Van Hoochsaet naar Hoogzaad » Descendants of Dirck Hoochsaet

Generation 1


Dirck Hoochsaet, son of Pieter and Maritgen, was baptized about 1547 in Nieuwe Niedorp. He is leraar der doopsgezinde gemeente by profession. He got married about 1575 with Griet.

They had 5 children:

Dirck died on January 13, 1605.

Generation 2


Jan Hooghsaet, son of Dirck Hoochsaet and Griet, was baptized about 1577 in Nieuwe Niedorp. He is compasmaker by profession. He got married in Amsterdam with Femmetje Brandaris, daughter of Jan Brandaris and Neeltgen. She was born about 1577 in Amsterdam and, was baptized on January 23, 1613 in Amsterdam. Femmetje died and was buried on November 8, 1624 in Amsterdam.

They had 2 children:

Jan died and is buried on December 12, 1617 in Amsterdam.


Pieter Hooghsaet, son of Dirck Hoochsaet and Griet, was baptized about 1577 in Nieuwe Niedorp. He got married about 1595 with Trijntgen.

They had 2 children:

Pieter died and is buried before 1632.


N.N. Hooghsaet, daughter of Dirck Hoochsaet and Griet, was baptized about 1583 in Nieuwe Niedorp. She got married about 1605 with Claes.

They had 5 children:


Reijer Hoochsaet, son of Dirck Hoochsaet and Griet, was baptized about 1585 in Nieuwe Niedorp. He is bakker, varendsman, stuurman by profession. He got married (1) about 1612 in Winckel with Geertje, daughter of Jan Schuurman. She, was baptized about 1577. Geertje died and was buried about 1617 in Amsterdam. He got married (2) in Amsterdam with Metgen Schaepherder, daughter of Andries Scheapharder and Grietje. She, was baptized about 1589 in Amsterdam. She is schaaphouder by profession. Metgen died and was buried before 1682.

They had 3 children:

Reijer died and is buried between 1642 and 1645.


Marritje Hooghsaet, daughter of Dirck Hoochsaet and Griet, was baptized about 1587 in Nieuwe Niedorp. She got married about 1612 with Isbrand.

They had 3 children:

Marritje died and was buried after 1638 in Amsterdam.

Generation 3


Catrina Hooghsaet, daughter of Jan Hooghsaet and Femmetje Brandaris, was born about 1607 in Amsterdam and was baptized about 1630 in Amsterdam. She got married (1) in Amsterdam with Pieter Croon, son of Claes Croon and Mary Heyndrix. He, was baptized about 1599 in Amsterdam. He is schipper by profession. Pieter died and is buried about 1628. She got married (2) in Amsterdam with Hendrick Rooleeuw, son of Jacob and Elsgen uyt Goylandt. He was born about 1606 in Amsterdam and, was baptized on February 12, 1625 in Amsterdam. He is karmozijnverver, lakenkoper, predikant by profession. Hendrick died and is buried on August 23, 1670 in Amsterdam. She got married (3) in Amsterdam with Jan Schilt van Lubstadt. Catrina died in Amsterdam and was buried on December 8, 1685 in Amsterdam.


Jan Hooghsaet, son of Jan Hooghsaet and Femmetje Brandaris, was baptized about 1616 in Amsterdam. He is schipper by profession. Jan died on October 19, 1654 in Pulicat (India) and is buried before 1657 in Amsterdam.


Dirck Hooghsaet, son of Pieter Hooghsaet and Trijntgen, was baptized about 1600. He got married (1) about 1633 with Eerste Relatie.

They had 1 child:

He got married (2) about 1638 with Griet.

They had 5 children:

Dirck died and is buried before 1647 in Amsterdam.


Jan Neckevelt, son of Pieter Hooghsaet and Trijntgen, was baptized about 1601 in Amsterdam. Jan died and is buried on November 17, 1665 in Amsterdam.


Dirck Hooghsaet, son of Claes and N.N. Hooghsaet, was baptized about 1610. He got married about 1630 with Eijtje.

They had 2 children:

Dirck died and is buried before 1680.


Cornelis Hoogsaet, son of Claes and N.N. Hooghsaet, was baptized about 1615. He is varensgezel, houtkoper, scheepstimmerman(1642) by profession. He got married about 1636 with Grietje.

They had 10 children:

Cornelis died about 1683 in Amsterdam.


Dirck Hoogsaat, son of Claes and N.N. Hooghsaet, was baptized about 1617. He is kompasmaker by profession. He got married (2) in Amsterdam with Willemtje, daughter of Hendrik. She, was baptized about 1631 in Vlist.

They had 2 children:

Dirck died before 1680 in Amsterdam and is buried on September 2, 1680 in Amsterdam.


Jacob Hooghsaet, son of Claes and N.N. Hooghsaet, was baptized about 1619. He is koopman, houtkoper, notaris by profession. He got married about 1638 with Annetje Soet.

They had 3 children:

Jacob died and is buried on August 15, 1669 in Amsterdam.


Claes Hooghsaet, son of Claes and N.N. Hooghsaet, was born about 1621.


Dirck Hoogsaet, son of Reijer Hoochsaet and Metgen Schaepherder, was baptized about 1620 in Amsterdam. He is bakker by profession. Dirck died and is buried before 1657.


Andries Hoochsaet, son of Reijer Hoochsaet and Metgen Schaepherder, was baptized about 1629 in Amsterdam. He is meester metselaar by profession. He got married in Amsterdam with Willempje van der Heijde, daughter of Philips Heijdeman and Trijntje. She, was baptized about 1636 in Amsterdam. Willempje died and was buried before 1691.

They had 2 children:

Andries died and is buried on December 23, 1665 in Amsterdam.

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