Family tree Pot(t)jewijd » Jan Janes van Slooten (1643-1701)

Personal data Jan Janes van Slooten 

Household of Jan Janes van Slooten

He is married to Elske Heeres Coster.

They got married on April 28, 1667 at Harlingen.Source 1


  1. Jane Jans van Slooten  1676-1738 

Notes about Jan Janes van Slooten
Jan Janes (van Slooten)
Geboorte Harlingen
Gedoopt 26 maart 1643 Harlingen (Grote Kerk)
Gedoopt in de Grote Kerk 26 maart 1643 Harlingen
Huwelijk 28 april 1667 (Leeftijd 24) Elske Heeres Coster - [Bekijk gezin] Harlingen (Grote Kerk)
Beroep koopman en reder, wijdschipper, "fynder" van 't Wijdschippersgilde
Overleden 6 juni 1701 (Leeftijd 58) Harlingen
Begrafenis 13 juni 1701 (7 dagen after death) Harlingen

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Timeline Jan Janes van Slooten

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Ancestors (and descendant) of Jan Janes van Slooten

Fedde Jaens
± 1570-< 1616
Romck Douwes
± 1580-< 1656
Jaen van Feddes
± 1600-1678
Pyttie Jans
????-> 1670

Jan Janes van Slooten


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    Historical events

    • Stadhouder Prins Frederik Hendrik (Huis van Oranje) was from 1625 till 1647 sovereign of the Netherlands (also known as Republiek der Zeven Verenigde Nederlanden)
    • In the year 1643: Source: Wikipedia
      • May 14 » Four-year-old Louis XIV becomes King of France upon the death of his father, Louis XIII.
      • May 19 » Thirty Years' War: French forces under the duc d'Enghien decisively defeat Spanish forces at the Battle of Rocroi, marking the symbolic end of Spain as a dominant land power.
      • July 1 » First meeting of the Westminster Assembly, a council of theologians ("divines") and members of the Parliament of England appointed to restructure the Church of England, at Westminster Abbey in London.
      • July 13 » English Civil War: Battle of Roundway Down: In England, Henry Wilmot, 1st Earl of Rochester, commanding the Royalist forces, heavily defeats the Parliamentarian forces led by Sir William Waller.
      • August 24 » A Dutch fleet establishes a new colony in the ruins of Valdivia in southern Chile.
      • December 13 » English Civil War: The Battle of Alton takes place in Hampshire.
    •  This page is only available in Dutch.
      Van 1650 tot 1672 kende Nederland (ookwel Republiek der Zeven Verenigde Nederlanden) zijn Eerste Stadhouderloze Tijdperk.
    • In the year 1667: Source: Wikipedia
      • April 27 » Blind and impoverished, John Milton sells Paradise Lost to a printer for £10, so that it could be entered into the Stationers' Register.
      • May 24 » The French Royal Army crosses the border into the Spanish Netherlands, starting the War of Devolution opposing France to the Spanish Empire and the Triple Alliance.
      • June 9 » Second Anglo-Dutch War: The Raid on the Medway by the Dutch fleet begins. It lasts for five days and results in the worst ever defeat of the Royal Navy.
      • June 14 » The Raid on the Medway by the Dutch fleet in the Second Anglo-Dutch War ends. It had lasted for five days and resulted in the worst ever defeat of the Royal Navy.
      • June 15 » The first human blood transfusion is administered by Dr. Jean-Baptiste Denys.
      • November 25 » A deadly earthquake rocks Shemakha in the Caucasus, killing 80,000 people.
    • Stadhouder Prins Willem III (Huis van Oranje) was from 1672 till 1702 sovereign of the Netherlands (also known as Republiek der Zeven Verenigde Nederlanden)
    • In the year 1701: Source: Wikipedia
      • January 18 » Frederick I crowns himself King of Prussia in Königsberg.
      • July 9 » A Bourbon force under Nicolas Catinat withdraws from a smaller Habsburg force under Prince Eugene of Savoy in the Battle of Carpi.
      • July 24 » Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac founds the trading post at Fort Pontchartrain, which later becomes the city of Detroit.
      • August 4 » Great Peace of Montreal between New France and First Nations is signed.
      • September 16 » James Francis Edward Stuart, sometimes called the "Old Pretender", becomes the Jacobite claimant to the thrones of England and Scotland.
      • October 9 » The Collegiate School of Connecticut (later renamed Yale University) is chartered in Old Saybrook.
    • Stadhouder Prins Willem III (Huis van Oranje) was from 1672 till 1702 sovereign of the Netherlands (also known as Republiek der Zeven Verenigde Nederlanden)
    • In the year 1701: Source: Wikipedia
      • March 9 » Safavid troops retreat from Basra, ending a three year occupation.
      • May 23 » After being convicted of piracy and of murdering William Moore, Captain William Kidd is hanged in London.
      • July 9 » A Bourbon force under Nicolas Catinat withdraws from a smaller Habsburg force under Prince Eugene of Savoy in the Battle of Carpi.
      • July 19 » Representatives of the Iroquois Confederacy sign the Nanfan Treaty, ceding a large territory north of the Ohio River to England.
      • July 24 » Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac founds the trading post at Fort Pontchartrain, which later becomes the city of Detroit.
      • August 4 » Great Peace of Montreal between New France and First Nations is signed.

    Same birth/death day

    Source: Wikipedia

    About the surname Van Slooten

    When copying data from this family tree, please include a reference to the origin:
    Geert Jan Pottjewijd, "Family tree Pot(t)jewijd", database, Genealogy Online ( : accessed July 27, 2024), "Jan Janes van Slooten (1643-1701)".