Genealogy Richard Remmé, The Hague, Netherlands » Pepijn III [Karolingen] 'de korte' der Franken de Francie; Roi des Francs de 768 à 814 (714-768)

Persoonlijke gegevens Pepijn III [Karolingen] 'de korte' der Franken de Francie; Roi des Francs de 768 à 814 

Bronnen 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
  • Alternatieve namen: The Short, Pepijn III 'de korte' de Karolingen
  • Hij is geboren in het jaar 714 in Jupille, BELGIUM (Austrasia).
  • Hij werd gedoopt in Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands.
  • Gedoopt (op 8-jarige leeftijd of later) door het priesterschapsgezag van de LDS-kerk op 30 november 1926.
  • Beroepen:
    • Maire du Palais.
    • Roi.
    • maire du palais 741, roi des Francs 751.
  • (Property) : Francs.
  • Hij is overleden op 18 september 768 in 93200 Abbaye de St. Denis, Seine St. Denis (Île-de-France), FRANCE, hij was toen 54 jaar oud.
  • Hij is begraven in St. Denis, France.
  • Een kind van Karel 'Martel' [Karolingen] de Francie en Rotrude de Treves
  • Deze gegevens zijn voor het laatst bijgewerkt op 4 december 2022.

Gezin van Pepijn III [Karolingen] 'de korte' der Franken de Francie; Roi des Francs de 768 à 814

(1) Hij is getrouwd met Bertrade 'aux grands pieds' de Laon.

Zij zijn getrouwd in het jaar 744, hij was toen 30 jaar oud.



  1. Rothaide Karolingen  ± 744-????
  2. Adelaide Karolingen  ± 746-????
  3. Gertrude Karolingen  ± 748-????
  4. Hermengarde Karolingen  ± 750-????
  5. Hermengarde Karolingen  ± 750-???? 
  6. Pepin Karolingen  ± 753-762
  7. Gilles Karolingen  ± 755-????
  8. Gisela Karolingen  757-811 

(2) Hij is getrouwd met Leuthergis Nn.

Zij zijn getrouwd te Concubine.

Notities over Pepijn III [Karolingen] 'de korte' der Franken de Francie; Roi des Francs de 768 à 814

Profession : Maire.du.Palais de 741 à 751, Roi des Francs de 751 à 768.

Mayor of the Palace, King of the Franks


E: Pepijn de Korte, geb. ca. 714, gest. St. Dénis, 18 of 24 september 768, koning van Frankrijk van 751-768. Hij werd gedoopt in Utrecht door St. Willibrand, aartsbisschop van Utrecht
Deelde aanvankelijk de regering met zijn oudste broer Carloman, installeerde Childeric III op de troon, onderwierp Aquitanië en trok met zijn broer verder tot aan de oevers van de Inn (743). Na het intreden in het klooster van zijn broer Carloman (747) alleen hofmeier, maakte reeds met Carloman een begin met diverse hervormingen in de kerk en schoot de paus te hulp tegen de Lombarden. Hij zond in 751 twee getrouwen, Fulrad en Bouchard, naar Rome om op diplomatieke wijze te informeren hoe paus Zacharias stond t.o.v. zijn eventuele koningschap en ontving het beroemde antwoord:” Het lijkt mij beter diegene koning te maken die de koninklijke macht bezit dan diegene die die macht niet bezit.” Hierop verzamelde hij zijn raad der edelen in november 751, sloot Childebert op in de Abdij St. Bertijn en werd tot koning gekozen. De echte erfgenaam Thierry werd zoals gebruikelijk in het klooster gedaan (Fontenelle) en verdween, als zijn vader, uit de historie. Na zijn kroning, 756-760, voerde hij oorlog met de Saksen, uiteindelijk onderworpen door zijn zoon, daarna met Beieren, waar hij zijn halfbroer Griffo verjoeg en de vasaliteit van Tassilo III accepteerde, onderwierp tenslotte Aquitanië; verbeterde sterk de administratie van zijn rijk en vervolgde de verbetering van de organisatie van de kerk en startte zo een aantal acties die een vervolg kregen die later door historici de “carolingische renaissance” zou worden genoemd.


Hofmeier van Neustrië in 741; hofmeier van het gehele Frankische rijk (vanaf 747).
Uitgeroepen door de verzamelde edelen op de rijksdag te Soissons in 751 tot koning der Franken. Daarna hebben de ; aanwezige bisschoppen, onder wie Bonifatius, de nieuwe koning naar oud-testamentisch voorbeeld gezalfd.
Patricius Romanorum, gezalfd door paus Stefanus II in St. Denis op 28-07-753.
Mayor of the Palace of the whole Frankish kingdom (both Austrasia and Neustria), and later King of the Franks; born 714; died at St. Denis, 24 September, 768. He was the son of Charles Martel. Pepin and his older brother Carloman were taught by the monks of St. Denis, and the impressions received during their monastic education had a controlling influence upon the relations of both princes to the Church. When the father died in 741 the two brothers began to reign jointly but not without strong opposition, for Griffon, the son of Charles Martel and the Bavarian Sonnichilde, demanded a share in the government. Moreover, the Duke of the Aquitanians and the Duke of the Alamannians thought this a favourable opportunity to throw off the Frankish supremacy. The young kings were repeatedly involved in war, but all their opponents, including the Bavarians and Saxons, were defeated and the unity of the kingdom re-established. As early as 741 Carloman had entered upon his epoch-making relations with St. Boniface, to whom was now opened a new field of labour, the reformation of the Frankish Church. On 21 April, 742, Boniface was present at a Frankish synod presided over by Carloman at which important reforms were decreed. As in the Frankish realm the unity of the kingdom was essentially connected with the person of the king, Carloman to secure this unity raised the Merovingian Childeric to the throne (743). In 747 he resolved to enter a monastery. The danger, which up to this time had threatened the unity of the kingdom from the division of power between the two brothers, was removed, and at the same time the way was prepared for the deposing of the last Merovingian and for the crowning of Pepin. The latter put down the renewed revolt led by his step-brother Griffon, and succeeded in completely restoring the boundaries of the kingdom. Pepin now addressed to the Pope the suggestive question: In regard to the kings o the Franks who no longer possess the royal power, is this state of things proper? Hard pressed by the Lombards, Pope Zacharias welcomed this advance of the Franks which aimed at ending an intolerable condition of things, and at laying the constitutional foundations for the exercise of the royal power. The pope replied that such a state of things was not proper. After this decision the place Pepin desired to occupy was declared vacant. The crown was given him not by the pope but by the Franks. According to the ancient custom Pepin was then elected king and soon after this was anointed by Boniface. This consecration of the new kingdom by the head of the Church was intended to remove any doubt as to its legitimacy. On the contrary, the consciousness of having saved the Christian world from the Saracens produced, among the Franks, the feeling that their kingdom owed its authority directly to God.
Still this external cooperation of the pope in the transfer of the kingdom to the Carolingians would necessarily enhance the importance of the Church. The relations between the two controlling powers of Christendom now rapidly developed. It was soon evident to what extent the alliance between Church and State was to check the decline of ecclesiastical and civil life; it made possible the conversion of the still heathen German tribes, and when that was accomplished provided an opportunity for both Church and State to recruit strength and to grow.
Ecclesiastical, political, and economic developments had made the popes lords of the ducatus Romanus. They laid before Pepin their claims to the central provinces of Italy, which had belonged to them before Liutprand's conquest. When Stephen II had a conference with King Pepin at Ponthion in January, 754, the pope implored his assistance against his oppressor the Lombard King Aistulf, and begged for the same protection for the prerogatives of St. Peter which the Byzantine exarchs had extended to them, to which the king agreed, and in the charter establishing the States of the Church, soon after given at Quiercy, he promised to restore these prerogatives. The Frankish king received the title of the former representative of the Byzantine Empire in Italy, i.e. "Patricius", and was also assigned the duty of protecting the privileges of the Holy See. When Stephen II performed the ceremony of anointing Pepin and his son at St. Denis, it was St. Peter who was regarded as the mystical giver of the secular power, but the emphasis thus laid upon the religious character of political law left vague the legal relations between pope and king. After the acknowledgment of his territorial claims the pope was in reality a ruling sovereign, but he had placed himself under the protection of the Frankish ruler and had sworn that he and his people would be true to the king. Thus his sovereignty was limited from the very start as regards what was external to his domain. The connection between Rome and the Frankish kingdom involved Pepin during the years 754-56 in war with the Lombard King Aistulf, who was forced to return to the Church the territory he had illegally held. Pepin's commanding position in the world of his time was permanently secured when he took Septimania from the Arabs. Another particularly important act was his renewed overthrow of the rebellion in Aquitaine which was once more made a part of the kingdom. He was not so fortunate in his campaigns against the Saxons and Bavarians. He could do no more than repeatedly attempt to protect the boundaries of the kingdom against the incessantly restless Saxons. Bavaria remained an entirely independent State and advanced in civilization under Duke Tassilo. Pepin's activity in war was accompanied by a widely extended activity in the internal affairs of the Frankish kingdom, his main object being the reform of legislation and internal affairs, especially of ecclesiastical conditions. He continued the ecclesiastical reforms commenced by St. Boniface. In doing this Pepin demanded an unlimited authority over the Church. He himself wished to be the leader of the reforms. However, although St. Boniface changed nothing by his reformatory labours in the ecclesiastico-political relations that had developed in the Frankish kingdom upon the basis of the Germanic conception of the State, nevertheless he had placed the purified and united Frankish Church more definitely under the control of the papal see than had hitherto been the case. From the time of St. Boniface the Church was more generally acknowledged by the Franks to be the mystical power appointed by God. When he deposed the last of the Merovingians Pepin was also obliged to acknowledge the increased authority of the Church by calling upon it for moral support.
Consequently the ecclesiastical supremacy of the Frankish king over the Church of his country remained externally undiminished. Nevertheless by his life-work Pepin had powerfully aided the authority of the Church and with it the conception of ecclesiastical unity. He was buried at St. Denis where he died. He preserved the empire created by Clovis from the destruction that menaced it; he was able to overcome the great danger arising from social conditions that threatened the Frankish kingdom, by opposing to the unruly lay nobility the ecclesiastical aristocracy that had been strengthened by the general reform. When he died the means had been created by which his greater son could solve the problems of the empire. Pepin's policy marked out the tasks to which Charlemagne devoted himself: quieting the Saxons, the subjection of the duchies and lastly, the regulation of the ecclesiastical question and with it that of Italy.
FRANZ KAMPERS. Transcribed by Michael C. Tinkler, from the Catholic Encyclopedia.

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Verwantschap Pepijn III [Karolingen] 'de korte' der Franken de Francie; Roi des Francs de 768 à 814


  1. bright.ged, Brower, Maitland Dirk
  2. rob_gomes.ged
  3. jean-pierre_masson
  4. Vergy_Hugo_I
  5. Bienvenue sur les pages persos des Freenautes, AUREJAC.GED, / n/a
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Historische gebeurtenissen

  • De temperatuur op 30 november 1926 lag tussen -0,3 °C en 2,0 °C en was gemiddeld 1,0 °C. De gemiddelde windsnelheid was 4 Bft (matige wind) en kwam overheersend uit het oost-noord-oosten. Bron: KNMI
  • Koningin Wilhelmina (Huis van Oranje-Nassau) was van 1890 tot 1948 vorst van Nederland (ook wel Koninkrijk der Nederlanden genoemd)
  • Van 4 augustus 1925 tot 8 maart 1926 was er in Nederland het kabinet Colijn I met als eerste minister Dr. H. Colijn (ARP).
  • Van 8 maart 1926 tot 10 augustus 1929 was er in Nederland het kabinet De Geer I met als eerste minister Jonkheer mr. D.J. de Geer (CHU).
  • In het jaar 1926: Bron: Wikipedia
    • Nederland had zo'n 7,4 miljoen inwoners.
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    • 21 juni » Paus Pius XI benoemt twee nieuwe kardinalen.
    • 4 juli » Oprichting van de Bosnische voetbalclub Borac Banja Luka.
    • 22 augustus » In Zuid-Afrika wordt goud ontdekt.

Over de familienaam Franken

  • Bekijk de informatie die Genealogie Online heeft over de familienaam Franken.
  • Bekijk de informatie die Open Archieven heeft over Franken.
  • Bekijk in het Wie (onder)zoekt wie? register wie de familienaam Franken (onder)zoekt.

Wilt u bij het overnemen van gegevens uit deze stamboom alstublieft een verwijzing naar de herkomst opnemen:
Richard Remmé, "Genealogy Richard Remmé, The Hague, Netherlands", database, Genealogie Online ( : benaderd 29 april 2024), "Pepijn III [Karolingen] 'de korte' der Franken de Francie; Roi des Francs de 768 à 814 (714-768)".