Family tree Goffin, Bingelrade » Ancestors of Johannes Wilhelmus Theunissen

Generation 1


Johannes Wilhelmus Theunissen, son of Jan Mathijs Theunissen follow 2 en Anna Maria Catharina Meex follow 3, was born on August 3, 1896 in Schinveld, Limburg, Nederland. He is on July 14, 1922 landbouwer by profession. Johannes Wilhelmus died at the age of 65 on December 10, 1961 in Brunssum, Limburg, Nederland.

Generation 2


Jan Mathijs Theunissen, son of Theodorus Theunissen follow 4 en Anna Elisabeth Mols follow 5, was born on April 17, 1871 in Schinveld, Limburg, Nederland. He is on July 14, 1922 landbouwer by profession. Jan Mathijs died at the age of 89 on January 8, 1961 in Schinveld, Limburg, Nederland.


Anna Maria Catharina Meex, daughter of Jan Willem Meex follow 6 en Maria Elisabeth Joosten follow 7, was born on June 28, 1871 in Heerlen, Limburg, Nederland. Anna Maria Catharina died at the age of 74 on April 14, 1946 in Schinveld, Limburg, Nederland.

Generation 3


Theodorus Theunissen, son of Petrus Antonius Theunissen follow 8 en Maria Elisabeth Stevens follow 9, was born on October 14, 1826 in Schinveld, Limburg, Nederland. Theodorus died at the age of 47 on June 20, 1874 in Schinveld, Limburg, Nederland.


Anna Elisabeth Mols, daughter of Antonius Mols follow 10 en Maria Agnes Herings follow 11, was born on June 18, 1834 in Schinveld, Limburg, Nederland and was baptized. Anna Elisabeth died at the age of 79 on May 11, 1914 in Schinveld, Limburg, Nederland.


Jan Willem Meex, son of Jan Mathijs Meex follow 12 en Elisabeth Catharine Lemmens follow 13, was born on May 15, 1846 in Voerendaal, Limburg, Nederland and was baptized. Jan Willem died at the age of 50 on September 6, 1896 in Brunssum, Limburg, Nederland.


Maria Elisabeth Joosten, daughter of Peter Joseph Joosten follow 14 en Anna Maria Bex follow 15, was born 1839 and was baptized. Maria Elisabeth died on February 14, 1912 in Brunssum, Limburg, Nederland.

Generation 4


Petrus Antonius Theunissen, son of Petrus Theunissen follow 16 en Maria Catharina Knoken follow 17, was baptized on May 5, 1787 in Schinveld, Limburg, Nederland. He is landbouwer by profession. Petrus Antonius died on February 4, 1862 in Schinveld, Limburg, Nederland.


Maria Elisabeth Stevens, daughter of Hermanus Stevens follow 18 en Petronella Dijks follow 19, was born on May 6, 1784 in Havert, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Duitsland. Maria Elisabeth died at the age of 66 on March 23, 1851 in Schinveld, Limburg, Nederland.


Antonius Mols, son of Pieter Joseph Mols follow 20 en (Anna) (Maria) Elisabeth Ubaghs follow 21, was born on January 30, 1808 in Schinveld, Limburg, Nederland and was baptized. Antonius died at the age of 81 on May 11, 1889 in Schinveld, Limburg, Nederland.


Maria Agnes Herings, daughter of Joannes Mathias Herings follow 22 en Joanna Catharina Reiners follow 23, was born on April 13, 1800 in Schinveld, Limburg, Nederland and was baptized. Maria Agnes died at the age of 50 on May 3, 1850 in Schinveld, Limburg, Nederland.


Jan Mathijs Meex, son of Simon Meex follow 24 en Anna Elisabeth Cremers follow 25, was born on November 27, 1811 in Wijnandsrade, Limburg, Nederland and was baptized.


Elisabeth Catharine Lemmens, daughter of Theodor Lemmens follow 26 en Anna Elisabeth Meessen follow 27, was born on May 6, 1808 in Voerendaal, Limburg, Nederland and was baptized.


Peter Joseph Joosten, son of Jan Willem Joosten follow 28 en Joanna Catharina Pischers follow 29, was born on July 6, 1806 in Brunssum, Limburg, Nederland and was baptized. He is July 1859 in Brunssum, Limburg, Nederland landbouwer, April 1874 in Brunssum, Limburg, Nederland landbouwer and May 1872 in Brunssum, Limburg, Nederland landbouwer by profession. Peter Joseph died at the age of 75 on June 20, 1882 in Brunssum, Limburg, Nederland.


Anna Maria Bex, daughter of Jan Willem Bex follow 30 en Maria Elisabeth Raven follow 31, was born on September 18, 1805 in Brunssum, Limburg, Nederland and was baptized. She is May 1872 z and April 1874 in Brunssum, Limburg, Nederland landbouwster by profession. Anna Maria died at the age of 76 on June 22, 1882 in Brunssum, Limburg, Nederland.

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