Family tree verwanten aanverwanten Zandstra/Agema » Kwartierstaat Hiltje Agema

Generation 54


Dibbaldus Segon van Friesland, son of Diocarus Segon van Friesland follow 19821995626594304, was born 34. He is prins van friesland by profession. Dibbaldus Segon died 85 and is buried in Starum.

Generation 55


Diocarus Segon van Friesland, son of Adel de Vierde Asega Askar van Friesland follow 39643991253188608. He is prins van friesland by profession. Diocarus Segon died 43 and is buried in Starum.

Generation 56


Adel de Vierde Asega Askar van Friesland, son of Adel de Derde Ubbo van Friesland follow 79287982506377216. Adel de Vierde Asega Askar died 11 in Starum.

Generation 57


Adel de Derde Ubbo van Friesland, son of Adel de Tweede Atharik van Friesland follow 158575965012754432 en Ifkja Suobene van Saxenmarken follow 158575965012754433. Adel de Derde Ubbo died 71.

Generation 58


Adel de Tweede Atharik van Friesland, son of Adel de Eerste Friso van Friesland follow 317151930025508864 en "Swethirte" ? follow 317151930025508865. Adel de Tweede Atharik died.


Ifkja Suobene van Saxenmarken, daughter of Berthold van Saxenmarken follow 317151930025508866, was born in Texland, Suobene, Saxenmarken. Ifkja Suobene died.

Generation 59


Adel de Eerste Friso van Friesland, son of Frizo van Friesland follow 634303860051017728 en Hilla van Thracië follow 634303860051017729, was born in Punjab. Adel de Eerste Friso died.


"Swethirte" ?. "Swethirte" died.


Berthold van Saxenmarken. Berthold died.

Generation 60


Frizo van Friesland, son of Adel L van Indie van Friesland follow 1268607720102035456. Frizo died.


Hilla van Thracië, daughter of Agathocles van Thracië follow 1268607720102035458 en Lysandra Nicea van Egypte follow 1268607720102035459. Hilla died.

Generation 61


Adel L van Indie van Friesland. Adel L died.

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