Scholten - van der Vlugt family tree » Descendants of Tjerk Vermaning

Generation 7 (continuation)


Casper Vermaning, son of Johannes Willem Vermaning and Antje Schönbergen, was born 1905 in Ambt Hardenberg, Overijssel, Nederland. He was schipper [oo] 1930 by profession. He got married on March 19, 1930 in Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland with Lutske Spoelstra.


Lodewijk Vermaning, son of Johannes Willem Vermaning and Antje Schönbergen, was born 1911 in Meppel, Drenthe, Nederland. Lodewijk died on February 28, 1913 in Oud Avereest, Overijssel, Nederland.


Lodewijk Vermaning, son of Johannes Willem Vermaning and Antje Schönbergen, was born on June 10, 1919 in Meppel, Drenthe, Nederland. Lodewijk died on January 28, 1920 in Meppel, Drenthe, Nederland.


Josina Maria Dirks, daughter of Hendrik Dirks and Elisabeth Theodora Vermaning, was born on August 8, 1908 in Opsterland, Friesland, Nederland.


N.N. van Oven, a child of Carel Hendrik van Oven and Elisabeth Theodora Vermaning, was born on January 3, 1917 in Amersfoort, Utrecht, Nederland.


N.N. van Oven, a child of Carel Hendrik van Oven and Elisabeth Theodora Vermaning, was born on December 19, 1926 in Amersfoort, Utrecht, Nederland.

Generation 8


Hendrik Akkerman, son of Hendrik Akkerman and (Not public), was born about May 1945 in Diever, Drenthe, Nederland. Hendrik died on August 11, 1945 in Meppel, Drenthe, Nederland.


Martha Vermaning, daughter of Jan Vermaning and Antje Oosterwoud, was baptized .

Family tree filling

GenerationNumber of peopleBirth / baptism year
11 -
211743 - 1743
361769 - 1789
461800 - 1816
5201830 - 1852
6681860 - 1890
7561887 - 1929
821945 - 1945

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