Family tree Mesman-Burgmeijer » Descendants of Frans Mesman

Generation 5 (continuation)


Marinus Mesman, son of Johannus Mesman and Anna Maria Wilhelmina van der Hulst, was born on August 5, 1920 in Lisse. Marinus died at the age of 37 on December 2, 1957 in Haarlem and is buried on December 5, 1957 in Nieuw-Vennep, Haarlemmermeer.


Wilhelmus Mesman, son of Johannus Mesman and Anna Maria Wilhelmina van der Hulst, was born on November 15, 1921 in Lisse. He is from 1946 till 1976 carrosseriebouwer, from 1943 till 1946 timmerman and from 1978 till 1986 onderhoudsman by profession. He got married on November 25, 1948 in Sassenheim with He got married on November 25, 1948 in Sassenheim with Petronella Wilhelmina Burgmeijer, daughter of Johannes Burgmeijer and Apolonia Hubertha Zandbergen. She was born on January 10, 1926 in Warmond. She is from 1939 till 1948 dienstbode/kindermeisje by profession. Petronella Wilhelmina died at the age of 54 on January 8, 1981 in Leiden and was buried on January 12, 1981 in Lisse. Wilhelmus died at the age of 80 on January 29, 2002 in Leiden and is buried on February 1, 2002 in Lisse.


Anna Maria Mesman, daughter of Johannus Mesman and Anna Maria Wilhelmina van der Hulst, was born on November 26, 1924 in Lisse. She got married on February 6, 1951 in Lisse with She got married on February 6, 1951 in Lisse with Martinus Jozef Mooijekind. Anna Maria died at the age of 83 on December 5, 2007 in Hillegom and was cremated on December 10, 2007 in Driehuis, Noord-Holland, Nederland.


N.N. Mesman, a child of Johannus Mesman and Anna Maria Wilhelmina van der Hulst, was born on July 8, 1926 in Lisse. N.N. died on July 8, 1926 in Lisse.

Generation 6


Han Beerenhout, son of Jacobus Johannes Maria Beerenhout and Elizabeth Maria Mesman. Han died April 1992.


Dick Mesman, son of Theodorus Jacobus Mesman and (Not public), was born 1946. Dick died on September 7, 1998 and was cremated on September 11, 1998 in Den Haag.

Family tree filling

GenerationNumber of peopleBirth / baptism year
111766 - 1766
221792 - 1795
3251818 - 1847
4201845 - 1894
5111907 - 1926
621946 - 1946

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