Family tree De Wit » Descendants of Mohammed ibn Abdallah Al-Mustafa Hashemites

Family tree filling

GenerationNumber of peopleBirth / baptism year
11571 - 571
21598 - 598
31623 - 623
41648 - 648
51675 - 675
61731 - 731
71760 - 760
82800 - 805
92837 - 850
105877 - 890
1112897 - 930
1217910 - 990
1320943 - 1034
1429970 - 1063
15461003 - 1095
16701025 - 1128
17871055 - 1145
181171080 - 1181
191271100 - 1195
201361115 - 1230
211121140 - 1245
221111170 - 1280
23781195 - 1304
24741212 - 1330
25631236 - 1343
26421278 - 1365
27311308 - 1400
28261358 - 1440
29181393 - 1480
30121420 - 1510
3191453 - 1545
32121480 - 1600
33361502 - 1628
3491537 - 1570
3551599 - 1607
3621625 - 1625
3721655 - 1655
3851690 - 1700
3971722 - 1736
4051759 - 1774
4191779 - 1804
42121805 - 1829
43121846 - 1873
44181880 - 1907
45411910 - 1941
46161943 - 1960

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family tree in graphical formDOC