{geni:job_title} King of Ireland
He has/had a relationship with Teia Tephi.
Thirty-fourth King of Ireland live 250 years
{geni:occupation} 34th MONARCH of IRELAND; aka Siorna Saogalach, King of Ireland
{geni:about_me} He was 34th High King of Ireland. He obtained the nickname "Saoghalach" on account of his extraordinary long life; slain at Aillin, by Rotheachta, of the Line of Heber Fionn, who usurped the Monarchy, who thereby excluded Siorna's son from the throne.
He was the 34th Monarch. He was called "Saoghalach" on account of his long life. He was slain by Rotheachta, who usurped the Monarchy. He was of the line of Heber Fionn.
He was the 34th Monarch. He was called "Saoghalach" on account of his long life. He was slain by Rotheachta, who usurped the Monarchy. He was of the line of Heber Fionn.
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