Family tree Thomassen-Tomassen » parenteel Peter Janssen

Generation 5


Christiaan Thomassen, son of Berend Thomassen and Johanna Christina Jansen, was born on December 20, 1924 in Zutphen. Christiaan died on December 24, 1924 in Zutphen.


Johanna Christina Thomassen, daughter of Berend Thomassen and Johanna Christina Jansen, was born on January 2, 1937 in Zutphen. Johanna Christina died at the age of 31 on August 8, 1968 in Apeldoorn and was cremated in Dieren.

Family tree filling

GenerationNumber of peopleBirth / baptism year
111809 - 1809
251834 - 1845
3131864 - 1879
4361886 - 1913
521924 - 1937

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