Various American Wylie families are to be displayed. As yet there are many Wylie families in the United States which although locating within 100 miles of each other, have yet to connect with a common Wylie ancestor. At one point that multi-county area was the location of the vast majority of American surnamed Wylies. We still seek some lore to explain this unusual bunching of those of the same surname, if not, of the same actual family (which remains to be proved family by family).
As my life might be in imminent danger, I have elected to load my entire family proprietary database. However it is an old one from 2013 as my recent work was lost to the UNLAWFUL CROWBAR and Criminal GPD and Police Officer Harrison illegally protected, invasion of my primary home with Henny Carlisle, now scheduled to be murdered shortly, with a whole host of U.S. officials as co-conspirators. I have no one to leave it to so I leave mine like the soon-to-be-murdered Henny Carlisle left her work: to this remarkable online genealogy site, to which I plead to its owner not ever to cash out to the evil genealogy monster who defrauded its customers of "stealing" an equal share to all their DNA to be used, sold, transferred to Dr. Salk-types to Dr. Mengele-types, not once but perpetually as each potential purchaser provides the price this monopoly of demands. Or to China or N. Korea or Russia or .. So please keep your site on the side of good and do not join the evil contemptible Ancestry dot scum com
Y-DNA may ultimately provide solid connections between Wylie families with Wylie surnamed males who match strongly on their Y-DNA results. One failure is not determinative, but one success is nearly fully determinative of connection. However no possibility for using Y-DNA exists for those large and small families of Wylie descendants which have no male-line surnamed Wylies available for Y-DNA testing.
Sources are from so many as not to be able to thank them except generally, which I truly do.. Some sources from published trees at the majjor sites have been rejected as obviously fallacious. Every attempt has been made to avoid erroneous choice of parents or other unworthy claims. However errors are likely.,
Not all Wylies descendants included here will be related to the researcher, but most have a connection to Wylie families who variously and separately (or together on occasion, as can be truly documented) left what is often the north of Ireland and most from its County Antrim on ship prior to as well as after the Independence of the United States to areas, including several current counties of the state, located in the north central part of South Carollina, south of the border wth North Carolina near and around what became the now major city of Charlotte, North Carolina
Contact with those whose ancestors are included in this personal archive is encouraged, suggestions witll be considered, corrections will be reviewed and additions made when possible and convenient.
Later some of the collected notes wil be included but initially merely the most basic personal information will be displayed as well as whatever happens to be there at the momennt.
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