 and 998

FatherRaoul de Gouy b. circa 905, d. 926

MotherEldegarde d' Amiens b. circa 905, d. after 965

Gautier I, comte de Vexin, Valois, et Amiens was born circa 925. He was the son of Raoul de Gouy and Eldegarde d' Amiens. Gautier I, comte de Vexin, Valois, et Amiens married Adèle d'Anjou, daughter of Foulques I "le Roux", comte d'Anjou and Roscille, dame de Loches, before 944. Gautier I, comte de Vexin, Valois, et Amiens died between 992 and 998.


Adèle d'Anjou b. circa 924


Gautier II "the White", comte de Vexin, Valois, et Amiens+ b. c 944, d. 10273

Bishop of Soissons Guy de Vexin b. 946?3

Geoffrey de Vexin+ b. 950?3

Fulk de Vexin b. 952?


[S206] With additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr. and assisted by David Faris Frederick Lewis Weis, Weis: AR 7th ed., 250-18.

[S204] Roderick W. Stuart, RfC, 185-36.

[S1073] Bernard S. Bachrach, Bachrach, pg. 264.
* Born: 919, Vexin, Normandy, France
* Died: 996
There are two Gauthiers who may or may not be the same person: Gauthier Count of Amiens, Vexin & Valois, and Gauthier Count of Dreux.

Gauthier Count of Amiens is believed to have been the son of Raoul de Cambrai -- Count of Valois and Vexin, Ostervant and Amiens -- and Liegarde (de Meulan)

Liegarde, wife of Raoul de Cambrai, also married Waleran de Meulan as her second husband.

Gauthier Count of Dreux's parentage is vague, with one source naming his parents as Waleran and Eldegardis. It is believed that Eldegardis and Waleran might be referring to Liegardis and Waleran, interchanging Eldegardis/Liegardis.

The reason of naming them as his parents would likely be because Raoul de Cambrai died in 926 AD at the age of 53 in Valois,Oise,Picardy,France. Gauthier at the time of his fathers death would have been seven.

This profile is combining the two identities into one personnage.
Curator's Note (PW): There are two Gauthiers who may or may not be the same person: Gauthier Count of Amiens, Vexin & Valois, and Gauthier Count of Dreux.

Gauthier Count of Amiens is generally believed to have been the son of Raoul de Cambrai -- Count of Valois and Vexin, Ostervant and Amiens -- and Liegarde (de Meulan)

Gauthier Count of Dreux's parentage is vague, with one source naming his parents as Waleran and Eldegardis.

Note that Liegarde, wife of Raoul de Cambrai, also married Waleran de Meulan as her second husband. One wonders if the document referring to Eldegardis and Waleran might be referring to Liegardis and Waleran, interchanging Eldegardis/Liegardis.

This profile is combining the two identities into one personnage.

Notes from Charles Cawley's Medieval Lands Database discuss this dilemma

GAUTHIER [I] d'Amiens ([before 925]-987).

Edouard de Saint-Phalle suggests that he was Gauthier, son of Raoul [I] Comte [d'Ostrevant][4]. This possible parentage is also shown in Europäische Stammtafeln[5]. The primary source which suggests that this might be the case has not yet been identified.

Another possibility is that he was the same person as Gauthier Comte de Dreux. The editor of the compilation of Chartres charters suggests that "Walterius…comitis Waleranni filius" (PW: Walter count [of Dreux], son of Waleran) inherited "comes Velcassinus" (Vexin) from his father, and "Ambianensis" (Amiens) from "matre autem Eldegarde" (acquiring Dreux from his wife's family)[6]. The primary sources on which this information is based have not yet been identified.

However, two facts suggest that this hypothesis may be correct.

Firstly, Gauthier Comte de Dreux is also recorded with a wife named Eva (although the necrology entries quoted here and in PARIS REGION NOBILITY (Comtes de Dreux) suggest that there were two countesses of this name at the time).

Secondly, the castle of Mantes, occupied by the descendants of Gauthier Comte d'Amiens, was near Dreux.

"Wauterii comitis, Walterii et Radulfi filiorum eius" subscribed a charter dated 975 under which "Hugo Francorum dux" restored the abbey of Saint-Jean to the abbey of Sainte-Croix d'Orléans[7].

Comte d'Amiens.

A charter of "Hugo…Francorum rex" confirming the privileges of the monastery of Corvey dated 987 is subscribed by "Walteri comitis Ambianensis ac filiorum eius Walteri, Gotfredi, Rodulfi"[8].

The necrology of the abbey of Saint-Germain-des-Prés records the death "XIX Kal Feb" of "Gualterii comitis"[9].

m firstly EVA, daughter of --- (-[19 Jan or 23 Nov] ----). The necrology of the abbey of Sainte-Colombe records the death "XIV Kal Feb" of "Eve comitisse"[10].

m secondly ADELA, daughter of ---. A list of members of the Cathedral of Paris lists (in order) "…Walterius comes, Adela comitissa…"[11]. According to Europäische Stammtafeln[12], she was Adela d'Anjou, daughter of Foulques [I] "le Roux" Comte d'Anjou & his wife Roscilla [de Loches] (after 909-). The primary source on which this is based has not yet been identified; it is possible that it is speculative, based on one of her sons being named Foulques.

Comte Gauthier [I] & his [first/second] wife had five children:

a) GAUTHIER [II] "le Blanc" (-after 1017). A charter of "Hugo…Francorum rex" confirming the privileges of the monastery of Corvey dated 987 is subscribed by "Walteri comitis Ambianensis ac filiorum eius Walteri, Gotfredi, Rodulfi"[13]. Comte d'Amiens et du Vexin.

- see below.

b) RAOUL . "Wauterii comitis, Walterii et Radulfi filiorum eius" subscribed a charter dated 975 under which "Hugo Francorum dux" restored the abbey of Saint-Jean to the abbey of Sainte-Croix d'Orléans[14]. A charter of "Hugo…Francorum rex" confirming the privileges of the monastery of Corvey dated 987 is subscribed by "Walteri comitis Ambianensis ac filiorum eius Walteri, Gotfredi, Rodulfi"[15].

c) GUY . The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified.

d) GODEFROY . A charter of "Hugo…Francorum rex" confirming the privileges of the monastery of Corvey dated 987 is subscribed by "Walteri comitis Ambianensis ac filiorum eius Walteri, Gotfredi, Rodulfi"[16].

e) FOULQUES . The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified.


[4] Saint-Phalle, E. de 'Les comtes de Gâtinais aux X et XI siècles', Keats-Rohan, K. S. B. and Settipani, C. (eds.) (2000) Onomastique et Parenté dans l'Occident medieval (Prosopographica et Genealogica, Vol. 3), p. 234.
[5] ES III 657.
[6] Guérard, M. (ed.) (1840) Cartulaire de l'abbaye de Saint-Père de Chartres (Paris) ("Chartres Saint-Père"), Tome I, p. 56 footnote 1.
[7] Thillier, J. and Jarry, E. (eds.) (1906) Cartulaire de Sainte-Croix d'Orléans 814-1300 (Paris) ("Sainte-Croix d'Orléans") LXIII, p. 123.
[8] RHGF X, IV, p. 552.
[9] Obituaires de Sens Tome I.1, Abbaye de Saint-Germain-des-Prés, p. 248.
[10] Obituaires de Sens Tome I.1, Abbaye de Sainte-Colombe, p. 15.
[11] Obituaires de Sens Tome I.2, Eglise cathedrale de Paris, p. 1015.
[12] ES III 657.
[13] RHGF X, IV, p. 552.
[14] Sainte-Croix d'Orléans LXIII, p. 123.
[15] RHGF X, IV, p. 552.
[16] RHGF X, IV, p. 552.
Also, there is a strong likelihood that he was the same as Gauthier Comte de Dreux; see

WALERAN . m ELDEGARDIS, daughter of ---. "Eldegardis" donated property "de prædiorum meorum possessionibus hereditariam…Guntherii villa" (Gondreville) to "Sancti Petri Carnotensis", for the soul of "senioris mei Valeranni", and with the agreement of "Walterio comite filio meo", by charter dated to before 967, subscribed by "Hugonis ducis, Walterii comitis"[1101]. Waleran & his wife had one child:

a) GAUTHIER (-14 Jan, after 965).

"Eldegardis" donated property "de prædiorum meorum possessionibus hereditariam…Guntherii villa" (Gondreville) to "Sancti Petri Carnotensis", for the soul of "senioris mei Valeranni", and with the agreement of "Walterio comite filio meo", by charter dated to before 967, subscribed by "Hugonis ducis, Walterii comitis"[1102].

Comte de Dreux.

"Walterius, comes Dorcassini comitatus" donated property "ecclesiam…sancti Georgii" to "monasterio Sancti Petri Carnotensis", for the soul of "prædecessoris mei Landrici comitis", by charter dated 965, subscribed by "…Richardi ducis…"[1103]. The editor of the compilation of these charters suggests that "Walterius…comitis Waleranni filius" inherited "comes Velcassinus" from his father, and "Ambianensis" from "matre autem Eldegarde"[1104].

The primary sources on which this information is based have not yet been identified. It is therefore possible that Gauthier was the same person as Gauthier Comte d'Amiens. Two facts suggest that this hypothesis may be correct.

Firstly, Gauthier Comte d'Amiens is also recorded with a wife named Eva (although the necrology entries quoted here and in the document NORTHERN FRANCE (Comtes de Valois et d'Amiens) suggest that there were two countesses of that name at the time).

Secondly, the descendants of Gauthier Comte d'Amiens are recorded as counts at Mantes, which is near Dreux.

"Comes Walterius" donated property to "Sancti Petri Carnotensis" with the consent of "uxoris meæ Evæ", by undated charter at Dreux[1105].

The necrology of Chartres Cathedral records the death "XIX Kal Feb" of "Walterius comes" and his donation of "alodos suos…in pago Dorcasino et Carnoto"[1106].

The necrology of the abbey of Saint-Père-en-Vallée records the death "XIX Kal Feb" of "Gualterius comes Dorcassini castri qui dedit Sancto Petro ecclesiam Roheris"[1107] (it is assumed that "ecclesiam Roheris" is the same as "ecclesiam…sancti Georgii" which Gauthier donated under the first charter quoted above).

m EVA, daughter of --- (-23 Nov ----). "Comes Walterius" donated property to "Sancti Petri Carnotensis" with the consent of "uxoris meæ Evæ", by undated charter at Dreux[1108]. As noted above, the editor of the compilation of Chartres charters suggests that "Landricus…comes Dorcassinus" was father of "Evæ, Walterii I uxoris" and that Gauthier inherited the county of Dreux from his father-in-law[1109]. The primary source on which this is based has not yet been identified. The necrology of the abbey of Saint-Père-en-Vallée records the death "IX Kal Dec" of "Eva comitissa"[1110]. The necrology of the abbey of Saint-Germain-des-Prés records the death "IX Kal Dec" of "Æva comitissa"[1111]. -----------------------


"Ancestral Roots..." (Balt., 1992) 250-18 gives him as "Walter I, Count of Aiens, Valois and the Vexin, d. 992/998; m. Adele, dau., perh. of Fulk I, Count of Anjou....Walter I was son of Ralph, Count of Valois", either the one shown here as his father or a son of this Ralph.

References: [AR7],[RFC],[RoyalAAF]


Gautier I, comte de Vexin, Valois, et Amiens1,2

b. circa 925, d. between 992 and 998

FatherRaoul de Gouy b. circa 905, d. 926

MotherEldegarde d' Amiens b. circa 905, d. after 965

Gautier I, comte de Vexin, Valois, et Amiens was born circa 925. He was the son of Raoul de Gouy and Eldegarde d' Amiens. Gautier I, comte de Vexin, Valois, et Amiens married Adèle d'Anjou, daughter of Foulques I "le Roux", comte d'Anjou and Roscille, dame de Loches, before 944. Gautier I, comte de Vexin, Valois, et Amiens died between 992 and 998.

Adèle d'Anjou b. circa 924


Gautier II "the White", comte de Vexin, Valois, et Amiens+ b. c 944, d. 10273

Bishop of Soissons Guy de Vexin b. 946?3

Geoffrey de Vexin+ b. 950?3

Fulk de Vexin b. 952?


[S206] With additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr. and assisted by David Faris Frederick Lewis Weis, Weis: AR 7th ed., 250-18.

[S204] Roderick W. Stuart, RfC, 185-36.

[S1073] Bernard S. Bachrach, Bachrach, pg. 264. --------------------

* Born: 919, Vexin, Normandy, France * Died: 996 -------------------- There are two Gauthiers who may or may not be the same person: Gauthier Count of Amiens, Vexin & Valois, and Gauthier Count of Dreux.

Gauthier Count of Amiens is believed to have been the son of Raoul de Cambrai -- Count of Valois and Vexin, Ostervant and Amiens -- and Liegarde (de Meulan)

Liegarde, wife of Raoul de Cambrai, also married Waleran de Meulan as her second husband.

Gauthier Count of Dreux's parentage is vague, with one source naming his parents as Waleran and Eldegardis. It is believed that Eldegardis and Waleran might be referring to Liegardis and Waleran, interchanging Eldegardis/Liegardis.

The reason of naming them as his parents would likely be because Raoul de Cambrai died in 926 AD at the age of 53 in Valois,Oise,Picardy,France. Gauthier at the time of his fathers death would have been seven.

This profile is combining the two identities into one personnage.

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Ancestral File Number: FLH8-6C
Married after Death date 924/944
Child born before marriage date 1948 and after death date 924 and same date as death date 944.
Is Jun 1948 the sealing date?
!BIRTH: "Royal Ancestors" by Michel Call - Based on Call Family Pedigrees FHL
film 844805 & 844806, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT. Copy of
"Royal Ancestors" owned by Lynn Bernhard, Orem, UT.

Data From Lynn Jeffrey Bernhard, 2445 W 450 South #4, Springville UT 84663-4950
email - (XXXXX@XXXX.XXX)
Married after Death date 924/944
Child born before marriage date 1948 and after death date 924 and same date as death date 944.
Is Jun 1948 the sealing date?
1 NAME Gauthier De /Valois/
2 GIVN Gauthier De
2 SURN Valois
2 NSFX Comte De Vexin

[De La Pole.FTW]

Source: Roots 250-18. Roots: Walter I (#18), Count of Amiens, Valois and the Vexin, died 992/998. Married Adele, perhaps daughter of Fulk I, Count of Anjou. (Walter I ws the son of Ralph, Count of Valois, which Ralph is either identical with No. 17, or a son of No. 17 with the same name.)
1 NAME Gauthier De /Valois/
2 GIVN Gauthier De
2 SURN Valois
2 NSFX Comte De Vexin

[De La Pole.FTW]

Source: Roots 250-18. Roots: Walter I (#18), Count of Amiens, Valois and the Vexin, died 992/998. Married Adele, perhaps daughter of Fulk I, Count of Anjou. (Walter I ws the son of Ralph, Count of Valois, which Ralph is either identical with No. 17, or a son of No. 17 with the same name.)
1 NAME Gauthier De /Valois/
2 GIVN Gauthier De
2 SURN Valois
2 NSFX Comte De Vexin

[De La Pole.FTW]

Source: Roots 250-18. Roots: Walter I (#18), Count of Amiens, Valois and the Vexin, died 992/998. Married Adele, perhaps daughter of Fulk I, Count of Anjou. (Walter I ws the son of Ralph, Count of Valois, which Ralph is either identical with No. 17, or a son of No. 17 with the same name.)

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Tijdbalk Gautier "Walter de Tyrel" de Gouy Comte d'Amiens, du Vexin, de Valois et de Dreux

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Voorouders (en nakomelingen) van Gautier de Gouy

± 832-± 895
Ermenfroi d'Amiens
± 860-± 919

Gautier de Gouy
919-± 966

Gautier de Gouy


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    Historische gebeurtenissen

    • De temperatuur op 8 oktober 1993 lag tussen 10,2 °C en 16,4 °C en was gemiddeld 12,9 °C. Er was -0.1 mm neerslag. Er was 3,5 uur zonneschijn (31%). Het was zwaar bewolkt. De gemiddelde windsnelheid was 2 Bft (zwakke wind) en kwam overheersend uit het zuid-oosten. Bron: KNMI
    • Koningin Beatrix (Huis van Oranje-Nassau) was van 30 april 1980 tot 30 april 2013 vorst van Nederland (ook wel Koninkrijk der Nederlanden genoemd)
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    • In het jaar 1993: Bron: Wikipedia
      • Nederland had zo'n 15,2 miljoen inwoners.
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      • 20 augustus » Een aardbeving met de kracht van zeven op de Schaal van Richter treft Papoea Nieuw Guinea.
      • 31 augustus » De voormalige Albanese premier Vilson Ahmeti, leider van een overgangsregering die in 1991 en 1992 vier maanden aan de macht is geweest, wordt veroordeeld tot twee jaar cel wegens verspilling van buitenlandse hulpgelden ter waarde van 1,6 miljoen dollar.
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      • 27 september » De Japanse premier Morihiro Hosokawa spreekt in de Algemene Vergadering van de Verenigde Naties zijn verontschuldigingen uit voor het gedrag van zijn vaderland tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog.
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    Over de familienaam De Gouy

    • Bekijk de informatie die Genealogie Online heeft over de familienaam De Gouy.
    • Bekijk de informatie die Open Archieven heeft over De Gouy.
    • Bekijk in het Wie (onder)zoekt wie? register wie de familienaam De Gouy (onder)zoekt.

    Wilt u bij het overnemen van gegevens uit deze stamboom alstublieft een verwijzing naar de herkomst opnemen:
    Kees den Hollander, "Stamboom Den Hollander en Van Dueren den Hollander", database, Genealogie Online ( : benaderd 25 september 2024), "Gautier "Walter de Tyrel" de Gouy Comte d'Amiens, du Vexin, de Valois et de Dreux (919-± 966)".