McDonald and Potts family tree - black Hebrew Yahya

Foto van Dr Wilton McDonald- black Hebrew
De publicatie McDonald and Potts family tree - black Hebrew Yahya is opgesteld door (neem contact op) en bestaat uit 400.371 personen. Vanwege privacy zijn 16.576 personen niet zichtbaar gemaakt. Meer statistische informatie over de publicatie (zoals aantallen en spreiding van genealogische gebeurtenissen) is te vinden op de statistieken pagina. Een lijst met gebruikte bronnen is te vinden op de bronnen pagina. Deze publicatie is voor het laatst bijgewerkt op woensdag 27 december 2023.

When you look at the 1620 map of Jamaica ???????? before Kingston was named all Scottish cities like Fort William named. Places my dad and grandad were born, sang oldest Jacobite songs with not 1 record of slavery or link to Africa only Scotland. I am managing 80 DNA kits / opened a few graves / finding more Hebrew Haplogroup Es are matching up to Scotland and Euro matches vs Haplogroup Rs . My Polish wife's family are Hs and Rs all from the Caucasus region and DNA tied to modern Jews non Hebrews also Rs with mix of some Js and Is. They also match up with western Rs who also hail from the Caucasus. Oxford University is coming out with a new earth shattering book this fall to change the way we examine history / black history. Africans may be black but most if not all blacks who were the real American Indians are not African. Blacks lived in Europe and America for over 2000 years. I love my Indian mum and Polish wife of 19 years dearly but they both have humble roots in the CAUCASUS region just 300 years ago when the planet was black when the population was 600 million. Have a read of Ben Franklin's essay on the increase of mankind 1751 paragraph 24 on all black planet.
MENA region which I visited last week is a recent creation [ie people were a lot darker 200 years ago]]]. When I walked the streets they called me blue man / berber and Roman as I am a black man .
Hard to imagine MENA is a new creation. I was in Algeria and Tunisia and asked when was this town hall installed ....this church etc They told me ohhh in the early 1900s.. imagine the planet added 6.5 billion people from 1.7b souls alive at the end of the Victorian age in 1900. In 1800 AD after Ben wrote his essay we had 700m people on planet. Fact check away. Meanwhile over 200 million blacks mostly poor aboriginal real black Indians and black Euromoors of lower classes died over 400 years ago. If those people lived we would be way past 12 billion and whites of that figure 3 percent ?
On the elites and those in power ask them to do a DNA test from the real Rothschilds power barons to all royal family males. I guarantee haplo E berber will be dominant. Same haplo all Egyptian kings Einstein , President Wilson, Wright Brothers, Napoleon and even Hitler all Es. They look white on outside but look under the hood. For me poked into graves St Clairs others all haplogroup Es. As elite euromoors why give up power? Why give up power ?? For another day !!
The Black nobility fell in the early 1800s so we have to question that phase of history. Cold facts are of 8.2 billion people alive using the 1 drop rule and UN and CIA reports only 5 percent are considered white and least melenated. So all of history cannot be accurate and we don't need Putin to tell us about black Russian icons and blackness of Jesus and Bible figures. Look at the oldest churches in the world including Poland....all have black Madonnas with child. Why?
Look at my Facebook background the painting is called the Moors Quadrille painted in Poland in 1706. I spoke with the Dresden Germany museum of Ethnology and they will sell me an official print. For some reason this is not on public display... .hmmmm naughty people. This painting shows all black kings of Europe including Poland King Augustus strong in blue third from left and far right Karl Gustav prince of Sweden....and on left all German Princes black as can be on horseback with their names in German language under each rider in 1706. Backs up what Ben Franklin the freemason and founding father had to say.
Another good book to read by Dr John Johnson the Negro Rulers of Scotland and the British Isles. He got access to hidden paintings within Holyroodhouse . He was a pastor and US marine.....exciting James Bond stuff. All Stuart and English kings were black up to modern era and after mad King George III. Napoleon from love letters was black and President Washington as well described in some of my books as a swarthy Huguenot. My 2 cents and sorry for startling but think about the population numbers a 5 year old child can grasp that if the planet is 8.2 billion and only 5 pct is a certain color depicted in very old 1000 year old paintings Houston we got a problem.

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