Family tree Ype Ypes (waaronder van der Meulen) » Pieter Jans van Rijnbergen (1760-????)

Personal data Pieter Jans van Rijnbergen 

  • He was born in the year 1760.
    Sneek, dopen, doopjaar 1760
    Dopeling: Pyter
    Gedoopt op 28 maart 1760 in Sneek
    Kind van Jan Pyters van Rynsbergen en Femke Wytsis

    Gestandaardiseerde namen (voornaam en patroniem):
    Dopeling : PIETER of PIETJE
    Vader : JAN PIETERS
    Moeder : FEMKE WIETSES
  • He was christened on March 28, 1760 in Sneek.
  • A child of Jan Pieters (Pyters) van Rijnbergen and Femke Wietses
  • This information was last updated on April 28, 2008.

Household of Pieter Jans van Rijnbergen

He is married to Grietje Geerts Mulder.

They were married in church on February 27, 1785 at Sneek, he was 25 years old.

Sneek, huwelijken 1785
Vermelding: Bevestiging huwelijk op 27 februari 1785
Man : Pieter Jans afkomstig van Sneek
Vrouw : Grietje Geerts Mulder afkomstig van Sneek

Gestandaardiseerde namen: PIETER JANS en GRIETJE GEERTS


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Timeline Pieter Jans van Rijnbergen

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Historical events

  • The temperature on March 28, 1760 was about 4.0 °C. Wind direction mainly north. Weather type: helder. Source: KNMI
  • Erfstadhouder Prins Willem V (Willem Batavus) (Huis van Oranje-Nassau) was from 1751 till 1795 sovereign of the Netherlands (also known as Republiek der Zeven Verenigde Nederlanden)
  • Regent Lodewijk Ernst (Hertog van Brunswijk-Wolfenbüttel) was from 1759 till 1766 sovereign of the Netherlands (also known as Republiek der Zeven Verenigde Nederlanden)
  • In the year 1760: Source: Wikipedia
    • June 27 » Anglo-Cherokee War: Cherokee warriors defeat British forces at the Battle of Echoee near present-day Otto, North Carolina.
    • July 8 » British forces defeat French forces in the last naval battle in New France.
    • October 9 » Seven Years' War: Russian and Austrian troops briefly occupy Berlin.
    • October 10 » In a treaty with the Dutch colonial authorities, the Ndyuka people of Suriname - descended from escaped slaves - gain territorial autonomy.
    • November 15 » The secondly-built Castellania in Valletta is officially inaugurated with the blessing of the interior Chapel of Sorrows.
    • November 18 » The rebuilt debtors' prison, at the Castellania in Valletta, receives the first prisoners.
  • The temperature on February 27, 1785 was about -7 °C. Wind direction mainly east-northeast. Weather type: zeer betrokken. Source: KNMI
  • Erfstadhouder Prins Willem V (Willem Batavus) (Huis van Oranje-Nassau) was from 1751 till 1795 sovereign of the Netherlands (also known as Republiek der Zeven Verenigde Nederlanden)
  • In the year 1785: Source: Wikipedia
    • January 7 » Frenchman Jean-Pierre Blanchard and American John Jeffries travel from Dover, England, to Calais, France, in a gas balloon.
    • January 20 » Invading Siamese forces attempt to exploit the political chaos in Vietnam, but are ambushed and annihilated at the Mekong river by the Tây Sơn in the Battle of Rạch Gầm-Xoài Mút.
    • January 27 » The University of Georgia is founded, the first public university in the United States.
    • November 28 » The first Treaty of Hopewell is signed, by which the United States acknowledges Cherokee lands in what is now East Tennessee.

About the surname Van Rijnbergen

When copying data from this family tree, please include a reference to the origin:
Irene Jolanda van der Meulen, "Family tree Ype Ypes (waaronder van der Meulen)", database, Genealogy Online ( : accessed July 27, 2024), "Pieter Jans van Rijnbergen (1760-????)".