Concernant le toponyme » Hackney, Greater London, England, La Grande-Bretagne

Patronymes populaires à Hackney
Les enregistrements de Hackney

Hackney was a parish in the historic county of Middlesex. The parish church of St John-at-Hackney was built in 1789, replacing the nearby former 16th century parish church dedicated to St Augustine (pulled down in 1798). The original tower of that church was retained to hold the bells until the new church could be strengthened; the bells were finally removed to the new St John's in 1854. See details of other, more modern, churches within the original parish boundaries below.

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Greater London
La Grande-Bretagne
Vlag van La Grande-Bretagne

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Attention, plusieurs toponymes portant ce nom apparaissent dans les publications sur Généalogie Online: