Family tree Homs » Erik «Weatherhat» "Anundsson is probably the correct form of the patronym." Väderhatt king of Sweden (± 849-± 906)

Personal data Erik «Weatherhat» "Anundsson is probably the correct form of the patronym." Väderhatt king of Sweden 

Sources 1, 2
  • Alternative name: Eric Emundson
  • Nickname is Anundsson is probably the correct form of the patronym..
  • He was born about 849 in Uppsala, Sweden.

    Sveakung i Uppsala. Född 849 i Björkö-Arholma (AB). Död 900 i Björkö-Arholma (AB). Om Harald 'Hårfager' heter det, att han, genast efter Mötet i Wermland med Erik Edmundsson "Wäderhatt 'och kalaset hos Åke Bonde, underlade sig hela det landet. Torgny lagman tog till orda och sade: 'Annorlunda är nu sveakungars sinnelag Än det Varit förr haver. Torgny, min farfader, mindes Uppsalakungen Erik Emundsson och Honom Sade om, Att Medan han var i sin lättaste ålder hade han var sommar krigshär ute och fack under sig Finland, Kyrialand, Estland, Kurland och Många Andra länder i öster; Dock icke var han Så högmodig Att han ej ville lyssna till de män som hade Något Viktigt att Honom framställa för. (Källa: Den English historien sid 80, Alf Henriksson)

    Gifte och barn
    Björn IV Eriksson.
  • He was christened.
  • Alternative: He was christened.
  • Baptized (at 8 years of age or later) by the priesthood authority of the LDS church.
  • Alternative: Baptized (at 8 years of age or later) by the priesthood authority of the LDS church on November 4, 1930.
  • Alternative: Baptized (at 8 years of age or later) by the priesthood authority of the LDS church on November 4, 1930.
  • Alternative: Baptized (at 8 years of age or later) by the priesthood authority of the LDS church on November 4, 1930.
  • Alternative: Baptized (at 8 years of age or later) by the priesthood authority of the LDS church on November 4, 1930.
  • Alternative: Baptized (at 8 years of age or later) by the priesthood authority of the LDS church on November 4, 1930.
  • Alternative: Baptized (at 8 years of age or later) by the priesthood authority of the LDS church on November 4, 1930.
  • Alternative: Baptized (at 8 years of age or later) by the priesthood authority of the LDS church on November 4, 1930.
  • Profession: Birka, Delstat/provins/landskap, Sweden in Swedish Goverment.
    {geni:current} 0
    {geni:job_title} KING
  • Resident: Sweden.
  • He died about 882 TO ABT 906 in Sverige.
  • He is buried about 867 in Sweden.
  • A child of Anund (Emund) Eriksson I King of Birka
  • This information was last updated on December 15, 2011.

Household of Erik «Weatherhat» "Anundsson is probably the correct form of the patronym." Väderhatt king of Sweden


  1. Björn "den gamle" Eriksson  ± 890-± 956 

Notes about Erik «Weatherhat» "Anundsson is probably the correct form of the patronym." Väderhatt king of Sweden

Name Prefix: King Name Suffix: Of Sweden And Goten
Titled Lord of Finland, Eastland and Kurland 2
Note: For a time, lord of part of Norway, which he lost to Harol "thefair-haired."
Titled Lord of Finland, Eastland and Kurland 2
Note: For a time, lord of part of Norway, which he lost to Harol "thefair-haired."
Titled Lord of Finland, Eastland and Kurland 2
Note: For a time, lord of part of Norway, which he lost to Harol "thefair-haired."

King of Sweden
Erik Anundsson
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Erik Anundsson (d. 882) was a Swedish king who ruled during the 9th century. He is given as the son of Anund Uppsale in Hervarar saga:

Eiríkr hét sonr önundar konungs, er ríki tók eptir föður sinn at Uppsölum; hann var ríkr konungr. Á hans dögum hófst til ríkis í Noregi Haraldr hárfagri, er fyrstr kom einvaldi í Noreg sinna ættmanna.[1]
Eric was the son of king Anund, and he succeeded his father at Upsala; he was a rich king. During his reign, Harald Fairhair came to power in Norway, Harald was the first of his kin to reign as a monarch in Norway.
However, the Erik who was contemporary with Harald Fairhair is called Eymundsson by Snorri Sturluson. Since the preceding king is confirmed as Anund by other sources (Rimbert and Adam of Bremen), Anundsson is probably the correct form of the patronym. The Swedish encyclopedia Nordisk familjebok identifies him with the legendary Swedish king Erik Weatherhat.

According to Hervarar saga, he was preceded by his father Anund Uppsale and uncle Björn at Hauge and he was succeeded by Björn (III) Eriksson (the father of Eric the Victorious and Olof Björnsson). Harald Fairhair's saga relates that Erik died when Harald Fairhair had been king of all Norway for ten years, i.e. 882.

According to Snorri, he did not only pillage extensively in the East, he also fought wars against Harald Fairhair, the founder of the Norwegian kingdom. According to the Heimskringla, Erik was also the king of West Götaland, Dalsland, Värmland, and all of Viken, but the saga relates that he lost all of those provinces except for West Götaland to Harald Fairhair.

Erik is mentioned in several places in the Heimskringla. In the saga of Olaf Haraldsson, Thorgny Lawspeaker relates:

My grandfather Thorgny could well remember the Upsala king Eirik Eymundson, and used to say of him that when he was in his best years he went out every summer on expeditions to different countries, and conquered for himself Finland, Kirjalaland, Courland, Esthonia, and the eastern countries all around; and at the present day the earth-bulwarks, ramparts, and other great works which he made are to be seen. And, more over, he was not so proud that he would not listen to people who had anything to say to him.

Preceded by:
Björn at Hauge and Anund Uppsale or (perhaps co-ruling with) Olof Semi-legendary king of Sweden
Succeeded by:
Ring and/or Björn (III) Eriksson
In Harald Fairhair's saga
In the Harald Fairhair's saga, Snorri Sturluson relates that Erik also wanted to extend Sweden westwards and to make a kingdom for himself as large as that of the Swedish king Sigurd Ring and his son Ragnar Lodbrok (i.e. Raumarike, Vingulmark and Westfold all the way to island of Grenmar). Thus he conquered Vermland, West Götaland and all the land south of Svinesund (modern Bohuslän) and claimed the shores of Viken as his own. He placed Hrane Gautske (Hrane the Geat) as Jarl of the land between Svinesund and Göta älv. In these territories the people accepted Erik as their king.

When King Harald Fairhair arrived at Tønsberg (in Viken, and at the time a trading town) from Trondheim he learnt of this and became very angry. He assembled the ting at Fold and accused the people of treason after which some had to accept his rule, while others were punished. He then spent the summer forcing Viken and Raumarike to accept his rule.

When the winter arrived Harald learnt that the Swedish king was in Vermland, after which he crossed the Ed forest and ordered the people to arrange a feast in his tribute.

The most powerful man in the province was a man named Åke, who had formerly been one of Halfdan the Black's men, and he invited both the Norwegian king and the Swedish king to his halls. Åke had built a new hall instead of his old one, which was ornamented in the same splendid manner, but the old hall only had old ornaments and hangings.

When the kings arrived, the Swedish king was placed in the old hall, whereas the Norwegian king was placed in the new one. The Norwegian king found himself in a hall with new gilded vessels carved with figures and shining like glass, full of the best liquor.

The next day, the kings prepared to leave. Bidding his farewell Åke gave to Harald's service his own twelve year old son Ubbe. Harald thanked Åke and promised him is friendship.

Then Åke talked to the Swedish king, who was in a bad mood. Åke gave him valuable gifts and followed the king on the road until they came to the woods. Erik asked Åke why he, who was his man, had made such a difference between him and the Norwegian king. Åke answered that there was nothing to blame Erik for but that he had got the old things and the old hall because he was old whereas the Norwegian king was in the bloom of his youth. Åke also answered the he was no less the Swedish king's man than the Swedish king was his man. Hearing the words of treason, Erik had no other choice but to slay the impudent and treacherous Åke.

When Harald learnt of this, he pursued the Swedish king until they saw the Swedish king, but then they had arrived at the border of Götaland and considered it best to return. Harald then spent the rest of the autumn killing all the Swedish king's men in Vermland.

In the winter, Harald plundered and burnt in Ranrike. Because of this the Norwegian skald Thorbjörn Hornklofe boasted that the Swedes stayed indoors whereas the Norwegians were out on the sea.

The Norseman's king is on the sea,
Tho' bitter wintry cold it be.
On the wild waves his Yule keeps he.
When our brisk king can get his way,
He'll no more by the fireside stay
Than the young sun; he makes us play
The game of the bright sun-god Frey.
But the soft Swede loves well the fire
The well-stuffed couch, the doway glove,
And from the hearth-seat will not move.[2]
The Gauts (Geats) did not accept this and assembled their forces. In the spring, they put stakes in Göta älv to stop Harald's ships. Harald Fairhair put his ships alongside the stakes and plundered and burnt everything he could reach. The Norwegian skald said of this:

The king who finds a dainty feast,
For battle-bird and prowling beast,
Has won in war the southern land
That lies along the ocean's strand.
The leader of the helmets, he
Who leads his ships o'er the dark sea,
Harald, whose high-rigged masts appear
Like antlered fronts of the wild deer,
Has laid his ships close alongside
Of the foe's piles with daring pride.[3]
The Geats arrived to the ships with a great army to fight king Harald, but they lost after great manfall. Then the Norwegians travelled far and wide in Götaland, winning most of the battles. In one of the battles, Rane Gautske fell. Harald then proclaimed himself the ruler of all land north of Göta älv and north and west of lake Vänern and placed Guttorm Haraldsson to defend the region with a large force.

See also
Early Swedish History
House of Munsö
Erik Anundsson
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Erik Anundsson (d. 882) was a Swedish king who ruled during the 9th century. He is given as the son of Anund Uppsale in Hervarar saga:

Eiríkr hét sonr önundar konungs, er ríki tók eptir föður sinn at Uppsölum; hann var ríkr konungr. Á hans dögum hófst til ríkis í Noregi Haraldr hárfagri, er fyrstr kom einvaldi í Noreg sinna ættmanna.[1]
Eric was the son of king Anund, and he succeeded his father at Upsala; he was a rich king. During his reign, Harald Fairhair came to power in Norway, Harald was the first of his kin to reign as a monarch in Norway.
However, the Erik who was contemporary with Harald Fairhair is called Eymundsson by Snorri Sturluson. Since the preceding king is confirmed as Anund by other sources (Rimbert and Adam of Bremen), Anundsson is probably the correct form of the patronym. The Swedish encyclopedia Nordisk familjebok identifies him with the legendary Swedish king Erik Weatherhat.

According to Hervarar saga, he was preceded by his father Anund Uppsale and uncle Björn at Hauge and he was succeeded by Björn (III) Eriksson (the father of Eric the Victorious and Olof Björnsson). Harald Fairhair's saga relates that Erik died when Harald Fairhair had been king of all Norway for ten years, i.e. 882.

According to Snorri, he did not only pillage extensively in the East, he also fought wars against Harald Fairhair, the founder of the Norwegian kingdom. According to the Heimskringla, Erik was also the king of West Götaland, Dalsland, Värmland, and all of Viken, but the saga relates that he lost all of those provinces except for West Götaland to Harald Fairhair.

Erik is mentioned in several places in the Heimskringla. In the saga of Olaf Haraldsson, Thorgny Lawspeaker relates:

My grandfather Thorgny could well remember the Upsala king Eirik Eymundson, and used to say of him that when he was in his best years he went out every summer on expeditions to different countries, and conquered for himself Finland, Kirjalaland, Courland, Esthonia, and the eastern countries all around; and at the present day the earth-bulwarks, ramparts, and other great works which he made are to be seen. And, more over, he was not so proud that he would not listen to people who had anything to say to him.

Preceded by:
Björn at Hauge and Anund Uppsale or (perhaps co-ruling with) Olof Semi-legendary king of Sweden Succeeded by:
Ring and/or Björn (III) Eriksson
In Harald Fairhair's saga
In the Harald Fairhair's saga, Snorri Sturluson relates that Erik also wanted to extend Sweden westwards and to make a kingdom for himself as large as that of the Swedish king Sigurd Ring and his son Ragnar Lodbrok (i.e. Raumarike, Vingulmark and Westfold all the way to island of Grenmar). Thus he conquered Vermland, West Götaland and all the land south of Svinesund (modern Bohuslän) and claimed the shores of Viken as his own. He placed Hrane Gautske (Hrane the Geat) as Jarl of the land between Svinesund and Göta älv. In these territories the people accepted Erik as their king.

When King Harald Fairhair arrived at Tønsberg (in Viken, and at the time a trading town) from Trondheim he learnt of this and became very angry. He assembled the ting at Fold and accused the people of treason after which some had to accept his rule, while others were punished. He then spent the summer forcing Viken and Raumarike to accept his rule.

When the winter arrived Harald learnt that the Swedish king was in Vermland, after which he crossed the Ed forest and ordered the people to arrange a feast in his tribute.

The most powerful man in the province was a man named Åke, who had formerly been one of Halfdan the Black's men, and he invited both the Norwegian king and the Swedish king to his halls. Åke had built a new hall instead of his old one, which was ornamented in the same splendid manner, but the old hall only had old ornaments and hangings.

When the kings arrived, the Swedish king was placed in the old hall, whereas the Norwegian king was placed in the new one. The Norwegian king found himself in a hall with new gilded vessels carved with figures and shining like glass, full of the best liquor.

The next day, the kings prepared to leave. Bidding his farewell Åke gave to Harald's service his own twelve year old son Ubbe. Harald thanked Åke and promised him is friendship.

Then Åke talked to the Swedish king, who was in a bad mood. Åke gave him valuable gifts and followed the king on the road until they came to the woods. Erik asked Åke why he, who was his man, had made such a difference between him and the Norwegian king. Åke answered that there was nothing to blame Erik for but that he had got the old things and the old hall because he was old whereas the Norwegian king was in the bloom of his youth. Åke also answered the he was no less the Swedish king's man than the Swedish king was his man. Hearing the words of treason, Erik had no other choice but to slay the impudent and treacherous Åke.

When Harald learnt of this, he pursued the Swedish king until they saw the Swedish king, but then they had arrived at the border of Götaland and considered it best to return. Harald then spent the rest of the autumn killing all the Swedish king's men in Vermland.

In the winter, Harald plundered and burnt in Ranrike. Because of this the Norwegian skald Thorbjörn Hornklofe boasted that the Swedes stayed indoors whereas the Norwegians were out on the sea.

The Norseman's king is on the sea,
Tho' bitter wintry cold it be.
On the wild waves his Yule keeps he.
When our brisk king can get his way,
He'll no more by the fireside stay
Than the young sun; he makes us play
The game of the bright sun-god Frey.
But the soft Swede loves well the fire
The well-stuffed couch, the doway glove,
And from the hearth-seat will not move.[2]
The Gauts (Geats) did not accept this and assembled their forces. In the spring, they put stakes in Göta älv to stop Harald's ships. Harald Fairhair put his ships alongside the stakes and plundered and burnt everything he could reach. The Norwegian skald said of this:

The king who finds a dainty feast,
For battle-bird and prowling beast,
Has won in war the southern land
That lies along the ocean's strand.
The leader of the helmets, he
Who leads his ships o'er the dark sea,
Harald, whose high-rigged masts appear
Like antlered fronts of the wild deer,
Has laid his ships close alongside
Of the foe's piles with daring pride.[3]
The Geats arrived to the ships with a great army to fight king Harald, but they lost after great manfall. Then the Norwegians travelled far and wide in Götaland, winning most of the battles. In one of the battles, Rane Gautske fell. Harald then proclaimed himself the ruler of all land north of Göta älv and north and west of lake Vänern and placed Guttorm Haraldsson to defend the region with a large force.
[3368] WSHNGT.ASC file (Geo Washington Ahnentafel) # 139533744, d 900/906 King of Sweden and Goten d abt 900

Stuart p. 176:NAME Erik Edmundsson, Lord of Finland, Eastland and Kurland; and for a time Norway, which he lost to Harold "the fair-haired," King of the Swedes and Goths. DD
[Geoffrey De Normandie, Gedcom BSJTK Smith Family Tree.ged]

GEN: !Royal Ancestry of Some American Families FGR 189,186--1st King of all Sweden
REF: "Royalty for Commoners", Roderick W. Stuart, 1992, 2nd edition.King of part of Norway for a time, which he lost to Harold "thefair-haired".
REF: "Royalty for Commoners", Roderick W. Stuart, 1992, 2nd edition.King of part of Norway for a time, which he lost to Harold "thefair-haired".
#Générale##Générale#s:Dynasties Scandinavie ; hg95.98
{geni:occupation} King of Sweden, Kung, Konge Erik (4?) av Sverige, Legendary King of Sweden, Konung av Sverige, Kung i Sverige, Sveakonge, Eric reigned vv.850-882, King of Sweden/Goten, King of sweeden
{geni:about_me} Erik Emundsson «Weatherhat» Väderhatt

Erik (Edmundsson) Väderhatt var en mytisk sveakung på 800-talet. Tillnamnet Väderhatt refererar till att han alltid hade god vind när han plundrade runt Östersjön. Han beskrivs av Olaus Magnus och av Saxo Grammaticus.

Hans placering i den svenska tronföljden är problematisk. Han anses vara antingen samma person som Erik Edmundsson (namnet på Erik Anundsson i Heimskringla) eller en av Ragnar Lodbroks söner (Gesta Danorum).

He is commonly considered to be Erik Emundsson or, according to Gesta Danorum, one of Ragnar Lodbrok's sons.



Marriage: Unknown

Died: 882

Other names for Erik were Eric of Sweden Emundsson and Erik Eymundsson.

General Notes:

Erik Anundsson (d. 882) is the son of Anund Uppsale in Hervarar saga but is called Eymundsson by Snorri Sturluson. Since the preceeding king is confirmed as Anund by other sources (Rimbert and Adam of Bremen), Anundsson is probably the correct form of the patronym. The Swedish encyclopedia Nordisk familjebok identifies him with the legendary Swedish king Erik Weatherhat.

According to Hervarar saga he was preceded by his father Anund Uppsale and uncle Björn at Hauge and he was succeeded by Björn (III) Eriksson (the father of Eric the Victorious and Olof Björnsson). The Heimskringla relates that Erik died when Harald Fairhair had been king of all Norway for ten years, i.e. 882.

According to both Hervarar saga and Snorri, he fought wars against Harald Fairhair, the founder of the Norwegian kingdom. According to the Heimskringla, Erik was also the king of Westrogothia, Dalia, Bahusia and Wermelandia, but the saga relates that he lost all of those provinces except for Westrogothia to Harald Fairhair.

In the Heimskringla

Snorri Sturluson relates that Erik wanted to make a kingdom for himself as large as that of the Swedish king Sigurd Ring and his son Ragnar Lodbrok (i.e. Raumarike, Vingulmark and Westfold all the way to island of Grenmar). Thus he conquered Vermland, West Götaland and all the land south of Svinesund (modern Bohuslän) and claimed the shores of Viken as his own. He placed Hrane Gautske (Hrane the Geat) as Jarl of the land between Svinesund and Göta älv. In these territories the people accepted Erik as their king.

When King Harald Fairhair arrived at Tunsberg (in Viken, and at the time a trading town) from Trondheim he learnt of this and became very angy. He assembled the ting at Fold and accused the people of treason after which some had to accept his rule, while others were punished. He then spent the summer forcing Viken and Raumarike to accept his rule.

When the winter arrived Harald learnt that the Swedish king was in Vermland, after which he crossed the Ed forest and ordered the people to arrange a feast in his tribute.

The most powerful man in the province was a man named Åke, who had formerly been one of Halfdan the Black's men, and he invited both the Norwegian king and the Swedish king to his halls. Åke had built a new hall instead of his old one, which was ornamented in the same splendid manner, but the old hall only had old ornaments and hangings.

When the kings arrived, the Swedish king was placed in the old hall, whereas the Norwegian king was placed in the new one. The Norwegian king found himself in a hall with new gilded vessels carved with figures and shining like glass, full of the best liquor.

The next day, the kings prepared to leave. Bidding his farewell Åke gave to Harald's service his own twelve year old son Ubbe. Harald thanked Åke and promised him is friendship.

Then Åke talked to the Swedish king, who was in a bad mood. Åke gave him valuable gifts and followed the king on the road until they came to the woods. Erik asked Åke why he, who was his man, had made such a difference between him and the Norwegian king. Åke answered that there was nothing to blame Erik for but that he had got the old things and the old hall because he was old whereas the Norwegian king was in the bloom of his youth. Åke also answered the he was no less the Swedish king's man than the Swedish king was his man. Hearing the words of treason, Erik had no other choice but to slay the impudent and treacherous Åke.

When Harald learnt of this, he pursued the Swedish king until they saw the Swedish king, but then they had arrived at the border of Götaland and considered it best to return. Harald then spent the rest of the autumn killing all the Swedish king's men in Vermland.

In the winter, Harald plundered and burnt in Ranrike. Because of this the Norwegian skald Thorbjörn Hornklofe boasted that the Swedes stayed indoors whereas the Norwegians were out on the sea.

The Norseman's king is on the sea,

Tho' bitter wintry cold it be.

On the wild waves his Yule keeps he.

When our brisk king can get his way,

He'll no more by the fireside stay

Than the young sun; he makes us play

The game of the bright sun-god Frey.

But the soft Swede loves well the fire

The well-stuffed couch, the doway glove,

And from the hearth-seat will not move.

The Gauts (Geats) did not accept this and assembled their forces. In the spring, they put stakes in Göta älv to stop Harald's ships. Harald Fairhair put his ships alongside the stakes and plundered and burnt everything he could reach. The Norwegian skald said of this:

The king who finds a dainty feast,

For battle-bird and prowling beast,

Has won in war the southern land

That lies along the ocean's strand.

The leader of the helmets, he

Who leads his ships o'er the dark sea,

Harald, whose high-rigged masts appear

Like antlered fronts of the wild deer,

Has laid his ships close alongside

Of the foe's piles with daring pride.

The Geats arrived to the ships with a great army to fight king Harald, but they lost after great manfall. Then the Norwegians travelled far and wide in Götaland, winning most of the battles. In one of the battles, Rane Gautske fell. Harald then proclaimed himself the ruler of all land north of Göta älv and north and west of lake Vänern and placed Jarl Guthorm to defend the region with a large force.

Noted events in his life were:

• He was a King of Sweden and Goten.

Erik married.



1 Brian C. Tompsett, Directory of Royal Genealogical (Data

Brian Tompsett

Department of Computer Science

University of Hull

Hull, UK, HU6 7RX


2 Wikipedia (


King of part of Norway for a time, which he lost to Harold

"the fair-haired".

?Eric reigned 850-882.


According to the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on Sweden:

Erik was one of two sons of Sigurd Hring.

This is more or less in agreement with the Swedish-language Historiska Personer i Sverige och Norden page on Erik, son of Sigurd Ring (d. 936):



Aka: King of Goten.


King of part of Norway for a time, which he lost to Harold

"the fair-haired".

?Eric reigned 850-882.

References: [RFC],[RGD]
Konge i Svitjod.

Erik Anundsson (d. 882) er sønn av Anund Uppsale i Hervarar saga, men kalles Eymundsson av Snorre Sturlason. Siden den forrige kongen er bekreftet som Anund av andre kilder (Rimbert og Adam av Bremen), er Anundsson trolig den riktige formen på patronym. Den svenske encyclopedia Nordisk familjebok identifiserer ham med den legendariske svenske kongen Erik Weatherhat.

Ifølge Hervarar saga han var forut sin far Anund Uppsale og onkel Bjørn på Hauge, og han ble etterfulgt av Björn (III) Eriksson (far til Erik Seiersæl og Olof Björnsson). I Heimskringla forteller at Erik døde da Harald Hårfagre hadde vært konge av hele Norge i ti år, dvs. 882.

Ifølge både Hervarar saga og Snorre, kjempet han kriger mot Harald Hårfagre, grunnleggeren av det norske kongedømmet. Ifølge Heimskringla, var Erik også kongen av Westrogothia, Dalia, Bahusia og Wermelandia, men sagaen forteller at han mistet alle disse provinsene unntatt Westrogothia til Harald Hårfagre.

I Heimskringla

Snorre Sturlason forteller at Erik ville lage et kongedømme for seg selv så stort som det av den svenske kongen Sigurd Ring og hans sønn Ragnar Lodbrok (dvs. Romerike, Vingulmark og Westfold hele veien til øya Grenmar). Således han erobret Vermland, Vest Götaland og alt land sør for Svinesund (dagens Bohuslän) og krevde kysten av Viken som sin egen. Han plasserte Hrane Gautske (Hrane det kvad) som Jarl av landet mellom Svinesund og Göta älv. I disse områdene folket akseptert Erik som sin konge.

Da kong Harald Hårfagre kom til Tunsberg (i Viken, og på den tiden et handelsbyen) fra Trondheim han lært av dette og ble veldig angy. Han samlet på ting på Brett og anklaget folk for landssvik etter som noen måtte akseptere sitt styre, mens andre ble straffet. Han tilbrakte sommeren tvinger Viken og Romerike til å akseptere hans styre.

Da vinteren kom Harald lært at den svenske kongen var i Vermland, etter som han krysset Ed skogen og beordret folk til å arrangere en fest i hans hyllest.

Den mektigste mannen i provinsen ble en mann kalt Åke, som tidligere hadde vært en av Halvdan Svarte menn, og han inviterte både den norske kongen og den svenske kongen til sine haller. Åke hadde bygd en ny hall i stedet for hans gamle en, som ble utsmykket i samme strålende måte, men den gamle hallen bare hadde gammel pyntegjenstander og oppheng.

Da kongene ankom, var den svenske kongen plassert i den gamle hallen, mens den norske kongen ble plassert i det nye. Den norske kongen var i en sal med nye forgylt skip utskårne med tall og blanke som glass, full av de beste brennevin.

Den neste dagen, kongene forberedt på å forlate. Budgivning sin avskjedstale Åke ga til Haralds tjeneste sin egen tolv år gamle sønn Ubbe. Harald takket Åke og lovet ham er vennskap.

Da Åke snakket med den svenske kongen, som var i dårlig humør. Åke ga ham verdifulle gaver og fulgte kongen på veien før de kom til skogen. Erik spurte Åke hvorfor han, som var hans mann, hadde gjort en slik forskjell mellom ham og den norske kongen. Åke svarte at det ikke var noe å skylde på Erik for, men at han hadde fått de gamle tingene og den gamle hallen fordi han var gammel, mens den norske kongen var i oppblomstring av sin ungdom. Åke også svarte han ikke mindre den svenske kongens mann enn den svenske kongen var hans mann. Høring ord forræderi, hadde Erik ingen andre valg enn å drepe den frekke og farlige Åke.

Da Harald fikk høre om dette, forfulgte han den svenske kongen før de så den svenske kongen, men da de hadde kommet på grensen av Götaland og betraktet det best å gå tilbake. Harald deretter tilbrakte resten av høsten drepte alle den svenske kongens menn i Vermland.

Om vinteren, plyndret Harald og brent i Ranrike. På grunn av dette det norske skald Thorbjörn Hornklofe skrøt av at svenskene holdt innendørs mens nordmennene var ute på havet.
The Norseman konge er på sjøen,
Tho 'bitre vinterlig kaldt det være.
På den ville vifter med julen holder han.
Når våre livlig kongen kan få sin vei,
Han vil ikke mer ved bålet oppholdet
Enn den unge solen, han gjør oss spille
Spillet i den lyse solguden Frey.
Men den myke svensken elsker godt ilden
Den godt stappet sofaen, det doway hansken,
Og fra åren-setet ikke vil flytte.

Den Gauts (Geats) godtok ikke dette og samlet sine styrker. I løpet av våren, legger de eierandeler i Göta älv for å stoppe Haralds skip. Harald Hårfagre la sine skip langs staver og plyndret og brente alt han kunne nå. Den norske skalden sa om dette:

Kongen som finner en lekker fest,
For kamp-fugle-og prowling dyr,
Har vunnet i krig den sørlige landet
Som ligger langs havets strand.
Lederen av hjelmer, han
Hvem fører sine skip o'er mørke havet,
Harald, som høy-rigget master vises
Som antlered fronter av vill hjort,
Har lagt sine skip tett sammen
Av fienden er hauger med dristige stolthet.

Det Geats kom til skipene med en stor hær for å kjempe kong Harald, men de tapte etter fantastisk manfall. Da nordmennene reiste vidt og bredt i Götaland, og vant de fleste slagene. I en av kampene, falt Rane Gautske. Harald deretter proklamerte seg som hersker over alt land nord for Göta älv og nord og vest for innsjøen Vänern og plassert Jarl Guttorm å forsvare regionen med en stor styrke.
Noterte hendelser i hans liv var:
• Han var konge av Sverige og Goten.
REF: "Royalty for Commoners", Roderick W. Stuart, 1992, 2nd edition.King of part of Norway for a time, which he lost to Harold "thefair-haired".

REF: "Royalty for Commoners", Roderick W. Stuart, 1992, 2nd edition. Kingof part of Norway for a time, which he lost to Harold "the fair-haired".
1. Keiser und Koenig Hist., Gen. Hist. 25, pt 1, p. 142-43
2. Konigf. Gen. Hist. Tab. Denm 2, Tab. 12, p. 150
3. Kordisk Familiebok, Swed. 47, v. 6, p. 966
1. Keiser und Koenig Hist., Gen. Hist. 25, pt 1, p. 142-43
2. Konigf. Gen. Hist. Tab. Denm 2, Tab. 12, p. 150
3. Kordisk Familiebok, Swed. 47, v. 6, p. 966
!BIRTH: "Royal Ancestors" by Michel Call - Based on Call Family Pedigrees FHL
film 844805 & 844806, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT. Copy of
"Royal Ancestors" owned by Lynn Bernhard, Orem, UT.

Data From Lynn Jeffrey Bernhard, 2445 W 450 South #4, Springville UT 84663-4950
email - (XXXXX@XXXX.XXX)
Alias: King of Goten and /Sweden/
OCCUPATION: Konge i Svitjod

BIRTH: ABT 0850, (?)
Lord Of Finland Eric Emundsson Weatherhat king of Sweden And Goten (I44308)
Birth about 849 16-17 -- , , Sweden
Death 906 (Age 56-57) -- Sweden

Birth about 849 16-17 , , Sweden
Marriage [View Family]
Death 906 (Age 56-57) Sweden
LDS Child Sealing vik2 - Submitted 8 February 2005 (2) #1
LDS Baptism vik2 - Submitted 8 February 2005 (2) #1
LDS Endowment vik2 - Submitted 8 February 2005 (2) #1
Line 6122 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
NAME Erik Edmundsson King Of /SWEDEN/
1. Keiser und Koenig Hist., Gen. Hist. 25, pt 1, p. 142-43
2. Konigf. Gen. Hist. Tab. Denm 2, Tab. 12, p. 150
3. Kordisk Familiebok, Swed. 47, v. 6, p. 966
887309352. Kong Erik "Vadehatt" EMUNDSSON av Sverige og Goten(22140) was born about 849. He was a Konge between 859 and 882 in Sverige. (22141) He died about 900.(22142) He was a Konge in Sverige.(22143) Sveriges første konge. Han underla sig, efter hva der fortelles, først Varmland og Bohuslan og kalte det for deler av Vestergøtland. Omtrent på Harald Hårfagres tid underkastet han sig hele Sverige, Gøtland iberegnet.
_P_CCINFO 1-20792
Original individual @P2203954694@ (@MS_NHFETTERLYFAMIL0@) merged with @P2203966817@ (@MS_NHFETTERLYFAMIL0@)
1. Keiser und Koenig Hist., Gen. Hist. 25, pt 1, p. 142-43
2. Konigf. Gen. Hist. Tab. Denm 2, Tab. 12, p. 150
3. Kordisk Familiebok, Swed. 47, v. 6, p. 966
King in Uppsala,
Samtidig with Gorm. Died 10 years after at Harald Haarfagre was king.
King of Sweden and Goten ( - c 900)
* OCCUPATION: Konge i Svitjod
* BIRTH: ABT 0850, (?)
* DEATH: ABT 0890
REF: "Royalty for Commoners", Roderick W. Stuart, 1992, 2nd edition. Kingof part of Norway for a time, which he lost to Harold "the fair-haired".
[Custer February 1, 2002 Family Tree.FTW]

[merge G675.FTW]

REF: "Royalty for Commoners", Roderick W. Stuart, 1992, 2nd edition. Kingof part of Norway for a time, which he lost to Harold "thefair-haired".Ancestral File Number: FLHD-NB
1. Keiser und Koenig Hist., Gen. Hist. 25, pt 1, p. 142-43
2. Konigf. Gen. Hist. Tab. Denm 2, Tab. 12, p. 150
3. Kordisk Familiebok, Swed. 47, v. 6, p. 966
King Eric Weatherhat of Sweden
King Eric Weatherhat of Sweden
Line 6122 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
NAME Erik Edmundsson King Of /SWEDEN/

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Erik «Weatherhat» Väderhatt
± 849-± 906


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    Historical events

    • The temperature on November 4, 1930 was between 2.9 °C and 10.5 °C and averaged 5.7 °C. There was 4.7 mm of rain during 2.0 hours. There was 2.6 hours of sunshine (27%). The average windspeed was 3 Bft (moderate breeze) and was prevailing from the west-northwest. Source: KNMI
    • Koningin Wilhelmina (Huis van Oranje-Nassau) was from 1890 till 1948 sovereign of the Netherlands (also known as Koninkrijk der Nederlanden)
    • In The Netherlands , there was from August 10, 1929 to May 26, 1933 the cabinet Ruys de Beerenbrouck III, with Jonkheer mr. Ch.J.M. Ruys de Beerenbrouck (RKSP) as prime minister.
    • In the year 1930: Source: Wikipedia
      • The Netherlands had about 7.8 million citizens.
      • February 18 » While studying photographs taken in January, Clyde Tombaugh discovers Pluto.
      • March 12 » Mahatma Gandhi begins the Salt March, a 200-mile march to the sea to protest the British monopoly on salt in India.
      • April 22 » The United Kingdom, Japan and the United States sign the London Naval Treaty regulating submarine warfare and limiting shipbuilding.
      • September 8 » 3M begins marketing Scotch transparent tape.
      • September 27 » Bobby Jones wins the (pre-Masters) Grand Slam of golf.
      • December 29 » Sir Muhammad Iqbal's presidential address in Allahabad introduces the two-nation theory and outlines a vision for the creation of Pakistan.

    About the surname Väderhatt

    The Family tree Homs publication was prepared by .contact the author
    When copying data from this family tree, please include a reference to the origin:
    George Homs, "Family tree Homs", database, Genealogy Online ( : accessed September 24, 2024), "Erik «Weatherhat» "Anundsson is probably the correct form of the patronym." Väderhatt king of Sweden (± 849-± 906)".