Addendum Sep 2024 trip to North Africa- and sources- Berber Blue Man
When you look at the 1620 map of Jamaica ???????? before Kingston was named all Scottish cities like Fort William named. Places my dad and grandad were born, sang oldest Jacobite songs with not 1 record of slavery or link to Africa only Scotland. I am managing 80 DNA kits / opened a few graves / finding more Hebrew Haplogroup Es are matching up to Scotland and Euro matches vs Haplogroup Rs . My Polish wife's family are Hs and Rs all from the Caucasus region and DNA tied to modern Jews non Hebrews also Rs with mix of some Js and Is. They also match up with western Rs who also hail from the Caucasus. Oxford University is coming out with a new earth shattering book this fall to change the way we examine history / black history. Africans may be black but most if not all blacks who were the real American Indians are not African. Blacks lived in Europe and America for over 2000 years. I love my Indian mum and Polish wife of 19 years dearly but they both have humble roots in the CAUCASUS region just 300 years ago when the planet was black when the population was 600 million. Have a read of Ben Franklin's essay on the increase of mankind 1751 paragraph 24 on all black planet.
MENA region which I visited last week is a recent creation [ie people were a lot darker 200 years ago]]]. When I walked the streets they called me blue man / berber and Roman as I am a black man .
Hard to imagine MENA is a new creation. I was in Algeria and Tunisia and asked when was this town hall installed ....this church etc They told me ohhh in the early 1900s.. imagine the planet added 6.5 billion people from 1.7b souls alive at the end of the Victorian age in 1900. In 1800 AD after Ben wrote his essay we had 700m people on planet. Fact check away. Meanwhile over 200 million blacks mostly poor aboriginal real black Indians and black Euromoors of lower classes died over 400 years ago. If those people lived we would be way past 12 billion and whites of that figure 3 percent ?
On the elites and those in power ask them to do a DNA test from the real Rothschilds power barons to all royal family males. I guarantee haplo E berber will be dominant. Same haplo all Egyptian kings Einstein , President Wilson, Wright Brothers, Napoleon and even Hitler all Es. They look white on outside but look under the hood. For me poked into graves St Clairs others all haplogroup Es. As elite euromoors why give up power? Why give up power ?? For another day !!
The Black nobility fell in the early 1800s so we have to question that phase of history. Cold facts are of 8.2 billion people alive using the 1 drop rule and UN and CIA reports only 5 percent are considered white and least melenated. So all of history cannot be accurate and we don't need Putin to tell us about black Russian icons and blackness of Jesus and Bible figures. Look at the oldest churches in the world including Poland....all have black Madonnas with child. Why?
Look at my Facebook background the painting is called the Moors Quadrille painted in Poland in 1706. I spoke with the Dresden Germany museum of Ethnology and they will sell me an official print. For some reason this is not on public display... .hmmmm naughty people. This painting shows all black kings of Europe including Poland King Augustus strong in blue third from left and far right Karl Gustav prince of Sweden....and on left all German Princes black as can be on horseback with their names in German language under each rider in 1706. Backs up what Ben Franklin the freemason and founding father had to say.
Another good book to read by Dr John Johnson the Negro Rulers of Scotland and the British Isles. He got access to hidden paintings within Holyroodhouse . He was a pastor and US marine.....exciting James Bond stuff. All Stuart and English kings were black up to modern era and after mad King George III. Napoleon from love letters was black and President Washington as well described in some of my books as a swarthy Huguenot. My 2 cents and sorry for startling but think about the population numbers a 5 year old child can grasp that if the planet is 8.2 billion and only 5 pct is a certain color depicted in very old 1000 year old paintings Houston we got a problem.
Addendum- Sep 5, 2023
1. Following opening of graves in Jamaica - and finding out prominent persons with surnames St Clairs/ Sinclairs and other Scots who moved to Jamaica over 300 years ago from Scotland are haplogroup E- like myself- I've moved on this summer to New Zealand and Ayer's Rock / Uluru in Australia. Currently analyzing 4 DNA samples of Maori and Aboriginal men. More news to come......
2. has decided to upgrade its Y tree. Possibly all the trouble i am creating concerning the false narrative of mankind, whitewashing has turned enough heads to stamp out corruption in the DNA lab. I still have 350 plus orphan DNA files- ie matches where i am matching a person over 10 - 15cm and neither parent (whose DNA is on the same DNA site- ie My Heritage, 23 and me, FTDNA) is a match which in itself is classic FRAUD.
3. I am taking a closer look at the West African slave migration story. As the Bible says "Even a Child will lead them". Listen to basic nurse give her reasons as a healthcare professional - why this story was a hoax-- . The logistics does not work and not even a superhuman would survive with hardly any food, no antibiotics, bed sores, e-coli --. Moreover Europe was too broke to afford 12,000 slave ships. With so many blacks in the New World pre black Columbus arrival in 1492 and blacks living in Europe for 2000 plus years who were displaced and fleeing after Cromwell's deportation/ French revolution and fall of the black nobility in France - why would they need to bring 12 million Africans to America? And in hurricane seasons? And where have the so called Indians gone ? Just like those Scottish Picts who disappeared ? Too many lies and not enough answers. Classic stories told to grab land from blacks. Take the lands from native black Americans and enslave them- same thing done in the UK/ in Europe (which according to Ben Franklin's 1751 on the increase of mankind, the planet pre 1700s was mostly black ), lands taken away from locals in NZ and Australia. As the continent of Africa is concerned - Africans do not / black Africans do not own what comes out of the ground. And what is extracted - goes for pennies on the dollar keeping Africa POOR.
Well the globe is now insolvent - where do we go from here and who will become the owners of the earth once the re-set button is pressed? Will 10 percent of the global population still control 70 percent or more of the wealth ?
From the desk of Dr. Wilton McDonald Esq.
(Bio profile - )
I'm a senior hedge funds lawyer/ British chartered accountant/ holder of multiple academic degrees and researcher in genealogy.
For the last 3 years I've worked on expanding my family tree to over 552,000 members, and have completed 8 DNA tests including the Big Y and whole genome tests. I manage around 50 DNA kits and have seen that most of my fellow Haplo Es have DNA subclades dated around 500 to 1000 years which makes them younger than most Haplo Rs- confirming the existence of Euro /UK Africans who lived in the UK and Europe for thousands of years. On the other hand I note that some of my kit holders who are Haplos A through E have subclades dated around 4,000 years old but then again my Indian mom's brother who is surprisingly not Indian, but a Haplo O or Chinese has a date attributed to his O subclade over 6,000 years approaching the Judeo-Christian timeline for the world from a black Adam. The lines have been blurred and when I went to Madagascar/ Africa in January this year (2023) - I discovered a close Big Y DNA cousin out of over 1.3 billion people. I have no records of any family members coming from Africa, but I was surprised to come across a Big Y cousin which represents odds off the scale and smaller than the chance of getting hit by lightning in your living room! My E subclade is E-FT405608 and linked to Orkney Scotland and dated around 900 years to most distant ancestor.
Here are other challenges I am faced with – 1) my Indian mom has very few DNA matches – ie 200 across all the DNA platforms but me and my dad have over 15,000 DNA matches on an autosomal basis. Some DNA companies have wiped out my 10 percent Celtic ethnicity replacing with East Indian and making me 60 percent Indian. With my dad having zero Indian ethnicity this makes my mom 120 percent Indian. How can anyone be 120 percent of anything? 2) I have over 1300 DNA matches with 1 single white Australian woman with Scottish parents on both sides. This is very hard to reconcile given my erased Celtic background and this fact alone backs up my position about Euro blacks. If blacks indeed lived in the UK/ Europe up to just 300 to 500 years ago and pure whites are “newcomers” – then this result with this single white woman helps to explain recent migration of pure whites. Note autosomal has a limit of around 5 to 7 generations and maxes out at 200 years whereas the Big Y test which I have also done and is limited to men as we possess the Y chromosome- the Y test goes back thousands of years.
Other challenges - the missing docs / evidence -
1. Ben Franklin wrote in 1751 in his essay on the increase of mankind that the number of pure whites in the world was very small- According to the United Nations the ratio of whites to non-whites in the world is 1.5 to 8.5 and this ratio will decrease to 1 to 9 by the year 2050.
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2. French Count Volney in 1787 observed a negroid looking Great Sphinx in Egypt with thick lips and broad nose but the Sphinx was defaced after 1787 ,
3. Roman lawyer Tacitus (b. AD 50) who observed the construction of Hadrian's Wall but also observed the black African PICTS who he described as pygmies but most of his books are missing
4. We know the great Library at Alexandria Egypt was burned down - ……deliberately
5. Donald Monro in the 1500s observed blacks in Scotland/ Europe but all his original books are missing
6. The Christian Bible had 80 books including the Book of Enoch which detailed the Caucasoid giants or Nephilim. Under this point- we know of many newspaper articles released over 200 years in America and Europe detailing finding of “giant bones” but most or all have gone missing! If found there would be hard evidence of the Nephilim and correlation which whites/ Asians. The Bible now has 66 books but today the Ethiopians still use a full 80 book Bible which a black Stewart King James commissioned in 1611.
7. Henry VIII and his side kick Thomas Cromwell in the 1500s destroyed most of the black icons and statues/ images of Euro blacks to pave the way for the Church of England
8. The direct descendant of Thomas Cromwell – Oliver Cromwell in the 1600s murdered / deported blacks in the UK and Europe and their records were mixed with West Africans. The Jacobite murders – not just about religion but also race. The oldest clans connected to the Picts were black.
9. French Revolution in the late 1700s brought an end to the black nobility- and saw the pure whites installed into positions of power especially the young Freemasons / East India Co- who controlled the fate of history and the narrative in existence.
10. Christopher Columbus was painted in early 1800s by an English painter and depicted as a black man!
11. Most or almost all of the USA's founding fathers in the 18th century were black! They have very cloudy /missing paternal DNA lines,
12. Most of the artwork / paintings of the 13th – to 19th centuries have been doctored and are most likely fakes,
13. Broaches and coinage are being released slowly – from time of the Greeks- 4th century BC to medieval times depicting black nobles / royals,
14. Jesus no longer believed to be white- and speaking of the coinage, paintings, etc- RUSSIA has released Russian icons- a book available for purchase on for around USD 3,000 containing paintings of black nobles, apostolic figures over the last 2,000 years- all focused around European art – not African.
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So much distorted / lost history!
1. Here in the English-speaking Caribbean we are largely linked to Scottish/Irish ancestors.
2. 17th century (NOTE- the century of Lord Oliver Cromwell- Lord Protector who killed and deported Euro/ UK blacks )- the Ulster Scots migrated to Ireland in large numbers both as a result of the government-sanctioned Plantation of Ulster, a planned process of colonization which took place under the auspices of James VI of Scotland and I of England (my favorite BLACK Stewart King) on land confiscated from members of the Gaelic nobility of Ireland who fled Ulster, and as part of a larger migration or unplanned wave of settlement.
3. Ulster Scots people emigrated from Ireland in significant numbers to the American colonies, later the United States, and elsewhere in the British Empire.[citation needed] Scotch-Irish (or Scots Irish) is a traditional term for Ulster Scots who emigrated to America.[17]
4. From the 17th century/ sorry scratch that.....for 700 years prior to the fire in 1922 a treasure trove of genealogical birth/ death records was amassed in Ireland. The index for these records ran over 300 pages. Again these records spanned 700 years of Irish/ UK genealogical records and history.
5. There is controversy over how much of these records were destroyed. Assume the worst- just like in the Tudor Age 1500s to make way for his Church of England a mixed-race Henry VIII and sidekick Thomas Cromwell destroyed 97 percent of cultural icons which contained a vast and unknown amount of black history in the UK.
6. In 1924/ 1925- the Racial Integrity (aka racial classification) Acts were passed in the USA. As i said before prior to those Acts someone coming from Europe by ship would be considered white regardless of skin color.
7. Fast forward to TODAY- Ireland/ UK is committed to restoring these lost records from unknown and unproven sources. Should we be skeptical? Of course. Do you recall Donald Monro's LOST 16th century books where he observed black Scottish people in great abundance? Again 16th century and pre West African slavery!! Lots of quacks are jumping on the bandwagon to publish edited and redacted versions of Monro's lost books leaving out the juicy bits on skin color and race !
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I'm off to Australia and New Zealand next month to collect DNA samples from Aborigine men of the oldest clans and I will upload DNA results to once processed and whole sequenced in independent labs in Europe. To date some of my biggest DNA finding have included- the following –
a. world famous Sinclair family from Orkney Scotland who arrived in Jamaica in the 1700s are in fact haplogroup E,
b. former Governor of Jamaica, General Lord George Berkeley b. 1785 in the UK, and son of UK Admiral Berkeley from the UK was a haplogroup E. The surname Berkeley connects to Savage, Macdonald, Hamilton, Brereton and host of UK blue blooded VIPs.
Thanks for listening.
I've included a link to a radio broadcast where I gave an overview of history based on strict Judo Christian teaching over a fixed 6,000-year history for humankind. Final point Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson- PhD from Harvard and microbiologist specializing in Y DNA analysis has concluded in his book Traced that all Y DNA mutations took place over 5,000 to 6,000 years which supports the young earth historical account of Judeo Christians.
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