Family tree Cromer/Russell/Buck/Pratt » Constance de Mauley (1371-1450)

Persoonlijke gegevens Constance de Mauley 

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Gezin van Constance de Mauley

(1) Zij is getrouwd met John Normanville.

Zij zijn getrouwd in het jaar 1385 te Mulgrave, Yorkshire, England, zij was toen 14 jaar oud.


  1. Joan Normanville  1390-1402 

(2) Zij heeft/had een relatie met Simon de la Ward.

(3) Zij had een relatie met John Normanville Bigod.


  1. Ralph Bigod  1410-1461 
  2. Katherine Bigod  ± 1412-????

Notities over Constance de Mauley

*'''Constance Mauley1,2,3,4,5,62,3,7,6 d. 10 Oct 13912.2,3,7,6 Constance Mauley married Sir John Bigod''', son of Sir John Bigod, Sheriff, Escheator, & Justice of the Peace of Yorkshire and Amy (Anne), '''before 1410; They had 1 son''' (Sir Ralph) '''and 1 daughter''' (Katherine, wife of (Mr.) Crathorn).2,3,4,5,6 '''Constance Mauley left a will on 1 January 1450.8,2,5 She died on 15 December 1450 at Settrington, Yorkshire, England; Buried beside her husband in chancel of Settrington Church, Yorkshire.2,5 Her estate was probated on 14 February 1451.2,5n Bigod b. c 1375, d. 19 Feb 1427VIII, p. 567/8; Burke's Commoners, Vol. II, p. 114. III, p. 136.l. IV, p. 69. Vol. VIII, p. 569-571.X John Normanville - m.3 Sir John Bigod) 1 Nov 1392rington, Yorkshire, England85 - d. 15 Dec 1450)''' (dau. of Sir Piers De Mauley of Moulgrave and Margery Sutton) '''(w.1 of Sir John Normanville - w.2 of William Fairfax) BEF 1407, Settrington, Yorkshire, England*1. Ralph BIGOD of Settrington (Sir Knight)1365r De MAULEY (b. ABT 1389 - d. 1415)ge Salvine, Esq.)eoi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=10&ved=0CDQQ6AEwCQ#v=onepage&q&f=false de Mauley, a Poictovin, his esquire, to murder his nephew, Prince Arthur of Britanny, and in reward of the foul deed, gave to the said rnham, and heiress of the Barony of Mulgrave. This Peter, throughout the whole reign of King John, adhering to his royal master, obtained considerable grants from the crown, and was esteemed amongst the evil advisers of the king. In the height of The baronial war, most of the prisoners of rank were committed to his custody, and he was constituted (18th JOHN), sheriff of the cos. of Dorset and Somerset. In the 4th HENRY III., upon the coronation of that monarch, Peter de Mauley had summons to assist thereat, and to bring with him the regalia, then in his custody at Corfe Castle, which had been entrusted to him by King JOHN; and the next year, being again sheriff of the cos. Somerset and Dorset, he delivered up the castle of Corfe to the king, with Alianore, the king's kinswoman, and Isabel, sister to the King of Scots as well as all the jewels, military engines, and ammunition there, which the late monarch had formerly commit to his custody. Soon after this, he was made governor of Sherburne Castle, co. Dorset, and dying in 1221, was s. by his son, Mureschall in his contest with HENRY III. was, that the king by the advice of foreigners, had dispossessed Gilbert Basset, a great baron of the time, of the manor of Nether-Haven, co. Wilts, and conferred it upon this Peter de Mauley. The king, nevertheless, continuing his favour to Peter, constituted him govenor of the castle of Devizes, and the next year (20th HENRY III..) made him sheriff of Northamptonshire. Moreover, in 1239, he was one of the godfathers, at the baptismal font to Prince Edward (the king's eldest son), and in 1241 he accompanied William de Fortibus, Earl of Albemarle, and divers other noble persons to the Holy Land. This feudal lord m. Joane, dau. of Peter de Brus, of Skelton, and d. in 1242. Upon his decease Gerard le Grue paid 500 marks for the ferme of his lands, and had the custody of the castle of Mulgrave; maintaining his widow with necessaries, keeping the buildings in repair, and not committing waste in the woods. Peter de Mauley was s. by his son, TER DE MAULEY (commonly called the 3rd), who doing his homage in the 31st HENRY III., had livery of his lands. ln the 42nd of the same reign, the Scots having made a prisoner of their King ALEXANDER III. (son-in-law of the English monarch), Peter de Mauley received summons with the other northern barons to fit himself with horse and arms for the relief of the Scottish prince. He m. Nichola, dau. of Gilbert de Gant, son of Gilbert, Earl of Lincoln, and had issue, tish wars. He had a grant of the manor of Seton. co. York. He was successively governor of the castle of Bridgenorth, of the town and castle of Bristol, and the castle of Cockermouth. He fell at the battle of Banoockburn, and dying s.p., his estates passed to his nephew, ARD I., doing his homage, and paying £100 for his relief, had livery of all his lands, which he held of the king in capite by barony of the inheritance of William Fossard (whose grand-dau. and heir, Isabel de Turnham, was wife of the first Peter de Mauley). This feudal lord having been engaged in the Welsh and Scottish wars, was summoned to parliament as a Baron by King EDWARD I., 23 June, 1295, and he had regular summons from that period to 12 December, 1309. In the 25th EDWARD I. his lordship was in the expedition then made into Gascony, and in consideration of his good services there, obtained from the king a grant of the marriage of Thomas, the son and heir of Thomas de Multon, of Gillesland, deceased. For several years after this he was actively employed in the warfare of Scotland. His lordship m. Eleanor, dau. of Thomas, Lord Furnival, and dying in 1310, was s. by his son, s nobleman was for several years actively engaged In the wars of Scotland, and was a commander at the battle of Durham (20th EDWARD III.), wherein the Scots, under their king, DAVID BRUS, sustained so signal a defeat, the monarch himself being made prisoner. His lordship m. Margaret, dau. of Robert, Lord Clifford, and dying In 1355 waa s. by his son, arliament from 20 September, 1355, to 7 January, 1383. This nobleman, in the 30th EDWARD III., shared in the glorious victory of Poictiers, and in three years afterwards he was in the expedition then made in Gascony. In the 41st of the same reign he was joined in commission with the bishop of Durham, Henry, Lord Percy, and others, for guarding the marches of Scotland ; and again, in the 3rd RICHARD II., with the Earl of Northumberland. His lordship m. 1st, in the 31st EDWARD III., Elizabeth, widow of John, Lord Darcy, and dau. and heir of Nicholas, Lord Meinill, without license, for which office he paid a fine of £100, and obtained pardon. He m. 2ndly, Margery, one of the daus. and co-heirs of Thomas de Sutton, of Sutton in Holderness, and had issue (by which wife not known), who m. Margery, one of the daus. and co-heirs of the Thomas de Sutton, Knt., and dying in the life-time of his father, left issue, William Fairfax, s. p., and 2ndly. Sir John Bigot, ancestor by her of the Bigots of Moulgrave. e quote COURTHOPE's Historic Peerage), "and consequently one of the co-heirs of the barony is Charles-Frederick-Ashley-Cooper Ponsonby, Lord de Mauley, son of William-Francis Spencer Ponsonby, Lord de Mauley, by Lady Barbara. dau. and sole heir of Anthony, 5th Earl of Shaftesbury, by Barbara, his wife, dau. and heir of Sir John Webb. Bart, by Mary, sister and eventually sole heir of Thomas Salvaine, Esq., the heir male and heir general of the above-mentioned George Salvaine, and Elizabeth Mauley, his wife." oncaster with its members, and a moiety of the manor of Helagh, all in the co. York. He was s. by his grandson, had livery of the lands of his inheritance, as well as those derived from his grandfather, as from Thomas, his uncle. This nobleman was made a knight of the Bath at the coronation of King HENRY IV., and was summoned to parliament from 18 August, 1399, to 12 August, 1415. His lordship m. the Lady Maud Nevil, dau. of Ralph, Earl of Westmoreland, but d. in 1415, s. p., when his sisters (refer tottps:// amongst their representatives. In the distribution of the Mauley estates, '''Leland says, "Bigot had the castle of Maugreve, (Mulgrave), with eight tounelettes therabout the se cost longging to it, whereof Seton thereby was one'''. Saulwyne had, for his part, the Barony of Eggeston on Eske, not far from Whitby; also Lokington-Barugh, not far from Watton-on-hull ryver, Nesseark, and the lordship of Doncaster." castle, was by legend founded by Wada, a 6th-century ruler of Hälsingland. The second castle, (54.4935°N 0.7055°W) caput of the feudal barony of Mulgrave, was of Norman construction and remained active until destroyed by order of Parliament in 1647. The third is a country house (54.5012°N 0.6922°W) which was constructed by Lady Catherine Darnley and passed in 1718 by marriage into the Phipps family, when her daughter Lady Catherine Annesley married William Phipps. The Phipps family later held the titles of Baron Mulgrave, Earl of Mulgrave and Marquess of Normanby. castle, which occupied the entire width of the ridge, seems to have been Norman, presumably constructed by Nigel Fossard (d. about 1120), who obtained the property after the Norman Conquest.[1] Fossard is recorded in the Domesday Book of 1086 as a tenant of 114 manors, all in Yorkshire, including under Robert, Count of Mortain of "Grif", identified as Mulgrave in the hundred of Langbaurgh.[2] He became himself a tenant-in-chief of the king in 1088, and a holder of the large feudal barony whose caput was at Mulgrave, hence known as the barony of Mulgrave, which according to the Cartae Baronum return made in 1166 comprised 33 1/2 knight's fees.[3] The main approach was located on the west, with two stone towers overlooking the entrance.[1] Moats prohibited approach from the east and ensured that western approach was by means of a drawbridge.[4] Differing levels of land surrounding the containing walls caused the wall to bulge outwards, which required buttressing.[1] Some of the bricks used in the structure are clearly Roman.[1]he barony and castle to her husband Robert de Turnham (d.1211). Their only surviving child and heiress was Isabel de Turnham who brought the barony and castle to Peter de Mauley (or Maulay) (d.1241) to whom she had been granted in marriage by King John on the escheatment of the barony. De Mauley was a native of Poitou, whose marriage to this wealthy heiress is said to have been his reward for having murdered in 1203 Prince Arthur, the son of John's elder brother who threatened his succession to the throne.[5] He was governor of Corfe Castle in Dorset where he acted as jailer of Eleanor, Arthur's sister.[6] Peter I's heir was Peter II de Mauley (1226–1279), who married Joan de Brus (d.1243), one of five sisters of Peter III de Brus (d.1272), feudal baron of Skelton, Yorkshire, who was his brother-in-law, having married Hilary de Mauley, Peter II's sister.[7] In the time of Peter II the barony was held by knight service of supplying two knights in time of war in the king's presence for 40 days per annum.[8] Peter II's heir was Peter III de Mauley (d.1308), who married Nicole de Ghent (d. before 1302), sister and in her issue co-heir (in a 1/3rd share) to Gilbert V de Ghent (d.1298), feudal baron of Folkingham, Lincolnshire.[9] Peter III was summoned to parliament by writ dated 23 June 1296,[10] creating him the 1st Baron de Mauley.[11] Peter III's seal can be seen as one of 72 appended to the Barons' Letter, 1301 to the Pope"[12] sealed at the Parliament of Lincoln in January 1301, and shows him on the reverse in the usual pose for early seals holding sword and shield astride his galloping war-horse, with the tails of his surcoat swept back by the wind. His arms within a heater-shaped escutcheon show a bend with a field diapered with scroll-work, which are blazoned as borne by him on the Falkirk Roll (1298) as: Or, a bend sable.[13] His heir was Peter IV de Mauley (d.1348).[14] Camden states that the first Peter was succeeded by 7 others bearing his name.astle passed to Sir John Bigot (c.1376-1426/7) of Settrington, Yorks.,[15] on his marriage to Constance de Mauley (c.1385-15/12/1450), eldest daughter & co-heiress''' of Peter VII de Mauley (d.1378), whose son Peter VIII had died in 1415 without issue, when the Barony de Mauley by writ became extinct. '''Bigot was 5th in descent from Hugh Bigod, 3rd Earl of Norfolk (d.1225).ttps://

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Voorouders (en nakomelingen) van Constance de Mauley

Constance de Mauley

(1) 1385

Simon de la Ward
± 1370-????

Ralph Bigod
Katherine Bigod
± 1412-????

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Visualiseer een andere verwantschap


  1. Ancestry Family Trees, Ancestry Family Tree
  2. Geni World Family Tree, via, 13 december 2018
    Constance Bigod (born de Mauley)<br>Gender: Female<br>Birth: Circa 1385 - Yorkshire, England<br>Marriage: Spouse: John Bigod, Kt. - Circa 1407 - Settrington, North Yorkshire, England<br>Death: Dec 15 1450 - Yorkshire, England<br>Burial: 1450 - Chancel of All Saints Church, Settrington, Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom<br>Father: Piers de Mauley, VII, 7th Lord Mauley<br>Mother: Margery Aldborough (born Sutton)<br>Husbands: John Normanville, William Fairfax, John Bigod, Kt.<br>Children: Ralph Bigod, Katherine Bigod, Joanna Bigod, Joan Calverley (born Normanville)<br>Siblings: Piers de Mauley, VIII, Elizabeth Salvin (born de Mauley), ;John de Mauley

Aanknopingspunten in andere publicaties

Deze persoon komt ook voor in de publicatie:

Historische gebeurtenissen

  • Graaf Filips I de Goede (Beiers Huis) was van 1433 tot 1467 vorst van Nederland (ook wel Graafschap Holland genoemd)
  • In het jaar 1450: Bron: Wikipedia
    • 15 april » Slag bij Formigny. Het Franse leger maakt een einde aan de overheersing van het noorden van Frankrijk. Dit luidt het einde van de Honderdjarige Oorlog in.

Dezelfde geboorte/sterftedag

Bron: Wikipedia

Over de familienaam De Mauley

Wilt u bij het overnemen van gegevens uit deze stamboom alstublieft een verwijzing naar de herkomst opnemen:
Elizabeth Cromer, "Family tree Cromer/Russell/Buck/Pratt", database, Genealogie Online ( : benaderd 24 september 2024), "Constance de Mauley (1371-1450)".