Genealogy Lensink, Lelieveld » Descendants of Arent Joest LENSINGH

Generation 10 (continuation)


Joseph Michaël van Rooijen, son of Everardus van Rooijen and Gijsberta Hendrica LENSINK, was born 1957. Joseph Michaël died on August 4, 1958 in Soest.


Francisca Helena Maria LENSINK, daughter of Hendrik Cornelis LENSINK and Sara Elisabeth van der VEER, was born on April 27, 1959 in Soest and was baptized . Francisca Helena Maria died at the age of 19 on June 17, 1978 in Leusden and was buried in Soesterberg.


Diane Rosalind LENSINK, daughter of Antonius Lodewijk LENSINK and Henriëtte Josephine ORRI, was born on October 21, 1950 in Amsterdam, Spinozakliniek. She is toneelspeelster oa in series baantjer en pleidooi by profession. Diane Rosalind died at the age of 62 on December 19, 2012 in Amsterdam and was buried on December 27, 2012 in Amsterdam.

Generation 11


Gijsbert Lensink, son of Theodorus Wilhelmus Johannes Lensink and (Not public), was born on June 6, 1957. Gijsbert died at the age of 9 on July 29, 1966 in Hilversum and is buried on August 2, 1966 in Hilversum.

Family tree filling

GenerationNumber of peopleBirth / baptism year
11 -
281699 - 1699
3101733 - 1733
48 -
581785 - 1785
6261811 - 1838
7481844 - 1877
8701883 - 1921
9841907 - 1951
10101931 - 1961
1111957 - 1957

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