Williams - Richards Family Tree » Nathaniel Bassett (1628-1710)

Données personnelles Nathaniel Bassett 

Famille de Nathaniel Bassett

Il est marié avec Dorcas Joyce.

Ils se sont mariés en l'an 1672 à Yarmouth, Barnstable County, Massachusetts, il avait 44 ans.

Notes par Nathaniel Bassett

== Biography ==
Nathaniel Bassett m. Dorcas Joyce. Nathaniel settled at Marshfield and then at Yarmouth, and m. (2) Hannah _____ (?). He and Dorcas had Nathan (b. 1677, d. 1728, m. Mary Crowell).

== Will ==The following will was dated at Yarmouth on 10 Jan 1709/10, and mentions nine living children:[https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-C9YB-N94C?i=288&cat=43935 Barnstable County Probate Records, Vol. 3:144-148].

[Transcribed by Gustavus Hinkley, see research note below]I Nathaniel Bassett of Yarmouth in the County of Barnstable in New England being aged and under much decays of body but thrô ye goodness and mercy of God of disposing minde and memory yet calling to mind the uncertainty of this transetory life and not knowing how soon it shall please God to call me hence by death being therefore desirous according to my duty to sett things in order before God shall take me hence do make this my last will & testament hereby revoking & and [sic] making void all former will & wills, Testament and testaments heretofore by me made either by word or writing and do constitute & declare this to be my last will & testament in manner & form following viz. First and principally I comitt my soul to God who gave it me hoping that thrô the death merrits mediation and Intersesion of Jesus Christ my Redeemer to obtain the free pardon of all my sins and an Inheritance amongst them that are sanctified and my body to the earth when it shall please God [3:145] to take me hence to be buryed in such decent maner as my Exectrs hereafter named shall see meet.

Impe my will is that all my debts of Right and Conscience to any Psons due shall be first paid and discharged together with my funeral charges In convenient time out of my Psonall estate by my Executors hereafter named.Itm. my will is that my meadow & upland lying near the Dock shall be sold by my Executrs hereafter named & ye produse yr of to be put to my Psonal estate.

Itm. I give and bequeath unto my son [[Bassett-308|William Bassett]] my loombs and the tackling thereto belonging and my two Canoos to him his heirs and assigns forever. I also give and bequeath unto my sd son William Bassett my homestead the dwelling house barn shop and orchard standing thereon together with the six acres of upland that I have near to the now dwelling house of James Sturges and my meadow & upland which was John Joyces and my drying yard so called which I formerly bought of Mr Thomas Walley & my peice of meadow lying below that yard which I formerly had & bought of Mr Thornton & the moyety or one halfe of the meadow & halfe the Island lying at Richard Taylors cross creek so called and all ye Interest that I now have or hereafter shall have in all the Comon and undivided lands in sd Town of Yarmouth all which lands meadow housing & other the premises the sd William Bassett to posess & enjoy for & during the time & term of his naturall life.

Itm. I give and bequeath unto my son [[Bassett-306|Joseph Bassett]] the other moiety or half part of my meadow and half my Island lying at sd Cross Creek which he & his heirs shall possess and enjoy for and during the time & term of the naturall Life of my sd son William Bassett and no longer. And my will is yt after the expiration of the naturall life of the sd William Bassett that then ye lands meadows housing and orchard before given to him and my Interest in sd Comons & the meadow and halfe the Island before given to my sd son Joseph shall al be divided into three parts or equall as may be or to the value thereofand that then my son in law [[Mulford-21|Thomas Mulford]] his eldest son then sirviving to have one third part thereof and my son [[Bassett-304|Nathaniel Bassett]] his eldest son then sirviving to have another third part thereof and my sd son Joseph Bassett his eldest son then sirviving to have the other third part thereof to them their heirs and assigns to have & enjoy forever.

Itm, I give and bequeath unto my son Nathaniel Bassett and to his heirs and assigns for ever all those lands that I formerly bought att Middleborough partly with my own money and partly with some money of his given to him by his Grandmother Joyce. I also give unto him my sd son Nathaniel my musket and so much money as will buy each of his children a pocket Bible.[3:146] Item, I give and bequeath unto my daughter [[Bassett-300|Mary Mulford]] my box that was and my Chest that was her Mothers and my great Chest that I gave to her mother and I also give unto her my sd Daughter my great Byble and my great Booke that is an exposition upon the epistle of Plimemon & also so much of my estate as will by each of her children a pocket Byble.

Itm, I give to my daughter in Law [[Borden-63|Joanna Bassett]] two pare of Specticles with the Cases.

Item, I do give and bequeath unto my daughter [[Bassett-302|Ruth Bassett]] over and above the Sheep that she hath with the increase of them that are now in my keeping one shilling in money and no more.

*Item, I give and bequeath unto six of my children viz. [[Bassett-300|Mary Mulford]], [[Bassett-309|Samll Bassett]] [[Bassett-305|Hannah Covell]], [[Bassett-306|Joseph Bassett]], [[Bassett-303|Sarah Nickerson]] & [[Bassett-796|Nathan Bassett]] all the remainder of my estate to be divided amongst them so that each of my sd three sons have double to each of my sd three daughters in value & my said three daughters each one a single share thereof only my will is that they provide and set up some suitable Grave Stones to my Grave after my burial.

And I do nominate ordaine constitute & appoint my loving son in law Thomas Mulford of Truroe and Joseph Bassett of Yarmouth to be Executors to this my Last Will and Testament.

In testimony that this is my last will & testament I have hereunto sett my hand & seal this tenth day of January in the eighth year of her Majties Reign Annoge Domini 1709/10

:::Nathaniel Bassett. (seal)

Signed sealed and declared

to be his last will & testament

In presence of

Danll Greeleafe.

Experience Ryder.

Wm Bassett.

Barnstable ss. Daniel Greenleafe, Experience Ryder & Wm Bassett whose hands are set to this will as witnesses before Barnabas Lothrop Esqr Judge of the Probate of wills and granting Letters of Administration within the County of Barnstable made oath yt they did see Nathaniel Bassett Late of Yarmouth now deceased sign and seal this Instrument & declare it to be his last will & testament.

:::Attest. Wm Bassett, Regtr.

Barnabas Lothrop Esqr Comissionated by the Governour and Councill of this her Majties Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England to be Judge of ye Probate of wills and for granting Letters of Administration on the estates of Psons deceased having goods chattels rights or credits in the County of Barnstable within the province aforesd to all unto whome these presents shall come Greeting.
[3:147] Know yee that upon the day of the date hereof before me at Barnstable in the County aforesd the will of Nathaniel Bassett Late of Yarmouth in sd County hereto annexed was proved approved and allowed who having while he lived and at the time of his death goods chattels rights & credits in the County aforesd And the Probate of the sd will and power of comitting Administration of all and singular the goods chattels Rights and credits of ye sd deceased by virtue thereof appertaining unto the Administration of all and singular the goods chattels rights and credits of the sd deceased and his will in any manner concerning is hereby comitted unto Thomas Mulford of Truroe and Joseph Bassett of Yarmouth Executors in the same will named well and faithfully to execute the sd will and to administer the estate of the sd deceased according yr unto & to make a true and Pfect Inventory of all and singular the goods chattels rights & credits of the sd deceased and to exhibit the same into the Registry of the Court of Probate for sd County att on or before the fourth day of April next ensuing & also to render a plain & true account of said Administration upon oath when Lawfully called thereto.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of the sd Court of Probate Dated att Barnstable the six and twentyeth day of January in the ninth year of her Majties Reign Annoge Domini 1709/10

:::Barnabas Lothrop.


[3:148] A true Inventory of all and singular the goods chattels housing lands credits of Nathaniel Bassett of Yarmouth Yeoman deceased prized the 25th day of Januy 1710/11 by Peter Thatcher and Josiah Miller as followeth.

:Impe. his wearing Clothes 5-17-6 in cash 2-10-008=07=07
:Beds bedsteds and bedin and table lining all att.20=11=00
:In puter 1-18-5 Earthen and Iron ware att 2-15-004=13=05
:Arms warming pan & other Iron tools:02=03 06
:Fire tongs slice flax comb & other lumber at01=15=00
:Chears table and other lumber at02=00=00
:To Chests and a box at 0-16-0 in sundrys of old Iron 1-1-601=17=06
:Old Caske and Spinning wheels at01=01=00
:Cyder at 1-10-0 a great Bible 1£ empty barrels at 0-8-602=18=06
:A great book at 15s more books at 4s one great buch 4s01=03=00
:Oxen & Cows at 11-8-0 one young beast 18s12=16=00
:one mare att 3-0-0. Sheep at 1-16-004=16=00
:The land to be sold prized att12=00=00
:The housing land & meadow att150=00=00
:One new brake 5' forgotten.
:::Peter Thacher.
:::Josiah Miller.
January 26th 1710/11. Thomas Mulford one of the Executors to the last will and testament of Nathaniel Bassett Late of Yarmouth now made oath that the above written is a true Inventory of the estate of the deceased so far as he knows and that if any thing else that is materiall shall yet further come to his knowledge he will bring it also to this Inventory.

:::Attest. Wm Bassett, Regtr.

=== Research Notes ===Please note that the above transcription original came from ''Records of Barnstable, MA,'' by Gustavus A. Hinckley.''Records of Barnstable, MA, from the Gustavus A. Hinckley Collection'' Software (Boston, MA: NEHGS, 2001) It contained one error: In the bulleted paragraph where Nathaniel names six children who were to receive the remainder of his estate, Hinkley transcribed "Nathaniel," where in the original record it states "Nathan."

== Sources ==

FHL Film 287 = Bassett Manuscript
The Bassett Family of Yarmouth


Yarmouth Town Records, vol. 3
page 26 "back"Hanah Basset wife of Nathanel Basset she departed this life the 12th da
y of November 1709Nathaniel Basset departed this life on the 16th day of January...1710/1
1[Note: This date of death does not agree with the date of his will, wh
ich he reportedly signed only six days before his death.]


Will of Nathaniel Bassett: [need this]


Genealogical Notes of Barnstable Families
Nathaniel Basset, son of the first William, is the ancestor of the Yarmouth, Chatham and Hyannis, and some of the West Barnstable families of the name. On the 2nd of March, 1651-2, "Nathaniel Basset and Joseph Prior, for disturbing the church of Duxburrou, on the Lord's day, were sentenced each of them to pay twenty shillings fine, or the next towne meeting or training day both of them to bee bound unto a post for the space of two hours, in some public place, with a paper on their heads on which theire capital crime shall be written perspecusly, soe as may bee read." Whether the fines imposed, or suffered the novel mode of punishm
ent to which they were sentenced, does not appear.
Nathaniel settled first in Marshfield, but removed to Yarmouth where he was an inhabitant in 1664, and perhaps earlier. He resided near the first meeting-house, and his descendants still enjoy his lands. Notwithstanding the trifling irregularity in his conduct when a young man at Duxbury, he was a very worthy and respectable citizen, had a large family -- ten of whom lived to mature age. He died January 16, 1709-10, a
ged 82.
His will, dated January 10, 1709-10, six days before his death, is a carefully drawn instrument, witnessed by Rev. Daniel Greenleaf, Experience Rider, and his nephew Col. William Bassett, and furnishes much genealogical information. He names his nine children then living and says he is "aged and under much decay of body," being then 82 years of age. To his son William, he gave meadow and upland, which was John Joyce's drying ground, bought of Mr. Thomas Wally, and meadow bought of Mr. Thornton. He names the eldest son of Thomas Mulford of Truro, who married his daughter Mary; eldest son of his son Nathaniel; the eldest son of his son Joseph; to Nathaniel he gave property that was his Grandmother Joyce's and his lands in Middleboro. He names his daughter-in-law Joanna, perhaps the wife of Nathaniel, who removed to Windham, Conn., and his daughter Ruth Bassett. He gives certain property unto six of his children, Mary Mulford, Samuel Bassett, Hannah Covell, Joseph Bassett, Sarah Nickerson and Nathan Bassett. Mr. Thomas Mulford of Truro and his son J
oseph of Yarmouth were Executors. Estate appraised at £228.11.
Though William is the first-named in the will, he was probably the y
oungest son.

Research Notes of Kerry Petersen:
2. FHL manuscript "The Ancestry and Some of the Descendants of Captain Joseph Bassett," by Josephine Risser Bassett and Addle Moore Cates (Minneapolis, 1948), pp. 8-10. (The information on the marriages is not reliable by misstating the first and assuming the second; note that if Hannah Freeman was a wife who died after Nathaniel's death, then she would h
ave been mentioned in his will.):"Nathaniel [Bassett]. Born in 1628 at Plymouth. Died Jan. 16, 1709/10, aged 82, at his home in Yarmouth, Mass. Married (1) Mary Joyce, daughter of John & Dorothy ( Cachet) Joyce of Yarmouth; she died Jan. 12, 1679, & is buried in Yarmouth. Married (2) Hannah Freeman, of Eastham, Mass., wh
o died Nov.12, 1709."'On the 2d of March, 1631/2 Nathaniel Basset & Joseph Prior, for disturbing the church of Duxburrou on the Lord's Day, were sentenced. each of them to pay 20 shillings fine, or the next towne meeting or training day both of them bee bound unto a post for the space of 2 hours, in some public place, with a paper on their heads on which theire capital crime shall bee written perspecusley, soe as may bee read.' Whether they paid the fines imposed or suffered the novel mode of punishment to which they were sentenced does not appear. Nathaniel first settled in Marshfield, but removed to Yarmouth where he was an inhabitant in 1664, & perhaps earlier. He resided near the 1st meeting house, & his descendants still enjoy his lands. Notwithstanding the trifling irregularity in his conduct when a young man at Duxbury, he was a worthy & respectable citizen, had a large family, 10 of whom lived to mature age." (Otis Gen. Notes of B
arnstable Families, p.45)He is the ancestor of the Yarmouth, Chatham, Hyannis, & some of the Barnstable Bassetts. The record of his family is lost. His will, dated Jan. 10, 1709/10, 6 days before his death, is a carefully drawn instrument, witnessed by Rev. Daniel Greenleaf, Experience Rider, & his nephew Col. William Bassett. He names his 9 children then living, says he is "aged & under much decay of body" being then 82 years of age. To his son William he gave meadow and upland, which was John Joyce's drying ground, bought of Mr. Thomas Wally, & meadow bought of Mr. Thornton. He names the eldest son of Thomas Mulford of Truro, who married his daughter Mary; the eldest son of his son Nathaniel; the eldest son of his son Joseph; to Nathaniel he gave property that was his Grandmother Joyce's, & his lands in Middleboro. He names his daughter-in-law Joannah, perhaps wife of Nathaniel who removed to Windham, Conn., & his daughter Ruth Basset. He gives certain property unto 6 of his children: Mary Mulford, Samuel Basset, Hannah Covell, Joseph Basset, Sarah Nickerson & Nathan Bassett. Mr. Thomas Mulford of Truro, & his son Joseph of Yarmouth, Executors. Estate appraised at ?228,11. Though William is first named in the will, h
e was probably the youngest son.Had 10 children: William, Mary, Nathaniel, Joseph, Ruth, Samuel, Hannah
, Sarah, Nathan, & Dorcas.The following are the names of the 10 children of Nathaniel Basset (1628-1709/10) the 3rd child of William Basset (?-1667) the Fortune passeng
(1) Nathan. Married Mary Crow on March 7, 1709.
(2) Samuel. Born Jan. 18, 1663 or 1664.(3) Mary. Born about 1669 in Yarmouth, Mass. Married Thomas Mulford of T
ruro, Mass.
(4) Nathaniel. Born about 1674, in Yarmouth, Mass.(5) Dorcas. Born about 1676, in Yarmouth, Mass. Died June 9, 1707, aged 31. "One of the oldest monuments in the Yarmouth graveyard is that of Do
rcas Basset."(6) William. Born about 1680, in Yarmouth, Mass. Married (1) Martha God
frey on Feb. 23, 1710; (2) Sarah Jenkins on Jan. 30, 1722 or 1723.
(7) Hannah. Born about 1683, in Yarmouth, Mass.(8) Joseph. Born about 1686, in Yarmouth, Mass. Died Jan. 6, 1749/51, in Yarmouth, Mass. Married (1) Susannah Howes on Feb. 27, 1706/7. She died Feb. 27, 1718/19. Married (2) Thankful Hallet on Dec. 3, 1719. She died Aug 12, 1736. Is the ancestor of the Yarmouth & Hyannis Bassetts. Had 10 children: Sarah, Joseph, Daniel, Joshua, Susannah, Samuel, John, E
benezer, Thankful, & Nathan.
(9) Ruth. Died in infancy.
(10) Sarah. Married ___ Nickerson."
3. "The American Genealogist," 43(Jan 1967):1-13, "John1 Joyce of Yarmo
uth, Mass. (ca. 1615-1666)," by Maclean W. McLean:"Dorcas2 [Joyce], b. ca. 1640; d. 10 June 1707; m. ca. 1661 Nathaniel2 Bassett, b. ca. 1628, d., testate,16 Jan. 1709/10, aet. 82. Among their nine children, the second was Nathaniel3, b. ca. 1664, who m. (1) at Windham, Conn., 16 Dec. 1695, Johanna Borden, b. ca. 1670, d. Mansfield, Conn., 3 Dec. 1740. They had: (1) Johanna, b. Windham, Conn., 24 Sept. 1697, d. Mansfield, 6 March 1745, m. there, 4 Feb. 1717, James Hovey; (2) Ebenezer, b. 1699, and d. same day; (3) Ebenezer, b. 2 Apr. d. 5 Apr. 1701; (4) Dorcas, b. 12 July 1702, d. 29 April 1793 in 91st year; (5) Nathaniel, b. Mansfield, 30 Sept. 1704, m. there 18 March 1735/6 Mehitable Huntington, b. 31 May 1712, dau. of Thomas and (2nd. w.) Elizabeth (Arnold) Huntington; (6) Mary, b. Mansfield, 17 Feb. 1707/8, m. there 12 Mar. 1734/5 William Huntington, b. Windham, son of Thomas and (1st w.) Elizabeth (Backus) Huntington; (7) Thankful, b. Mansfield, 15 Sept. 1712, d. there by 1718. Of these seven the four surviving in 1718 were the "Cousins" (a nephew and three nieces) who are named in the "deed" of their aunt, Mary2 (Joyce) Hall in 1718. The eighth child of Dorcas and Nathaniel Bassett was William3, b. ca. 1676 who m. (1) 23 Feb. 1710 Martha3 Godfrey, b. ca. 1690, d. ca. 1735, dau. of John and Martha (Joyce) Go
dfrey, on whom see below."
4. FHL book 929.273 J63bw (film 6006775) "The New England Ancestry of A
lice Everett Johnson 1899-1986," by W.M. Bollenbach (Baltimore, 2003):"NATHANIEL [BASSETT], born probably Plymouth MA say 1630, died Chatham MA 1710; married Yarmouth MA about 1661 Dorcas2 Joyce, born there say 16
40, daughter of John1 and Dorothy (Cochet) Joyce (Torrey 50).(Colket 21; Pope 37; Savage 1:136; "Great Migration Begins" 1:127, R. C
. Anderson, 1995)"
6. The book "One Bassett Family in America," by Buell Burdett Bassette (
New Britain, CT; 1909?), pp. 1-10:"NATHANIEL [BASSETT], b. 1628 in Plymouth, Mass.; m. (1) Mary or Dorcas Joyce; he d. Jan'y 17, 1709/10 ae 82; she d. bef. husband. He m. (2) Hannah who d. 1710. He settled in Marshfield and then in Yarmouth. Was very worthy citizen, though at 23 he was fined 20s for disturbing divine service in Duxbury on the Lord's day. He was constable at Yarmouth. His will, dated 6 days before death, is carefully drawn and contains much ge
nealogical information. It mentions "grandmother Joyce." 10 ch.""1651, Oct. 7. Vol. II, P. 239 P C: This is the day when the Court fines Nathaniel Bassett of Duxboro, son of our William, "for disturbing the church of Duxborow on the Lord's Day." The fine was 20s or be bound to a post with the offense posted on the forehead for two hours. At this time N
athaniel was about 23 years old, while the item sounds more like 13.""1656, June 16. Vol. II, P. 177 L R, Plymouth: "I William Bassett senir of Duxburrow now liveing Att Bridgwater for Divers Reasons ? Doe give up all my proper and whole Interest in my lands lying upon the South River ... unto my two sonnes there liveing viz Perigrine White and Nathaniell B
7. "A Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England...," b
y James Savage, 4 vols., (Boston, 1862), p. 136:"BASSETT, NATHANIEL, Yarmouth 1672, s. of William the first comer, m. a d
. of John Joyce."

DEATH:1. FHL film 982479, it. 5 "History of Old Yarmouth," by Charles F. Swif
t (Yarmouth; 1884), pp. 122-23:"In 1710, Jan. 16, Mr Nathaniel Basset died, aged 82 years. He was the son of William, who came to Plymouth in the Fortune in 1621, was in that town as late as 1637, then of Duxbury, afterwards of Bridgewater, where he died in 1667. Nathaniel first settled in Marshfleld, and came to Yarmouth in 1684, residing near the first meeting-house. The family was one of distinction in the colony, and his descendants are quite numerous in t
he town."
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Ancêtres (et descendants) de Nathaniel Bassett

Elizabeth Unknown
± 1595-1663

Nathaniel Bassett


Dorcas Joyce

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Événements historiques

  • La température le 16 janvier 1710 était d'environ 7,0 °C. Source: KNMI
  •  Cette page est uniquement disponible en néerlandais.
    Van 1702 tot 1747 kende Nederland (ookwel Republiek der Zeven Verenigde Nederlanden) zijn Tweede Stadhouderloze Tijdperk.
  • En l'an 1710: Source: Wikipedia
    • 10 mars » victoire de Magnus Stenbock sur Jørgen Rantzau à la bataille d'Helsingborg pendant la grande guerre du Nord.
    • 10 avril » le Copyright Act (ou Statute of Anne) entre en vigueur en Grande-Bretagne, y instaurant officiellement la notion de copyright (ou droit d'auteur).
    • 20 août » victoire alliée décisive à la bataille de Saragosse pendant la guerre de succession d'Espagne.
    • 10 décembre » à Villaviciosa, Vendôme remporte une victoire sur les coalisés commandés par Starhemberg.

Même jour de naissance/décès

Source: Wikipedia

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David Carroll Williams, "Williams - Richards Family Tree", base de données, Généalogie Online (https://www.genealogieonline.nl/williams-richards-family-tree/I550.php : consultée 22 septembre 2024), "Nathaniel Bassett (1628-1710)".