Family tree Westerman » Tjark Bleeker (1849-1917)

Personal data Tjark Bleeker 

Household of Tjark Bleeker

He is married to Fenna de Boer.

They got married on November 3, 1877 at Loppersum, he was 28 years old.

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Ancestors (and descendant) of Tjark Bleeker

Tjark Bleeker


Fenna de Boer
± 1855-????

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    Historical events

    • The temperature on October 16, 1849 was about 7.0 °C. Wind direction mainly east-northeast. Weather type: half bewolkt. Source: KNMI
    •  This page is only available in Dutch.
      De Republiek der Verenigde Nederlanden werd in 1794-1795 door de Fransen veroverd onder leiding van bevelhebber Charles Pichegru (geholpen door de Nederlander Herman Willem Daendels); de verovering werd vergemakkelijkt door het dichtvriezen van de Waterlinie; Willem V moest op 18 januari 1795 uitwijken naar Engeland (en van daaruit in 1801 naar Duitsland); de patriotten namen de macht over van de aristocratische regenten en proclameerden de Bataafsche Republiek; op 16 mei 1795 werd het Haags Verdrag gesloten, waarmee ons land een vazalstaat werd van Frankrijk; in 3.1796 kwam er een Nationale Vergadering; in 1798 pleegde Daendels een staatsgreep, die de unitarissen aan de macht bracht; er kwam een nieuwe grondwet, die een Vertegenwoordigend Lichaam (met een Eerste en Tweede Kamer) instelde en als regering een Directoire; in 1799 sloeg Daendels bij Castricum een Brits-Russische invasie af; in 1801 kwam er een nieuwe grondwet; bij de Vrede van Amiens (1802) kreeg ons land van Engeland zijn koloniën terug (behalve Ceylon); na de grondwetswijziging van 1805 kwam er een raadpensionaris als eenhoofdig gezag, namelijk Rutger Jan Schimmelpenninck (van 31 oktober 1761 tot 25 maart 1825).
    • From November 21, 1848 till November 1, 1849 the Netherlands had a cabinet De Kempenaer - Donker Curtius with the prime ministers Mr. J.M. de Kempenaer (conservatief-liberaal) and Mr. D. Donker Curtius (conservatief-liberaal).
    • In The Netherlands , there was from November 1, 1849 to April 19, 1853 the cabinet Thorbecke I, with Mr. J.R. Thorbecke (liberaal) as prime minister.
    • In the year 1849: Source: Wikipedia
      • The Netherlands had about 3.1 million citizens.
      • January 23 » Elizabeth Blackwell is awarded her M.D. by the Geneva Medical College of Geneva, New York, becoming the United States' first female doctor.
      • March 3 » The Territory of Minnesota is created.
      • April 13 » Lajos Kossuth presents the Hungarian Declaration of Independence in a closed session of the National Assembly.
      • April 14 » Hungary declares itself independent of Austria with Lajos Kossuth as its leader.
      • May 15 » The Sicilian revolution of 1848 is finally extinguished.
      • July 3 » France invades the Roman Republic and restores the Papal States.
    • The temperature on November 3, 1877 was about 12.0 °C. There was 0.1 mm of rain. The air pressure was 7 kgf/m2 and came mainly from the west-northwest. The airpressure was 76 cm mercury. The atmospheric humidity was 67%. Source: KNMI
    • Koning Willem III (Huis van Oranje-Nassau) was from 1849 till 1890 sovereign of the Netherlands (also known as Koninkrijk der Nederlanden)
    • From August 27, 1874 till November 3, 1877 the Netherlands had a cabinet Heemskerk - Van Lijnden van Sandenburg with the prime ministers Mr. J. Heemskerk Azn. (conservatief) and Mr. C.Th. baron Van Lijnden van Sandenburg (AR).
    • In The Netherlands , there was from November 3, 1877 to August 20, 1879 the cabinet Kappeijne van de Coppello, with Mr. J. Kappeijne van de Coppello (liberaal) as prime minister.
    • In the year 1877: Source: Wikipedia
      • The Netherlands had about 4.0 million citizens.
      • January 1 » Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom is proclaimed Empress of India.
      • April 24 » Russo-Turkish War: Russian Empire declares war on Ottoman Empire.
      • May 8 » At Gilmore's Gardens in New York City, the first Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show opens.
      • July 21 » After rioting by Baltimore and Ohio Railroad workers and the deaths of nine rail workers at the hands of the Maryland militia, workers in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, stage a sympathy strike that is met with an assault by the state militia.
      • November 21 » Thomas Edison announces his invention of the phonograph, a machine that can record and play sound.
      • November 24 » Anna Sewell's animal welfare novel Black Beauty is published.
    • The temperature on October 17, 1917 was between 5.7 °C and 14.6 °C and averaged 9.7 °C. There was 7.8 hours of sunshine (74%). The average windspeed was 4 Bft (moderate breeze) and was prevailing from the south. Source: KNMI
    • Koningin Wilhelmina (Huis van Oranje-Nassau) was from 1890 till 1948 sovereign of the Netherlands (also known as Koninkrijk der Nederlanden)
    • In The Netherlands , there was from August 29, 1913 to September 9, 1918 the cabinet Cort van der Linden, with Mr. P.W.A. Cort van der Linden (liberaal) as prime minister.
    • In the year 1917: Source: Wikipedia
      • The Netherlands had about 6.5 million citizens.
      • April 12 » World War I: Canadian forces successfully complete the taking of Vimy Ridge from the Germans.
      • June 13 » World War I: The deadliest German air raid on London of the war is carried out by Gotha G.IV bombers and results in 162 deaths, including 46 children, and 432 injuries.
      • July 28 » The Silent Parade took place in New York City, in protest to murders, lynchings, and other violence directed towards African Americans.
      • November 26 » The Manchester Guardian publishes the 1916 secret Sykes-Picot Agreement between the United Kingdom and France.
      • December 11 » World War I: British General Edmund Allenby enters Jerusalem on foot and declares martial law.
      • December 20 » Cheka, the first Soviet secret police force, is founded.

    Same birth/death day

    Source: Wikipedia

    Source: Wikipedia

    About the surname Bleeker

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    • Check the information Open Archives has about Bleeker.
    • Check the Wie (onder)zoekt wie? register to see who is (re)searching Bleeker.

    When copying data from this family tree, please include a reference to the origin:
    Harry Westerman, "Family tree Westerman", database, Genealogy Online ( : accessed February 15, 2025), "Tjark Bleeker (1849-1917)".