Family tree Van den Aker, Van Eindhoven, Schepens en Verhoeven » Ancestors of Goverdina Maria Vugts

Generation 1


Goverdina Maria Vugts, daughter of Christianus Vugts follow 2 en Catharina Christina van den Aker follow 3, was born on May 15, 1912 in Haaren. Goverdina Maria died at the age of 74 on February 4, 1987 in Tilburg.

Generation 2


Christianus Vugts, son of Engelbertus Vugts follow 4 en Goverdina Pijnenburg follow 5, was born on December 31, 1875 in Haaren. He is landbouwer by profession. Christianus died at the age of 61 on August 12, 1937 in Haaren.


Catharina Christina van den Aker, daughter of Michiel van den Aker follow 6 en Wilhelmina van Rooij follow 7, was born on December 25, 1877 in Boxtel. Catharina Christina died at the age of 83 on November 4, 1961 in Haaren.

Generation 3


Engelbertus Vugts, son of Johannes Vugts follow 8 en Johanna Bressers follow 9, was born on September 26, 1831 in Haaren. He is landbouwer by profession. Engelbertus died at the age of 62 on February 28, 1894 in Haaren.


Goverdina Pijnenburg, daughter of Christiaan Pijnenburg follow 10 en Franciska Verstijnen follow 11, was born on February 25, 1834 in Haaren. Goverdina died at the age of 72 on October 18, 1906 in Haaren.


Michiel van den Aker, son of Casper van den Aker follow 12 en Wilhelmijna Paijens follow 13, was born on June 22, 1831 in Vught. He is landbouwer by profession. Michiel died at the age of 76 on October 16, 1907 in Esch.


Wilhelmina van Rooij, daughter of Anthonius van Roij follow 14 en Margaritha van Gemert follow 15, was born on January 6, 1845 in Vught. She is before 1909 landbouwster by profession. Wilhelmina died at the age of 65 on December 3, 1910 in Esch.

Generation 4


Johannes Vugts, son of Andries Lauwrens Vugts follow 16 en Antoinette Adriaan van Krieken follow 17, was born on April 12, 1777 in Haaren. Johannes died at the age of 85 on November 24, 1862 in Haaren.


Johanna Bressers, daughter of Martinus Aart Bressers follow 18 en Maria Anna Jan Peijnenborg follow 19, was born on January 11, 1790 in Haaren. Johanna died at the age of 76 on February 19, 1866 in Haaren.


Christiaan Pijnenburg, son of Cornelis Christiani Pijnenburg follow 20 en Catharina Goverdina van Havendonk follow 21, was born on June 11, 1801 in Haaren. Christiaan died at the age of 74 on August 2, 1875 in Haaren.


Franciska Verstijnen, daughter of Wilhelmus Joannis Verstijnen follow 22 en Johanna Joannis van den Oever follow 23, was born on June 25, 1804 in Haaren. Franciska died at the age of 69 on November 6, 1873 in Haaren.


Casper van den Aker, son of Michiel van den Aker follow 24 en Mechelien van der Meijden follow 25, was born on October 10, 1792 in Boxtel and was baptized on October 10, 1792 in Esch. Casper died at the age of 73 on December 7, 1865 in Boxtel.


Wilhelmijna Paijens, daughter of Johannes Paijens follow 26 en Johanna Maria van Rooij follow 27, was born on January 24, 1796 in Boxtel and was baptized on January 24, 1796 in Boxtel. Wilhelmijna died at the age of 82 on April 14, 1878 in Boxtel.


Anthonius van Roij, son of Johannis Adrianus van Roij follow 28 en Elisabeth Joannes Scheutjes follow 29, was baptized on September 6, 1792 in Vught. Anthonius died.


Margaritha van Gemert, daughter of Willem Aalbert van Gemert follow 30 en Wilhelmina Machiel van der Zande follow 31, was baptized on October 15, 1801 in Vught. Margaritha died.

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