Family Tree of Jan Wulfen van Laar (29 November 1963)

Foto van Jan van Laar
De publicatie Family Tree of Jan Wulfen van Laar (29 November 1963) is opgesteld door (neem contact op) en bestaat uit 797 personen. Vanwege privacy zijn 8 personen niet zichtbaar gemaakt. Meer statistische informatie over de publicatie (zoals aantallen en spreiding van genealogische gebeurtenissen) is te vinden op de statistieken pagina. Deze publicatie is voor het laatst bijgewerkt op zondag 22 mei 2022.

This family tree of my ancestors is largely building upon decades of meticulous research of my father Gerrit van Laar who spent countless hours in church archives, municipal or city archives and with other genealogists, mostly in the region of the provinces of Utrecht and Gelderland in The Netherlands. His first works and documentations started as from the middle of the 1960's and went back to ancestors in the early 1600's. Without his dedication I would have never been able to even start up this project.

Since the early 2000's I started to research the internet to find family trees crossing the "van Laar" and "van Ginkel" (my mother's family) family trees. The results are amazing and there is no single hour when I'm researching that I don't stumble upon new lines of my family, often dating back to 1000 years or more ago. This is an addiction that will most likely never stop.

The last few years I'm not only focussing on adding more ancestors but also on improving the quality of the family tree, removing onconsistencies, including references and where possible uploading pdf documents etc. This is a never ending work in progress and I hope that by publishing it here on genealogyonline all the work of my father and me will not just disappear at some point.

I welcome all your comments to improve whatever is now already online (and I know there is a lot to improve). Thank you all in advance!

Jan Wulfen van Laar

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