Family tree Pierens-Raeman » Descendants of Adriaenus Vande Sande

Generation 11


Marc Alfons de Vleeschauwer, son of Alfons de Vleeschauwer and (Not public), was born on July 14, 1969 in Gent. He was a partner (1) on June 28, 1995 with (Not public).

They had 1 child:

He was a partner (2) on May 16, 1999 with (Not public).

They had 1 child:

Marc Alfons died at the age of 32 on August 6, 2001 in Evergem.


Michel Declerck, son of Jean Pierre Rudolphe Julien Berthe Declerck and (Not public), was born on October 18, 1971 in Brugge. Michel died 1971.

Family tree filling

GenerationNumber of peopleBirth / baptism year
11 -
24 -
3201683 - 1706
491728 - 1746
5421756 - 1806
6941788 - 1849
72341820 - 1898
83171849 - 1928
92151874 - 1956
10541900 - 1972
1121969 - 1971

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